Monday, June 19, 2017

Althea Beauty Box: W.Lab Box + First Impression

Hi everyone! I apologize for the delayed post, I should've done this post last month *sigh. Like I explained on my last Instagram photo's caption, these past months have been so busyyyy for me; especially for my personal life things (the reason will be revealed soon, just wait for it!). Not complaining though :'D only need more sleep huhu. My main job and deadlines are also chasing me like crazy, good thing I still can survive until today LOL.

Anyway, I'm back with another unboxing post featuring Althea Korea! :)
Again, this post is another collaboration between Althea Korea and Surabaya Beauty Blogger, thank you ♥♥♥

Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review, Xiao Vee, Shelviana Handoko

This time I got a curated Althea Box, with all W. Lab products inside. Since I'm in mood to write a post in English (tapi masih tetap ada penjelasan Bahasa Indonesianya kok), let's just get started :D

I got this package around 1.5 months ago. I will show you what's I got inside and what's my first impression about them! :) I noticed that Althea's signature pink wrapping plastic is now printed with scattered makeup icons on the surface, so cute! ♥
Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review

Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review

There's 5 makeup products and 1 skin care product inside.. Actual total price for these products are around IDR 2 millions and you only needed to pay around IDR 350,000 to redeem this box, insane isn't it?? (Well, I can't encourage you to grab this box, since it's sold out last month; but you can always keep your eyes peeled for next Althea boxes :D).
Okayy, without further ado... Let's take a look one by one :D

Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review


1. W.Lab Sebum Out Peel Off Pack
2. W.Lab One Day Coating Tint
3. W.Lab Sebum Out Finish Powder
4. W.Lab W-Snow BB Cushion
5. W.Lab Clear Finish Gel Liner
6. W.Lab Twinkle Glam Eyes


Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review, W. Lab Sebum Out Peel Off Pack

1. W.Lab Sebum Out Peel Off Pack
Price / Harga: IDR 310,000

Wanna get rid of annoying blackheads? This product is might for you! I heard many good reviews about this peel off pack recently and I couldn't wait to try this peel off mask.
Though, I'm not so into Peel Off Mask product, I always love the weird sensation when peeling the mask off the skin :D It has sticky, thick texture and a bit difficult to blend, and it dries pretty fast. TIPS FROM ME: Try to apply the mask after evaporated the skin, apply the mask in quite thick amount and avoid hairy areas on your face.
Since I don't really have problem with blackheads and whiteheads, I didn't see any difference between before and after application. But yes, my skin feels smooth afterwards :D

Cari produk yang bisa membasmi komedo nyebelin? Cobain deh produk ini. Sebelumnya aku udah denger review-review bagus tentang masker komedo ini, dan aku ngga sabar untuk mencobanya.
Meski aku bukan orang yang gitu suka pake masker peel off (yang dikupas / dikelentek) kayak gini, aku tetep suka sih sama sensasi aneh pas maskernya mulai dilepas dari kulitku; semacam perasaan yang geli sekaligus agak kesakitan (kalo maskernya di area yang banyak rambut halus). Tekstur masker ini lengket, tebal, agak susah diratakan di wajah dan kering cepet banget. TIPS DARIKU: Cobalah untuk mengaplikasikan masker setelah muka disteam (diuap), aplikasikan cukup tebal, dan hindari area kulit yang banyak rambut halusnya.
Berhubung aku sendiri ngga gitu punya masalah dengan komedo, jadi aku ngga ngerasain ada perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan masker ini. Tapiii.. kulitku terasa jadi lebih halus setelah pemakaian :D

 Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review, W. Lab One Day Coating Tint Review

2. W.Lab One Day Coating Tint #03 Fashionable
Price / Harga: IDR 174,700

Say yay for orange color! I always think that orange is a suitable color for summer, and it's really refreshing :D I got W.Lab One Day Coating Tint in 03 Fashionable, and when I tried it out; I'm super impressed with its vivid color. It glides smoothly on my lips, moisturizing, doesn't accentuate fine lines on my lips, and gives shiny finish (and also satin, after blotted). Its applicator eases the application and it smells like orange candy! ^_^ Sadly it's not transfer-proof, but it lasts quite long, without eating and drinking.

Yukk mareee sekali-sekali cobain warna oranye :P Menurutku warna oranye itu cocok banget untuk musim panas dan seger banget diliatnya :D Kali ini aku dapat W.Lab One Day Coating Tint warna  03 Fashionable, dan pas aku cobain; aku terkesan banget sama warna nya yang super pigmented dan pekat. Lip Tint nya melembabkan, ngga menonjolkan kerutan di bibir, dan hasil akhirnya mengkilat dan setelah diblot jadi satin. Aplikatornya enak dipake dan wangi tint ini kayak permen rasa jeruk ^_^ Sedihnya tint ini ngga transfer-proof tapi lumayan awet di bibir kalau tanpa makan dan minum.

 Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review, W. Lab Sebum Out Finish Powder Review, W. Lab Translucent Powder Review

3. W.Lab Sebum Out Finish Powder
Price / Harga: IDR 73,900

The best translucent powder (or loose powder) that I've ever tried so far! Its purpose is to absorb excessive sebum, cover up enlarged pores and set the base makeup. It has really fine powder texture, able to absorb sebum and makes my makeup lasts all day :D
It's also easy to use, practical and travel friendly. One of my favorites from this box ♥♥♥

Suwer ini bedak transparan terbaik yang pernah aku cobain :O Fungsi utamanya adalah untuk menyerap kelebihan minyak, menutupi pori-pori dan nge-set makeup di wajah. Tekstur bedak tabur ini sangat halus, mampu menyerap kelebihan minyak di kulitku dan beneran bikin makeupku tahan seharian :D Produk ini mudah digunakan, dan praktis dibawa travelling. Satu satu produk favoritku dari box ini ♥♥♥

 Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review, W. Lab W-Snow BB Cushion Review, W. Lab Cushion Review

4. W.Lab W-Snow BB Cushion #23 Cotton Beige
Price / Harga: IDR 230,000

It's claimed as a cushion with perfect oil control and flawless coverage, with whitening, wrinkle-free and sun block functions that authorized by KFDA.
Well, I always love the convenience of BB Cushion and to be honest, this cushion is quite nice. It smells nice, and has buildable light-medium coverage. The only thing that I don't really like is only the amount of BB cream that I can take up, when I press the puff onto the cushion. It's like the cushion already absorbed whole BB cream, LOL :'D
It has matte finish and matches to my skin tone, but the oil control is not so good; as it only lasted for around 4-5 hours on my skin.

Cushion ini diklaim mampu menahan minyak di wajah secara sempurna, memberikan coverage halus dengan fungsi mencerahkan, mengurangi kerutan dan perlindungan kulit terhadap sinar matahari, dan juga sudah diotorisasi oleh FDA Korea.
Hmm, aku sendiri sangat suka dengan kepraktisan dari BB Cushion dan menurutku cushion ini lumayan oke. Wanginya enak dan memiliki coverage yang ringan ke medium, tapi masih bisa di-build. Satu hal yang aku kurang suka dari cushion ini adalah BB cream nya yang susah diambil dari cushionnya. Pas aku press puff ke cushionnya, kayak BB creamnya itu susah nempel ke puff gitu lho. Jangan-jangan cushionnya udah nyerap semua BB cream, jadi susah diambil haha :'D
Finishingnya matte, cocok pada warna kulitku, namun oil controlnya ngga gitu bagus; karena produk ini cuma bisa bertahan 4-5 jam pada kulitku.

 Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Korean Brand Review, W. Lab Clear Finish Gel Liner Review, W. Lab Eyeliner Review

5. W.Lab Clear Finish Gel Liner
Price / Harga: IDR 220.000

It has 3 different shades: Deep Brown, Glam Brown and Matt Black; while I got mine in Matt Black. This product is consist of gel liner in pencil form, sharpener and eyeliner brush. It has soft texture and glides smoothly on my eyelids. Its color is really opaque, and can lasts all day. Though there's sharpener and brush attached, I don't feel like they're really helpful; as the sharpener can't sharpen the eyeliner neatly and the brush doesn't help elongate the edges of eyeliner (the eyeliner dries quickly and you ain't have time to elongate the eyeliner to make winged-eyeliner). Though this product is quite pricey, it's smudgeproof and has good quality. 
Overall, this product is another favorite of mine, from this box :D

Ada 3 warna dari eyeliner ini, yakin Deep Brown, Glam Brown dan Matt Black. Warna eyeliner yang aku punya adalah Matt Black.
Produk ini terdiri dari 3 bagian, yaitu gel liner yang berbentuk pensil, rautan dan kuas eyeliner. Gel liner ini teksturnya empuk dan gampang dipakenya. Warnanya kereng dan lumayan awet seharian. Sayangnya meski ada rautan dan kuasnya, aku merasa mereka kurang berfungsi dengan baik. Pas dipulas akan langsung nge-set, jadi ngga ada waktu bagi kuasnya untuk memanjangkan eyeliner. Rautannya juga kurang bisa meraut dengan rapi, jadi hasilnya ngga gitu runcing.
Meskipun harganya cukup mahal, tapi eyeliner ini smudgeproof dan punya kualitas yang bagus. Secara keseluruhan, ini produk kedua favoritku dari box ini :D

 Althea Korea, Althea Beauty Box Review, Althea Box Review, Althea Special Box Review, Althea W.Lab, W. Lab Review, W. Lab Twinkle Glam Eyes Review, W. Lab Eyeshadow Review

6. W.Lab Twinkle Glam Eyes
Price / Harga: IDR 170,000

The last product in the box is a shimmery loose eyeshadow that suitable for glam makeup look. It has 6 shades: Glam Beige, Glam Blond, Glam Chocola, Glam Gold and Glam Raspberry; while mine is in Glam Gold (I thought it's bronze at first).
It has smooth texture and easy to blend. I usually take up the eyeshadow with cotton bud, spread onto my eyelid and blend it out. So practical and gives instant glam to makeup look :D

Produk trakir dalam box adalah eyeshadow bubuk shimmer (berkilau) yang cocok untuk makeup pesta. Eyeshadow ini tersedia dalam 6 warna: Glam Beige, Glam Blond, Glam Chocola, Glam Gold dan Glam Raspberry. Aku dapetnya yang Glam Gold (aku kira pertamanya ini warna Bronze lho).
Teksturnya lembut dan mudah dibaurkan. Aku biasanya mengambil eyeshadow ini dengan cotton bud, memulaskannya ke eyelid ku dan membaurkannya. Praktis dan bisa kasih efek glamor yang instan :D

I think that's all! If you want me to share my detailed review regarding to any item from this W.Lab Box, please let me know ;)
Thanks for reading and have a nice day~

Baca juga: Cari produk yang aman untuk mencerahkan kulit? Wajib coba skin care ini


  1. I adore your blog! Mau kaaak mau tauuu review lebih mendalamnya! Barangnya okeoke kayaknya ya <3 Kalau tidak keberatan, di cek yah kak and leave some comment too, thankyou so much <3

    1. okee I'll try to review them one by one soon yaa ^^ <3


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