
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen #Red [review]

Hi guys! It's been a while since I wrote in English :D I started to write this review in English because this product is from Korea, distributed internationally by Charis, and I think some of you (my international readers) want to read this review
Ok, as far as I could remember, this is my first time reviewing about lip tattoo :D I do not think this trend will be fade soon, because lip tint in tattoo form is such an innovation, and more people should get to know about this kind of lip product ^_^ This product is from Wangskin, named Lip Tatto Pen with shade Red.

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review

It has simple yet attractive design. Its colors are dominated with black and red, with lips shape on the front and box. As you can see it has twist-cap and packed in plastic tube. Quite convenient and travel friendly, but it also has some issue that I'll reveal on the next paragraph :D

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review
click to enlarge the images | Ingredients list

(Because there's no English descriptions on the box, I will describe it by myself :'D)
Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen is a affordable-long-lasting lip tint in tattoo form. It's made in Korea, easy to use and waterproof and transferproof.

Content: 15gr
Price: Special price on CHARIS

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review
It has tilted applicator that easy to control. I recommend you to use lip brush if you want to achieve fuller lip result, because if you only use fingers, it will turns out quite messy ^_^;;


Look how pigmented the color is...

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review, wangskin lip tattoo swatch
Texture & Scent
For the texture, it's quite sticky and tacky. Once you applied it on your lips, you shouldn't press your lips because it will "glue-up" your upper lip and bottom lip ^_^;; But it has nice berry scent that not overwhelming :D

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review, wangskin lip tattoo swatch, Xiao Vee, Shelviana Handoko, Xiao Vee Blogger, Shelvi Blogger, Charis Celeb
I only use my ring finger to apply it on my inner lips, as I want to achieve ombre lips :D

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review, wangskin lip tattoo swatch, Xiao Vee, Shelviana Handoko, Xiao Vee Blogger, Shelvi Blogger, Charis Celeb
I peel it off after few minutes, for better result you may wait for around 10-20 minutes (again, don't forget to open your mouth during the prodcess)

I made it ombre lips for natural look 

It has beautiful red color, isn't it? I barely use red colored-lip products for my daily activities, but the result is just lovely! Actually this Wangskin Lip Tattoo also available in pink and orange colors. I impressed how moisturizing it is :D It doesn't accentuate my lips' fine lines and I still can top it with lip balm for extra moisture. It lasts for around 3-5 hours on my lips

Wangskin Lip Tattoo Pen review, wangskin review, wangskin korea, wangskin korea review, wangskin lip tattoo swatch, Xiao Vee, Shelviana Handoko, Xiao Vee Blogger, Shelvi Blogger, Charis Celeb
What do you think with the result? :D

What I like (+)
+ Available in 3 colors
+ Long lasting
+ Natural result
+ Pigmented
+ Nice scent
+ Easy too use

What I dislike (-)
- Quite sticky
- Can be messy without lip brush

You may get this product through CHARIS' WEBSITE
Don't worry they only sell authentic korean products with discounted prices :)

I think that's all! Thanks for reading guys ^_^
Have a nice day


  1. I try this too, and I love the result 😍

  2. Aku belum pernah nyobain lip tint produk yang makenya di peel off.. Kayaknya lucu uga buat dicoba.. #kbbvmember

  3. wah kamu dapat yang merah ya, aku dapat yang pink, ternyata yang merahnya juga bagus ya hasil akhirnya #kbbvmember

  4. Aku sudah beberapa kali baca review produk ini tapi yang warna pink. Ternyata yang warna merah bagus juga yaa #kbbvmember

  5. waah aku juga punya nih si wangskin dari charis.. warna nya tapi yg pink.. :D


  6. Produknya unik ya. Hasilnya juga jadi natural.. #kbbvmember

  7. Aku sampe sekarang masih ragu mau coba produk beginian karena takut sakit pas dikelupasnya. Hahahaha. Receh banget ya aku? #KBBVmember

  8. lo di kamu jadinya radak pinky gitu, tapi tetep apik yaa #kbbvmember

  9. Wahh lip tattoo lagi banyak yg keluarin nih yaaa. Hasil ombre nya bagus banget bener2 natural yaaa..


  10. waaaah kamu dapet yang merah ya beb, aku kemarin ambil yang pink, tapi ko kayanya yg merah ini bagus juga ya, jadi penasaran sama yang merah dan yg orange :D

    Demia from Kembanggularoom

  11. Aku suka ngt sama omre lips kayaknya pengen beli niy #kbbvmember

  12. Aku belum pernah pake lip tatoo~
    Sesekali boleh dicoba

  13. Wah aq dpt yg pink ci, cocok banget ya di jadikan gradient lip ala kpop hihihi #kbbvmember

  14. Langsung jd seger gtuww yaa, syukaaa...


  15. Gemes sih pngen pake lip tattoonya tapi males nunggu waktu buat ngelupasnya, hihii

  16. Warnanya bikin wajah terlihat lbh cerah ya bagus #kbbvmember

  17. Love the finish natural, looking good on you beb #kbbvmember


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