
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Althea Beauty Box: Mermaid Box + First Impression

Hi everyone! Last month Althea and Surabaya Beauty Bloggers spoiled me again with their latest collaboration and I got an opportunity to get a ALTHEA BEAUTY BOX ♥♥
FYI, Althea Beauty Box is sort of a box that filled with staffs' picks and their box contains interesting and varied goodies with many different themes. Meanwhile my box is named MERMAID BOX.

The idea of this Beauty Box is like a conventional subscription beauty box concept, but if we want to buy the beauty box we don't need to subscribe monthly. Althea allow us to peek the content of each box and let us decide whenever we like to buy. With super deal price and all FULL-SIZE products ♥♥ I have a friend who almost bought every beauty box that Althea sells, because they're all so irresistible XD

In this post I will show you the products that I've received one by one, along with my first impression for each of the products. Since majority of the products are quite new (or still unfamiliar) I will write my opinion in English and Bahasa Indonesia, so that my International readers and Indonesian readers can understand it well :D

Without further ado, let's open this box!

I just realized a while ago that Althea regular box is also has some types of size. When I received the box in my mail, I was surprised with the size (I guess it's the large box) and it's so heavy :O
Anyway, at that moment I was also watching Korean Drama "The Legend of the Blue Sea" and I was much captivated with Jun Ji-Hyun's role as the mermaid, so I couldn't wait to see what's inside the box ^__^

And let's open it..... TARAAA~~

It's bundled up in bubble wrap nicely

Btw sebenarnya untuk harga total dari semua produk ini kalau dibeli secara terpisah, berkisar antara Rp 2.200.000, dan kalau beli di Althea dalam edisi box kita hanya perlu bayar Rp 394.000 lhooo... Gila ngga tuh? o__o udah free ongkir lagi...
Memang edisi Mermaid Box ini udah sold out sih, tapi kalian bisa beli Althea Box yang lain (yang isinya ngga kalah menarik dan harganya sangat ekstrim hematnya) di aplikasi Althea di smartphone kalian masing-masing.

So I got 7 products inside the box, and I will show you one by one ^__^

1. Chica Y Chico: Urban Princess Mask

Descriptions: Get Mermaid's Glow in a minute.
Contains multiple complex including seaweed, pearl, and hyaluronic acid that gives a surge of moisture to your skin instantly. The water essence type sheet mask doesn't leave any greasiness but will turn you into a little mermaid

First impression & short review: 
It contains rich and abundant essence inside. It also has superior sheet quality, much different with common sheet mask that I've tried. It's more like thin and durable cloth that makes my skin comfortable.
During the application, I almost didn't feel itch on my skin (usually I feel quite itchy whenever I use Korean Sheet Mask). After application, my skin become much suppler and the next morning my two pimples got ripe instantly and I'm so impressed :O

Kesan & Review singkat: 
Essencenya kental dan banyak. Kualitas sheetnya juga beda sama biasa, kalo biasanya mask sheet cuma kayak kertas gitu, ini lebih kayak kain tipis yang enak banget dipakenya :D
Pas dipake minim banget kerasa gatel-gatelnya (biasanya mask sheet Korea sering bikin kulitku terasa jadi gatel). Setelah dipake kulit jadi lembab, dan keesokan paginya 2 jerawatku di dahi dan dagu jd mateng O_O Ngga tau ini kebetulan ato ngga sih, tp seneng aja jerawatku langsung pergi hehe.

2. Son & Park: Beauty Water

Descriptions: Best-selling hydrating beauty water
It removes even the least makeup residue or dead skin cells for a clearer canvas. Not only it is a toner, it hydrates your skin for a perfect base makeup.

First impression & short review:
This beauty water is so refreshing and helps a lot to remove dirt and makeup residue on my face. I use this beauty water as a toner and after application it doesn't feel sticky or anything. My skin feels smooth instantly :D It smells like ginger candy, but there's no sting effect at all. I quite love its scent! :D
I think the only downside so far is only the cap... I personally prefer flip top cap, because I'm quite impatient to open twist cap like this one :P

Kesan & review pendek: 
Beauty Water ini terasa sangat menyegarkan pas dipake. Berguna banget untuk mengangkat sisa-sisa kotoran di wajah (sebagai toner sebelum skin care lain) dan setelah dipake kulit ngga lengket dan langsung matte. Kulit terasa instant smooth dan enak dipegang-pegang :D
Untuk wanginya sekilas kayak permen jahe, tapi ngga ada efek pedes atau menyengat sama sekali. Baunya termasuk soft sih dan aku suka banget.
Kekurangannya mungkin tutupnya ya.. Aku lebih suka tutup yang flip top dari pada model ulir gini, soalnya aku orangnya agak ngga sabaran kalo buka tutup ulir haha :P

3. CFC: Argan Glow Hair Oil

Descriptions: For your mermaid silky hair. 
The hair serum quickly absorbs to your hair for extra protection. Treat your dry hair and split ends, and get Mermaid Hair Shine!

First impression & short review: 
I swear this hair oil smells so heavenly good ♥♥ It smells nice but not overwhelming :D Its texture isn't too thick, absorbs into hair strands fast without leaving greasy feeling. For my thick and medium long hair, I need 4x pumps. After application my hair feels so smooothhhh. ♥♥♥♥
The only downside that crossed in my mind is: the short-shaped-pump that doesn't allow me to pump the hair oil while the bottle is placed on the table. I must carry the bottle and tilt it before pump, in order to prevent any spill out :s

Kesan & review pendek: 
Suweerrr ini wanginya enak bangeett ♥♥ harum tapi ngga nyegrak dan ngga bikin pusing. Tekstur minyak rambutnya ngga terlalu kental, cepat terserap di helaian rambut, dan ngga bikin lepek :D Untuk rambutku yang panjang dan tebal, aku cukup pake 4x pompa. Rambutku jd halus banget setelah pake argan oil ini ♥♥♥♥
Mungkn satu hal yg aku ngga suka adalah ujung pompanya yang terlalu pendek sehingga aku kesulitan mencet kalau pas botolnya di atas meja. Jadinya aku harus angkat botolnya dan dimiringkan sedikit biar oilnya ngga meleber ke tutup botol.

4. Chica Y Chico: Skin Glow Essence

Descriptions: Turn on the lights! It's a brightening complex with pearl extract and 9 botanical formula creates a iridescent effect to your skin. Germination seed bacillus nourishes and clarifies your skin for a natural glow.

First impression & short review: 
This makeup base has quite thick texture but still easy to blend. It has quite strong fragrance and might a bit overwhelming for people who sensitive with fragrance. After application and the essence got absorbed, skin will be look dewy and glowing. After foundation applicaton, my skin became glowy dan semi matte :D Anyway this makeup base is a bit sticky but still tolerable. I can't say anything about its longevity because I still need more time to test it out :)

Kesan & review pendek: 
Teksturnya cukup kental tapi gampang diblend. Makeup base ini wanginya agak kuat dan mungkin agak sedikit nyegrak buat yg hidungnya sensitif. Setelah diaplikasikan dan terserap permukaan kulit akan jadi semi dewy. 
Kalo pake base ini sebelum pake foundation maka kulit agak keliatan glowy tapi semi matte :D Ngomong-ngomong makeup base ini agak sedikit lengket tapi masih bisa ditolerir. Untuk daya tahan belum tau karena butuh waktu yang lebih untuk mencobanya :)

5. Tony Moly: Luminous Goddess Aura Crystal Light

Descriptions: Create an ethereal glow for a perfectly alluring makeup look.
It's a liquid type highlighter with skin shining complex (contains of pearl, amethyst, and diamond extract) illuminates your complexion. Applied to the highest points of your face, get and edgier look. Extra sheen is a bonus.

First impression & short review: 
This liquid highlighter is able to be used after makeup base and before foundation, or after foundation; to add glowing effect on face :D
Since this highlight has pink shimmer color, the result will be look faint glow pink shimmery.
It has thick texture and quite sticky. Easy to blend and generates semi matte result after topped with foundation (a bit more matte than Skin Glow above).

Kesan & review pendek: 
Highlighter cair ini bisa dipake setelah make up base dan sebelum foundation, atau setelah foundation; atau untuk menambah efek glowing :D
Karena highlighter ini warnanya pink jadi nanti hasilnya akan nampak pink shimmer tipis-tipis gitu.
Highlighter ini teksturnya kental dan agak lengket. Mudah dibaurkan dan setelah ditumpuk foundation hasilnya akan glowing semi matte (tapi lebih matte sedikit drpd skin glow).

6. Witch's Pouch: Real Skin Moisture Ampoule Base

Descriptions: First step for your base makeup! It contains 24k Gold Powder to calm down any irritation and give extra nourishment. Make your base perfectly fit to your skin, while applying a surge of moisture at the same time

First impression & short review: 
This makeup base has not so thick texture (a bit runny, I might say) and blendable easily on my skin. After application, it doesn't feel sticky and it adsorbs quickly into skin. This Ampoule Base has faith scent that doesn't bother me at all. How about the gold flakes? Most of the gold flakes will dissolve during the application, only leaving a bit residue on skin.
 I can't say anything about its longevity because I still need more time to test it out :)

Kesan & review pendek: 
Makeup base ini memiliki tekstur yang tidak terlalu kental, cenderung encer dan gampang dibaurkan di kulit. Setelah pengaplikasian terasa tidak lengket dan setelah terserap ke kulit hasilnya matte. 
Produk ini memiliki wangi samar-samar dan tidak mengganggu. Serpihan emas nya akan langsung leleh saat diratakan di kulit (tapi masih ada sedikit serpihan yang tersisa sih). Untuk daya tahan belum tau karena butuh waktu yang lebih untuk mencobanya :)

7. Rire: Lucent White Pearl Cream

Descriptions: For pearly translucent skin tone!
It's a combination of pearl extract and powder helps you get radiant, glowy skin. It gives a pearly shine for a fresher look

First impression & short review:
This cream has really unique concept. The cream is packed in small white pearls inside jar, which is really pretty :D So how to use it? Pick some pearls using spatula and crush the pearls on the palm of your hand. The crushed pearls will melt when we blend onto skin. The concept is really innovative, but it's so inconvenient and impractical for me :') I need 2 pieces of pearl for whole face.
The after-application feeling is between matte and sticky.

Kesan & review pendek: 
Jadi cream ini bener-bener unik, cream di dalamnya dikemas dalam bentuk mutiara-mutiara yang cantik banget :D Terus gimana cara pakenya? Tinggal ambil mutiaranya pake spatula dan dihancurkan di telapak tangan. Mutiaranya akan berubah menjadi cream bertekstur agak padat yang akan meleleh pas dioleskan ke wajah. Konsepnya lucu sih, tapi ngga praktis dan rada ribet untuk pakenya :') Untuk seluruh wajah aku butuh 2 mutiara.
Setelah pengaplikasian kulitku tidak terasa lengket tapi juga tidak matte.

Overall they're all good products and hopefully I can post the more detailed reviews soon ^__^
My favorite so far is CFC Lab Argan Hair Oil :P hehe.
Thank you for reading and have a nice weekdays everyone!

PS: Jangan lupa untuk membaca tutorial untuk order Althea via App supaya kalian juga bisa beli beauty box yang isinya kece kayak punyaku :D


  1. no waaaayyyyy ada beauty water sama argan oil nya. kyaaa!

  2. Mostly skincare ya box edisi mermaidnya. Penasaran sama son&park beauty water yg lg happening bgt lately��

  3. How lucky banget ci bisa dapet box yg ini udh gitu cepet banget waktu itu sold outnya. Bener Bener beauty box nya Althea worth to buy banget yaaa beberapa item harganya cuma 300 -400. Lama lama bangkrut ya belanja mulu hihi


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