Hello everyone! Have you heard about a Korean Cosmetic Brand named Olivarrier? So many Korean Brands that growing in cosmetic industry these past years and I can't even catch them up OMG. Luckily I got to know this product because I was chosen to be one of many content editors for this product, thank you 0.8 Liter Indonesia! :) This product is named Olivarrier Gentle Glow Seed Polishing Mask.
First of all, I had zero knowledge regarding this brand and its product when I received this product. Later on I tried out this wash off face mask for around 4-5x before writing down this review for you.
Halo semua! Kalian pernah denger ngga tentang merk korea yang namanya Olivarrier? Kalo ngga pernah denger sih wajar, soalnya namanya belum familiar di Indonesia sih. Bahkan saking banyaknya merk kosmetik korea yang beredar di seluruh dunia, aku sampe ngga bisa ngikutin perkembangan jaman ^_^;; Untungnya aku bisa cobain produk satu ini dari @0.8l_indonesia (Instagram) karena aku terpilih jadi salah satu dari sekian banyak editor untuk review produk satu ini. Makasih 0,8L Indonesia :) Produk ini namanya Olivarrier Gentle Glow Seed Polishing Mask. Apa sih kegunaan produk ini? Aku akhirnya bisa nulis review ini juga setelah mencobanya 4-5 kali :D
This face mask is made with sturdy plastic material, comes with spatula and having separator inside the cap to preserve the hygiene. The jar itself has super simple design and dominated with gray and white color :D
Kemasan // Kemasan masker muka ini berbahan plastik yang tebal, disertai dengan spatula (untuk menyendok maskernya) dan ada plastik pemisah antara masker dan tutupnya agar lebih steril. Wadahnya sendiri didesain sangat sederhana dan didominasi warna abu-abu dan putih :D
Make me tight, make me soft.
Mild seed polishing mask for smooth and clear skin, removing dead skin cells and imputrities in the pore. Perfect for improving damaged skin. Contains Vitamin B5 derivative D-Panthenol, Madecassoside with excellent calming effect and Allantoin will help recover the sensitive skin. Protecting skin barrier with weak acide base pH 5.5. Without unnecessary stimulation or damaging skin lipids Hypo-Allergenic will help to protect the skin barrier from the harmful environment.
For Dry & Sensitive Skin.
- Chemical Preservatives Free (Paraben, Phenoxyethanol)
- Fragrance Free
- Coloring Agent Free
- Dermatologically tested
Volume: 75g
Price: 22,000원 / $18
Deskripsi Produk // Masker wajah yang memiliki butiran biji pada maskernya untuk menghilangkan sel kulit mati, membersihkan kulit, membersihkan pori-pori dan menghaluskan kulit. Cocok untuk kulit sensitif dan kering. Bebas bahan kimia seperti paraben, phenoxyenthanol, pewangi, pewarna dan sudah teruju secara klinis.
Netto: 75gr
Harga: mungkin sekitar Rp 170.000 - 250.000
(aku sendiri belum tahu di Indonesia harganya berapa dan bisa beli dimana)
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Ingredients list (Daftar komposisi). Click for larger image |
Aside of excluding unnecessary ingredients like Chemical Preservatives Free (Paraben, Phenoxyethanol), Fragrance, Coloring Agent and Mineral Oil; this mask also contains fruit and vegetable extracts like Olive Squalene, Avocado, Cranberry, and Broccoli.
Komposisi // Daftar komposisi yang lengkap bisa dilihat di foto ya :) Yang jelas sih selain tidak mengandung bahan kimia yang tidak diperlukan kulit seperti paraben, phenoxyethanol, pewangi, pewarna dan juga mineral oil; masker ini juga mengandung ekstrak buah-buahan dan juga sayuran seperti zaitun, alpukat, cranberry dan brokoli.
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more information inside the box |
Directions / How to Use
After washing, apply the product evenly on the dry face (be gentle around eye and lip area) and rinse the mask off gently with warm water after 10-15 minutes.
Cara penggunaan // Setelah membersihkan muka dengan pembersih wajah, aplikasikan masker secara merata ke wajah yang sudah dikeringkan dengan handuk (hindari area mata dan bibir), tunggu 10-15 menit kemudian bilas dengan air hangat secara perlahan.
Texture & Scent
It has creamy grainy texture as it contains seed-like black particles mixed with light gray face mask. IMO it's kinda reminds me with cookies and cream ice cream ^_^ LOL. Because this face mask doesn't contains fragrance, it has no particular describable scent. But one thing for sure, this mask's natural scent isn't overwhelming and not bothering me at all :)
Tekstur & Wangi // Teksturnya sih kayak ice cream tapi sedikiiiiit kasar karena ada butiran hitam-hitamnya, dimana menurutku rada mirip sama es krim rasa cookies and cream ^_^ haha. Dan karena masker ini ga mengandung parfum, jadi bau alaminya itu rada susah dideskripsikan... tapi yang jelas sih baunya ngga ngganggu dan ngga nyegrak :)
Overall Thoughts
After using this mask regularly, my skin looks brighter, clearer, firmer and smoother. IMHO this mask doesn't make my skin look moist but doesn't dry out my skin as well. But thankfully it doesn't break out my skin ^_^ Yayy! I also tried on this mask on my sister and she also loves this produc (she even asked me if it is ok to use this product everyday LOL :P)
Kesimpulan // Setelah menggunakan masker ini secara rutin, wajahku nampak lebih cerah, bening, kencang dan juga halus. Menurutku sih masker ini ngga membuat kulitku nampak lebih lembab, tapi juga ngga bikin kulitku kering. Syukurlah kulitku cocok pake masker ini dan ngga bikin aku jadi jerawatan ato bruntusan ^_^ Yay! Aku juga cobain masker ini ke kakak ku dan dia juga suka banget sama masker ini (bahkan dia sampe tanya boleh pake masker ini tiap hari ngga :P haha).
Pros (+)
+ Makes my skin become brighter, clearer, firmer and smoother
+ Doesn't dry out my skin
+ Doesn't break out my skin
+ Not sticky texture
+ Include spatula in the box
+ Huge amount of mask for $18
Cons (-)
- Doesn't seem moisturize my skin
- Can't be used as a polishing scrub because the scrub particles are too small
- Hard to be found in Indonesia
So have you tried this mask as well? ^_^
Thanks for reading!
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