Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner [review] vs Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner

Hello everyoneeee~ So, if you have following me on Instagram (@shelvihan), probably you've known that my favorite liquid liner all the time is Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner! When I posted a shout out about that product on social media, friend of mine said that her favorite is the matte one. I instantly wondered which matte eyeliner from Maybelline that she referred to? O_o

Exactly 2 weeks ago I found this product in Indomaret and I was surprised that Maybelline released new liquid liner that has same formula with the glossy one. I was like.. WHAATTT I didn't know it!
Yup, this is a brief review for Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner

Hai semuaa~ Jadi kalau kalian follow Instagramku, mungkin kalian udah tau kalo eyeliner cair favoritku adalah Meybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner. Waktu aku post foto tentang eyeliner itu, temenku ada yang bilang kalo favoritnya adalah yang versi matte. Aku langsung terheran-heran, "emang ada ya yang versi matte?" O_o

2 minggu lalu aku nemu produk ni di Indomaret dan aku kaget karena telat tau kalo Maybelline ternyata punya eyeliner cair yang sama dengan Glossy (mengkilap) tapi yang ini versi Matte (tidak mengkilap). Akhirnya aku langsung beli (soalnya kebetulan yang Glossy udah mau habis dan kuasnya juga udah jelek) dan aku review di sini :D Namanya Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner!

Read also: Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner Review

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan

It has similar packaging with the Glossy one, but this one is combined with the white color and the lettering were printed with thin embossed; make the lettering will be likely hard to fade compare the glossy version.

Kemasan // Kemasannya mirip dengan yang versi Glossy, tapi yang ini warna bodynya putih hitam dan tulisannya juga dicetak di body eyelinernya, jadi beda dengan tulisan versi Glossy yang gampang ilang itu.

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan

On the back: simple technique how line your eyes nicely. It's okay if you do it if you're a beginner, but I don't recommend it to use the technique for good, because it will make your eyes area age faster :s Wrinkles!

Di belakang kemasannya ada keterangan teknik pake eyeliner dengan baik. Menurutku ngga apa sih kalo kamu narik ujung matamu dulu sebelum pake eyeliner, tapi takutnya ntar jadi kebiasaan dan bisa bikin kerutan dini lho.

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan

- Smudge proof, waterproof, heat proof
- First matte finish liquid liner from Maybelline in brush format
- Elongated, well rounded applicator handle for ease and comfort in application
- Slim brush to get the perfect amount of product for precise lining

Deskripsi Produk
- Tahan dari gosokan, tahan air, tahan panas
- Eyeliner kuas dengan hasil tidak mengkilap pertama dari Maybelline
- Pegangan tutup eyelinernya yang panjang memudahkan dalam mengaplikasikan eyeliner
- Kuasnya tipis sehingga bisa megaplikasikan eyeliner dengan presisi

Content / Isi: 3ml
Price / Harga: IDR 53.000

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan

The long handle make the application become less shaky and more manageable.
Pegangan dari tutupnya yang panjang memudahkan kita untuk mengaplikasikan eyeliner.

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan

Eyeliner Brush
Similar with the glossy one, Matte liquid liner is also has slim, long and flexible brush. The brush isn't harsh at all, and I don't find any difficulty when applying this eyeliner.

Kuas eyeliner // Sama dengan yang versi Glossy, versi Matte ini juga punya kuas yang panjang, ramping dan fleksibel. Kuasnya ngga keras sama sekali dan aku ngga merasa kesulitan waktu apply eyeliner ini.

Comparison side by side
Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner vs 
Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan, Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner vs Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner

Packaging: 100% same with the MATTE
Body color: Black
Lettering color: purple
Lettering quality: Easy to fade
Brush quality: same

Packaging: 100% same with the GLOSSY
Body color: Black & white
Lettering color: black
Lettering quality: Embossed nicely
Brush quality: same

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan, Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner vs Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner

Drying time: 2,5 - 3 minutes
Glossy finish

Drying time: 1 - 1,30 minutes
Matte finish

Swatch & Test!

Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan, Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner vs Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner

Both did an awesome job because they don't fade easily. Once they're fading, they didn't leave panda eyes trace but just flaking and disappeared :) Both are WATERPROOF, NOT REALLY SMUDGEPROOF but they really last all day long! :D

Baik yang Glossy (mengkilap) maupun yang Matte (tidak mengkilap); keduanya punya performa bagus karena awet seharian di mata. Pas mulai menghilang, ngga meninggalkan sisa-sisa hitam-hitam layaknya mata panda, tapi eyelinernya cuma terkelupas dan hilang :)
Keduanya waterpoof, ngga terlalu smudgeproof tapi bener-bener awet :D

Test on my eyes
Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner review, review eyeliner maybelline, eyeliner cair yang bagus, eyeliner cair yang mudah ditemukan, Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner vs Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner
See? It stayed still on my eyelids even after 7 hours, and only faded a bit ^___^
This liquid liner has become my new favorite now!

Seperti yang bisa kalian lihat, eyelinernya tetap nempel di kelopak mataku meski udah 7 jam, dan cuma hilang sedikit ^__^ Eyeliner cair Maybelline yang seharian jadi favoritku bangeett...

Pros (+)
+ Travel friendly
+ Doesn't cause panda eyes
+ Cheap
+ Easy to be found in drugstore / department store / minimarket
+ Long lasting

Cons (-)
- Not really smudegproof

Jadi, apa nih eyeliner cair favorit kalian?
So what's your favorite matte liquid liner? ^__^
Thanks for reading guys!


  1. Yuhuuu blog walking. Aku suka banget liquid liner, however havent tried any of these from Maybeline. Next time aku coba deh. Semoga di sini ada :) Sekarang aku pakai dari MaxFactor dan Manhattan.

    Salam kenal ya xx

    1. Halo :D salam kenal!
      Manhattan itu brand apa ya? Yang dari Maxfactor apa nih yang oke?
      Thx for stopping by xx

  2. Aku juga lagi ngincer yang matte ini shel tapi yang glossy aku malah belum cobain hahaha. Eyeliner favoriteku etude house oh m'eyeline itu lho. Bagus juga di aku hahaha. Tar jadi kepengen cobain yang glossy juga hihj.
    Nice review shel 😊👍

    1. aku belum pernah coba etude ituuu ce.. slalu kelupaan beli, dan lagi stok eyeliner masih banyak x_x
      thanks ce <3

  3. Jd skrg lebi suka yg mana Vee?
    Aku juga baru tau ada yg matte :D

    1. aku so far lbh suka yang matte sihh, meski lbh mahal sedikit rin XD

  4. Ihh.. aku lagi bingung cari eyeliner yang nyaman buat aku tp aku mau coba ini dehh . Thx ka


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