
Sunday, May 29, 2016


こんにちは! こんばんは!
Hello everyone~ Finally I just published Japan Haul video on my Youtube channel!
This video was postponed for weeks and I wish you can enjoy my simple video! ^__^

My shopping from Japan is consists of Snacks (lots of snacks!), Daiso stuff and Cosmetics. I think Daiso is one of my favorite shops in Japan because it sells 100 yen products! When I back to Japan next time, I will surely check Daiso first before anything else :D Because you almost can buy everything in Daiso! I really visited every Daiso shops that I've passed in Japan :p

Have a nice day~!

Friday, May 27, 2016

NYX Eye Shadow Base - White Pearl [review]

Halo semua~ Bulan Maret lalu lalu aku berkesempatan icip-icip eye shadow base dari NYX ini. Udah tau lama tentang eye shadow base ini sih, cuma belum kepikiran untuk coba karena biasanya pake eye shadow primer udah cukup. Tapi suatu hari dapet ini dari Sociolla (perks of being a #SociollaBlogger ^_^) dan langsung deh aku coba :D

Mungkin dari kalian ada yang tanya, apa sih beda nya eye shadow primer & eye shadow base? Sejujurnya sih memang agak membingungkan dan rancu bagi orang awam, tapi sebenarnya pemakaian eye primer itu sebelum eye base. Kalau eye primer itu sesuatu yang diaplikasikan ke kelopak mata agar eye shadow ngga cepet pudar dan tahan seharian; eye shadow base ini berguna untuk menetralisir atau mempertajam warna eyeshadow yang akan kita pake :) Bertahun-tahun lalu aku pernah pake NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil, dan mereka gunanya sama. Sama-sama eye shadow base. (Tapi karena dulu aku masih cupu soal dunia makeup, aku anggepnya pensil gendut itu eye shadow haha :p)

NYX review, NYX bahasa Indonesia review, NYX Eye shadow base review, NYX Review Indonesia

[So actually what's differences between eye shadow base & eye shadow base?
While eye shadow primer is something that ensures our makeup will stay on all day and won't crease, eye shadow base is something to enhance or neutralize eye shadow that we are about to apply. So apply eye primer first before eye base. I actually have ever tried another eye base from NYX few years ago, none other than NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil and they are basically work in same way.]

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Lashouse False Lashes [review]

Haiii semua! Kali ini aku mau bicara soal bulu mata palsu :D
Berbulan-bulan lalu (tepatnya tahun lalu) aku dikirimin 1 set false lashes milik LASHOUSE yang diproduksi di Indonesia. Thank you buat @san_makeup (Instagram) atas falsie ini dan maaf banget reviewnya kepending sangat lama T_T #ceburindirikelaut. Karena jujur review false lashes ini tantangan tersendiri buat aku, karena udah coba foto-foto beberapa sesi tapi hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Akhirnya setelah percobaan untuk yang entah ke berapa, akhirnya dapet foto-foto yang sesuai dengan keinginanku XD Finallyyy~

Lashouse False Lashes Review, Lashouse bulu mata palsu, Review bulu mata palsu Indonesia, bulu mata palsu Indonesia

Menurut deskripsi sih Tipe Dasha ini cocok buat yang matanya kecil, karena helaian rambutnya tidak terlalu panjang tapi lebat; sehingga menciptakan efek dramatis tanpa terkesan lebay. Cocok buat pergi pesta :D Kalo dipake buat sehari-hari sih gak mungkin yaa.. aku udah beberapa kali pake falsie ini buat ke pesta dan hasilnya aku suka.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Cottage White Peach Shower Gel [review]

Hello everyone~ I didn't realize that I've neglected this draft for more than a year. LOL. I was supposed to blog this last year XD So yea, I got this Cottage Shower Gel on 2014 through a giveaway and I was totally forgot about this product till I found it again last year :p hehe. Cottage itself came into Indonesian market since 2013. 

Cottage White Peach Shower Gel La Pêche Blanche, Cottage White Peach Shower Gel La Pêche Blanche Review, Cottage Milk Bath, Cottage Indonesia Review

Cottage is a brand from France, and as far as I know they are specializing themselves in body care products. Besides Shower Gel, they also have Happy Shower and Hand Cream :) Cottage is available in the most of Guardian in Indonesia, and they're available in Sephora Indonesia website online too (though their collection isn't complete yet).

Friday, May 13, 2016

Event Report: Surabaya Beauty Bloggers x MAKEOVER Gathering

Hello everyone~ these past days, internet connection in my boarding house is sucks; it's terribly slow and irritating -_- well thankfully I still can upload photos on my blog and continuing my post! Few days ago, Makeover Indonesia gathered most of Surabaya Beauty Bloggers to make a special event for us! :D We're so happy because we could seen each other after a long time (especially for me, my last event was 6 months ago LOL).

A while ago, Moniq from Makeover asked me about Surabaya Beauty Bloggers and intended to make a gathering to introduce their new products, I was very pleased with her idea and volunteered myself to collect contact my fellow bloggers and the girls responded positively :D I estimate the numbers of Beauty Bloggers in Surabaya is actually around 30-50 persons and Makeover invited 20 persons of them, included me :) Thank you Moniq & Makeover team for the invitations!

Makeover Indonesia, Make over Indonesia, Surabaya Beauty Blogger, Blogger Surabaya, Blogger Kecantikan Surabaya

The event itself was held at 1 May 2016, at Too Too Moo Cafe. A day before the event I was little bit worried of the traffic crowd, because the event was held on Labor Day; gladly the traffic wasn't as worse as I thought. I went to the location hurriedly after work (yes I also work on Sunday hehe) and I was so late @_@. When I stepped inside, most of bloggers were already there and Makeover Team was introducing themselves.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

TRIP TO SAPPORO JAPAN (Part 2): Doraemon Sky Park, Mt. Moiwa & Mt. Okura Winter Night View Tour

Hey guys! How's your day? As I promised before, now I present to you the activities that I did with my travel mate; Emma, during my 3 days and 2 nights in Sapporo! :D After we arrived at New Chitose Airport in Sapporo, we initially wanted to spend some time in Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park inside the building of New Chitose Airport but we hadn't enough time to go inside the main attraction T_T Yeah, as you have read on my previous post, my flight from Tokyo to Sapporo delayed for around 2 hours and our itinerary was quite distracted. But, to feed up our curiosity, we decided to stroll around for a while before leaving the airport.

Hi semua! Gimana nih kabarnya? Sesuai janjiku sebelumnya, aku akan melanjutkan ceritaku mengenai aktivitas yang kulakukan bareng teman seperjalananku; Emma, selama 3 hari dan 2 malam di Sapporo! Setelah kami sampai di Bandara New Chitose di Sapporo, kami sebenarnya berencana main-main selama beberapa saat di Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park yang ada di dalam gedung bandara New Chitose ini, tapi kami ngga punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi atraksi utamanya T_T Yes seperti yang udah kalian baca di postku sebelumnya, penerbanganku dari Tokyo ke Sapporo kena delay 2 jam jadi jadwal jalan-jalan kami agak molor. Tapi biar ngga penasaran, kali memutuskan untuk tetap ngecek tempat ini dan jalan-jalan sebentar sebelum meninggalkan bandara.

Read also: Trip to Sapporo (Part 1); Fly to Sapporo with ANA & HAnavi

Sapporo Japan, Sapporo Jepang, Hokkaido Sapporo, Sapporo New Chitose Airport, Sapporo Doraemon Waku Waku Sky Park, Sapporo Doraemon Museum

To be honest, I wanted to visit Fujiko. F. Fujio Museum in Kawasaki so bad T_T でも... We didn't have sufficient time to visit Kanagawa, so for now we had to accept reality and contented with Doraemon Sky Park in Sapporo, though we only strolled around and took tons of pictures (sounds like window shopping ^_^;;) there. FYI, to visit this place is free of charge, but you need to pay for 800 yen if you want to visit the Doraemon Land. We wanted to go inside, but unfortunately we were run out of time, since we had to catch up next bus to our hotel.

Sejujurnya aku pengen banget pergi ke Musium Fujiko F. Fujio yang ada di Kawasaki T_T Taapii karena ngga sempet ke Kanagawa, kami harus menerima kenyataan dan berpuas diri dengan Doraemon Sky Park ini, meskipun kami cuma window shopping dan foto-foto, tapi lumayan lah daripada ngga sama sekali ^_^;;. Oh ya, kalo mau ke tempat ini sih gratis, tapi kalau mau masuk ke Doraemon Land ke dalamnya harus bayar tiket 800 yen. Kami mau-mau aja sih ke dalam, tapi karena harus ngejar bis ke hotel, jadi ngga sempet..

Monday, May 2, 2016

Unboxing Althea's Package: Free Shipping Alert!

Hey everyone~ Let's welcome the new month with new spirit and joy ^_^
I almost forget to share about my haul from Althea Indonesia. As you know, Althea just launched in Indonesia and they've chosen some Bloggers, Youtubers even Instagram celebrities to take parts as beta-testers; and share our thoughts about Althea Indonesia :) I was lucky enough to be the one, thank you Althea!

Althea Korea, Althea Indonesia, Pengalaman Belanja di Althea, Website Belanja Kosmetik Korea

What's Althea? Althea is a new Korean cosmetic online shop that just launched in Indonesia last April. They have head quarters in Korea & Singapore, and they send the products directly from Korea for customers in Indonesia.