
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Himalaya Herbals Lip Balm [review]

Hello everyone, finally I'm coming with another beauty review :)
Last year I was in Bali for vacation (OMG I still have a lot of posts to write about that vacation), I instantly bought this lip balm as soon as I saw it placed on Erlangga 2's rack :D This is Lip Balm from Himalaya Herbals.
And because it's so cheap, I didn't think twice before purchase it. Now without further ado, let's jump to the review!

Halo semua, akhirnya aku post review yang berhubungan ma kecantikan lagi :)
Tahun lalu pas aku sedang pergi liburan ke Bali (Ya ampun postingan ku tentang Bali masih menumpuk euy), aku mendadak beli lip balm ini pas liat produk ini di rak display di dalam Erlangga 2 :D Lip balm ini dari Himalay Herbals. Karena harganya murah, aku ngga mikir dua kali sebelum beli. Sekarang yuk lihat lebih lanjut tentang lip balm ini.

No box or fancy packaging, only clear container with descriptions on the cardboard paper. It has simple packaging, which is dominated with white, green and red colors ^_^

Kemasan // Kemasannya sih ngga terlalu istimewa ya.. Ngga ada box maupun kemasan yang lucu-lucu; hanya bungkus transparan dengan deskripsi produk pada kertas kartonnya. Kemasannya yang sederhana ini didominasi oleh warna putih, hijau dan merah ^_^

Contains Carrot Seed Oil, natural sunscreen and Wheatgerm oil as source of vitamin E that nourish, moisten and smoothen lips. Cruelty-free, degradable and lasts for 12 months after open.

Deskripsi Produk // Diperkaya dengan Carrot Seed Oil, tabir surya alami dan Wheatgerm Oil sumber vitamin E yang menutrisi, melembabkan dan melembutkan bibir. Produk ini tidak melakukan percobaan terhadap binatang, dapat didaur ulang dan boleh dipakai 12 bulan setelah dibuka.

Price / Harga: IDR 19,000
Content / Isi: 10 gr

Nomor BPOM NA17131300418

Do you know that Himalaya Herbals comes from India? LOL I thought it's a local product XD silly me!
Himalaya Herbals is manufactured in Makali, Bangalore - India and imported by Indonesia.

Apakah kalian tau kalau Himalaya Herbals ini produk dari India? Hahaha aku kira produk lokal lho XD ngawur bener ya aku.. padahal sebenarnya Himalaya Herbals ini diproduksi di Makali, Bangalore - India; dan diimport oleh Indonesia secara resmi.

The applicator brings much ease on application, as you only need to squeeze the tube little bit; dab it on your lips and press your upper lip to bottom lip to make it even. You don't need to use finger to apply this lip balm. But remember to not share this lip balm to your friends, because it's unhygienic :s

Aplikator // Aplikatornya bikin lip balm ini jadi mudah digunakan, karena kita cuma butuh memencetnya sedikit, mengoleskan pada bibir dan meratakannya dengan menyatukan bibir atas bawah (yap, kayak ngeratain lipstik itu lho). Jadi ngga perlu dicolek pake jari deh.. tapi inget jangan dishare ke temen yang lain lho ya, soalnya kan jadi ga higienis :s haha

Texture & Scent
It smells pleasant and not too overwhelming. It has waxy texture and easy to blend.
Wanginya lumayan oke dan ngga berlebihan. Teksturnya seperti wax lembut tapi mudah diratakan.

I have been using this lip balm for weeks and I think this lip balm is good, but still not great enough to moisturize my super dry lips. My lips are currently chapped and this lip balm doesn't much help >_< Oh, not forget to mention that it tastes a bit bitter.

Kesimpulan // Aku udah memakai lip balm ini selama beberapa minggu.. menurutku lip balm ini oke, tapi ngga cukup melembabkan bibirku yang super kering. Apalagi saat ini kondisi bibirku lagi pecah-pecah (kayaknya karena kurang minum air putih dan sering kena AC) dan lip balm ini ngga terlalu membantu >_< Oh ya, tak lupa ku komentarin kalau lip balm ini rasanya agak pahit kalau ngga sengaja kejilat..

Pros (+)
+ Cheap
+ Easy to use
+ Hygienic
+ Easy to squeeze
+ Moisturizing lips quite well
+ A little goes a long way

Cons (-)
- Doesn't work on chapped lips
- A bit difficult to be found in market

So, have you tried Himalaya Herbals Lip Balm? What do you think about this product? ^_^
Can you suggest me which Himalaya Herbals product that I should try next?
Thanks for reading everyone!


  1. they have really good facial foam and nice masks! I've tried their moisturizing cream, but it wasn't for me
    i've been eagering to try their lipbalm since i saw jyj' junsu carrying it around><

    1. wow I gotta try their facial foam next time ^^
      ehh? JYJ Junsu carrying this lip balm around? :O How did you know?

    2. i saw it online from his taken pict by the fans, and the brand name was captured clearly ><

    3. Wowww that's cool! I guess he got it from one of his fans ^^?

    4. yes, i think so. sadly this balm was so so :(

  2. Shel.. aku pernah pake pelembab bibir ini pas masa operasi otak.hehehe.. masa" operasi itu nggak di kasih minum air putih dan setiap harinya baring di kamar yang ber-AC.
    trusss si Yudi beliin pelembab bibir ini karena prihatin sama bibirku yang kering dan pecah". Hmmm,,,, aku juga merasakan hal yang sama dengan kamu bahwa pelembab bibirnya himalaya kurang begitu melembabkan. Karena hal itu si koko & yudi beli pelembab bibir brand lain waktu lewat sephora.

    1. iya be..kurang mempan buat bibir yg kering dan pecah2 parah >_<
      ni lg aku abisin sebelum cobain yg lain hahaha

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