
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Bifesta Cleansing Lotion - Agecare [review]

Hello everyone! A while ago finally I could bought Bifesta Cleansing Lotion with help of my kind-hearted blogger friend Tia ^__^ As far as I know, Bifesta is still unavailable in Surabaya and I even couldn't find it in Watson Grand Indonesia (when I was in Jakarta 2 months ago). Gladly Tia helped me to buy this product near her house and kindly shipped this one for me =D Thank you Tia! 

So I brought to you my whole review about this cleansing lotion ;) or you may know this product as Bifesta Cleansing Express / Cleansing Water / Micellar Water.

Bifesta Cleansing Lotion comes in transparent bottle with hygienic pump dispenser. Different color for different benefit. So far Bifesta owns 4 variants of Cleansing Lotion: White (Moist), Green (Sebum), Blue (Bright Up), and Pink (Age care) and if I'm not mistaken there are only two variants of Bifesta Cleansing Lotion in Indonesia: Sebum and Age Care.

Untuk kemasannya, Bifesta Cleansing Lotion dikemas dalam botol transparan dan pompa yang higienis. Ada 4 jenis warna dengan fungsi yang berbeda-beda: Putih (melembabkan), Hijau (untuk kulit berminyak), Biru (untuk mencerahkan) dan Merah muda (untuk perawatan anti-aging), dan kalau tidak salah di Indonesia cuma ada yang hijau dan pink aja.

Gentle but powerful water base lotion that thoroughly removes makeup & dirt. It works like Micellar Water and doesn't need to be rinsed-off. Lotion yang berbahan dasar air yang mampu membersihkan makeup. Bekerja seperti Micellar Water dan tidak perlu dibilas.

Content: 300ml
Price: IDR 101,000 or around $8

Bifesta's label before torn off

descriptions on the back of bottle

Membantu mengangkat minyak berlebih dan menghapus sisa makeup. Membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit wajah. Mengandung Q10.

How to Use
Pour it to cotton pad, swipe the cotton pads onto your face. No need to be rinsed-off
Tuang ke kapas, usap keseluruh wajah tanpa perlu dibilas

Like other liquid Japanese skin care products, Bifesta also got a lock at pump's neck to prevent any spill-out. You can also bring this Bifesta to your travel bag, as long as you lock it first beforehand :)

Seperti produk perawatan wajah dari Jepang yang lain (yang berbentuk cairan), Bifesta juga punya kuncian pada leher pompa, untuk menghindari isinya tumpah kemana-mana. Jadi Bifesta ini juga bisa dibawa untuk travelling asalkan dikunci dulu sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam tas :)

Pump few times before use

Scent & Formula
This cleansing lotion doesn't has significant scent, as I don't see any fragrance word on the ingredients list (please correct me if I'm wrong). Personally for me it leaves slightly sticky feeling after application and I definitely need to rinse it off. (It's optional btw, it's okay to not rinse it off as long as you don't mind ^^).
For precaution, it has milky runny texture that easily squirt out when you pump it.

Cleansing lotion ini tidak bisa wangi yang khusus sih, karena aku juga ngga nemu ada kata "fragrance" di daftar komposisinya (tolong koreksi kalau aku salah ya). Secara pribadi menurutku produk ini meninggalkan sedikit rasa lengket setelah pemakaian dan tentu saja aku merasa perlu untuk membilas muka setelahnya. (ngga wajib kok, kalau kalian ngga mau bilas juga ngga apa-apa ^^). Oh ya, hati-hati aja ya waktu pompa lotionnya, karena teksturnya yang sangat cair, dia agak mudah muncrat kemana-mana.

It works amazing to removes waterproof makeup! As you can see on the pictures, it removed all makeup on my hand except the lip tint; well I think you still need regular oil-based makeup remover then. Anyway unfortunately it stings my eyes little bit, so I choose to not use it too much to remove my eye makeup. 
Overall, this Bifesta Cleansing Lotion is awesome but there's no way I could sleep without do double cleansing XD I always continue my skin care regime with cleansing oil for thorough cleansing steps, as well as cleansing foam afterwards. I really recommend you to try Bifesta Cleansing Lotion if you're looking for cheaper alternative for Micellar Water ^__^

Ngga bohong, cleansing lotion ini bagus banget untuk hapus makeup waterproof sekalipun! Tapi kalau kalian lihat di foto before after, masih ada sisa lip tint yang ketinggalan belum terhapus; dan kita tetap butuh makeup remover berbahan dasar minyak setelahnya. Oh ya, sayangnya cleansing lotion ini agak pedih di mata, jadi aku memilih untuk ngga banyak pake cleansing lotion ini untuk bersihin makeup mata. 
Secara garis besar, Bifesta Cleansing Lotion ini bagus tapi ngga mungkin bagiku untuk langsung tidur begitu saja tanpa double-cleansing XD yang artinya setelah Micellar Water, aku langsung lanjut ke cleansing oil dan cleansing foam setelahnya. Aku sangat merekomendasikan Bifesta Cleansing Lotion ini kalau kalian mau cari alternatif Micellar Water yang lebih murah dibandingnya merk lain ^__^

Pros (+)
+ Affordable
+ Does good job to removes makeup
+ Safe for sensitive skin
+ Secure lock system
+ No need to rinse-off

Cons (-)
- Squirt out everywhere easily
- It stings my eyes little bit

So what do you think about this cleansing lotion? :D
Do you have similar or opposite opinion?
Thanks for reading everyone! 


  1. Nggak pernah coba. tapi kaya nya ok jg.tuh.. kl di compare ama rice water cleansing milk ny faceshop bagus mana ci?

    Met kenal yha.. 😁😁 mampir ak kapan2..

    1. wah maaf blm pernah coba yg punya the face shop >_<
      met kenal ^^

  2. sis kalo d bifestanya di bawah motol tulisannya exp 0316 itu artinya apa?

    1. haii.. tulisan di bawah botol ya? brarti expirednya bln 3 thn ini :)


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