Hello guys! Thanks to Kojiesan Indonesia for sending me this hampers and sorry for delayed reviews >_< Lately I got a lot of skin care products on my hand and testing them one by one really takes time, patience and effort. Hopefully I can present the rest of reviews to you as soon as possible.
Kojiesan products has became a hot topic a while ago and who still doesn't know that Kojiesan is a Filipino brand, and not a Japanese brand? I thought it's a Japanese brand :p :p LOL
Yup, Kojie San is manfucatured in Philippines and brought to you by PT. UICCP Indonesia.
Since I got several products here, I shared some of them to my brother because his skin literally needs some improvement =D I shared the Lightening Series to him and I keep the Dream White series for myself. I will review the whole series of Kojiesan Lightening products first, on this post.
- Kojiesan Face Lightening Cream (on this post)
- Kojiesan Skin Lightening Soap (on this post)
- Kojiesan Lightening Lotion (on this post)
- Kojiesan Dream White Face Cream Moisturizer
- Kojiesan Dream White Anti-aging Soap
Here we go! Read more to go the reviews :D
Skin Lightening Soap from Kojie San is packaged in a orange bar soap. You can't find "face" term at its name because this soap can be used for face and body. The bar soap itself is wrapped, inside the box. Hummm.. I have no problem if this soap is used for body, but I personally don't like to use facial foam in bar soap form (I prefer pump packaging, because its more hygienic :D)
The Kojic Acid you've always trusted, the one prescribed by your dermatologist is now available in Kojiesan Skin Lightening Soap. Kojiesan contains high grade cosmetic all-natural Kojic Acid that helps prevent melanin production making skin lighter and clearer. Kojiesan Skin Lightening Soap is effective in diminishing dark spots, freckles and acne, stretch marcks, uneven skin tone and othe skin tone disorders.
Kojic Acid was discovered in Japan, it is a by product of Koji or Malted Rice used in the production of rice wine. In cosmetics, kojic acid is popularly known for its remarkable whitening effect and antioxidant properties. Content / isi: 65gr
Sabun dengan formula Kojic Acid untuk membersihkan kulit wajah dan tubuh. Gunakan Kojie San Kojic Acid Soap setiap kali mandi, bilas dengan air hingga bersih
Pure Kojic Acid, Sweet Orange, VCO, Glycerine, Vegetable Extracts, Vitamin C
Directions / How to use
For daily use on face and body. For optimum result, use sunscreen with high SPF after bathing. TIPS: First of all, cut your bar soap into few pieces. Place one piece at bar soap container and keep others in other place. I don't recommend you to use the whole bar at once, because it can easily melt-off if it gets damped for a long time. Remember to choose bar soap container that has good air circulation :)
TIPS dalam memakai sabun batang Kojie san:
1. Potong sabun dalam beberapa bagian. Kenapa? Karena sabun ini mudah meleleh dan sebaiknya digunakan dalam potongan kecil agar tidak terlalu "benyek"
2. Ambil satu potong sabun (dan simpan sisanya), pakai hingga habis sebelum menggunakan potongan sabun berikutnya.
3. Pilihh tempat sabun yang memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik.
Scent & Impression
It has fresh relaxing citrus scent. It can't produces abundant foam, unless you use a foam net :) My brother said that he prefer uses this soap for his body because his face will feels slippery and there's no squeaky feeling after rinse-off (hence, he prefer his usual facial foam that contains SLS).
Nevertheless, he doesn't really often use this soap for his body either, because again.. he doesn't like the slippery feeling afterwards, while I think otherwise. *oh boy, I know I can't put higher expectation for men to do their skin care routine diligently. LOL* -__-
Nevertheless, he doesn't really often use this soap for his body either, because again.. he doesn't like the slippery feeling afterwards, while I think otherwise. *oh boy, I know I can't put higher expectation for men to do their skin care routine diligently. LOL* -__-
Overall Thoughts
As my brother said that he barely uses this soap due to its less-practical aspect, I can't make a definite conclusion about this Skin Lightening Soap T_T Well, we have different opinion here, I don't encounter any slippery feeling during application. Though it doesn't works well on my brother's skin, some of my friends testified that this soap actually worked well to increase their skin tone level.
Karena adikku jarang pake sabun ini karena aspek kurang praktisnya, aku ngga bisa kasih kesimpulan pasti tentang Skin Lightening Soap ini T_T Padahl menurutku sih ngga ada efek licin sehabis saat pembilasan, tapi adikku kok bilang kayak gitu ya -_-a
Yahh.. meskipun sabun ini ngga ngefek di adikku, beberapa teman bilang kalau sabun ini sebenarnya berhasil menaikkan tingkat kecerahan pada kulit mereka.
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2,5 / 5)
The packaging of their Face Lightening Cream is quite simple. Both box and jar are dominated with white color, and it also comes with separator lid. The size of this face cream jar is not too bulky and still suitable for travelling.
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descriptions & ingredients list |
Kojiesan Face Lightening Cream is an intensive yet nourishing formula. It is light and non-greasy. It contains blend of natural extracts and high grade all-natural Kojic Acid which is known for its remarkable whitening effect. It helps lighten the skin and reduce and prevent the formation of dark spots while it restores skin suppleness. It also moisturizes the skin and brings the about healthy, rosy skin.
Mengandung ekstrak tumbuhan untuk melembabkan, melembutkan dan mengencangkan kulit wajah serta Kojic Acid untuk mencerahkan warna kulit. Bersihkan wajah dan oleskan ke dahi, hidung, sekitar mata dan wajah secukupnya, setiap pagi dan malam. Hindari panas dan sinar matahari langsung
Content / isi: 30gr
Directions / How to Use
Wash face with soap. Put ample amount of Kojiesan Face Lightening Cream on the face using fingertiips. Massage face in circular motion, applying cream on the forehead, and skin around the eyes, nose and face. Use Kojiesan Face Lightening Cream in the morning and at bedtime on a regular basis.
Scent & Impression
It smells good, and not too overwhelming. It has creamy texture that can easily to be absorbed into skin :) My brother said there's itchy feeling after application (when he's about to sleep) but fortunately he didn't encounter any break outs or irritation.
Overall Thoughts
I'm happy when knowing he succeed in emptying this jar! :D :D at least he treat his skin quite well. You know, mostly men are too lazy reluctant to apply any skin care product because they don't know the importance to take care of our skin as early as possible. I even have to remind my boyfie everyday to cleanse his face before go to sleep -_- uhh.
Seneng dengernya pas tau adikku berhasil ngabisin 1 wadah Skin Lightening Cream ini :D Yah setidaknya dia mulai belajar merawat diri lahh.. Seperti yang kalian tau, kebanyakan cowok terlalu malas tidak punya keinginan untuk menggunakan perawatan kulit karena mereka ngga tau pentingnya merawat kulit sedini mungkin. Bahkan aku harus mengingatkan ke pacar untuk cuci muka setiap malam sebelum tidur -_- uhh.
Hmmm anyway, for visible result of his effort, you may see the before-after photos below:
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sorry for censoring my bro's face :s for privacy purpose |
Does my bro's skin got brighter after 1,5 months application? I don't think so (okay, maybe little bit), but one thing that I'm sure enough is his skin texture surely improved :) and he says that his skin feel refreshed on the next morning!
Apakah kulit adikku bertambah cerah setelah 1,5 bulan pemakaian? Hmmm aku ngga yakin (okelah, mungkin sedikit cerahan), tapi satu hal yang kuyakin adalah tekstur kulitnya semakin baik, dan tambah halus :) Dan dia juga bilang kalau kulitnya terasa segar di pagi berikutnya.
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3 / 5)
Similar with their Skin Lightening Soap & Face Cream, this body lotion also dominated with white color and simple design. It has convenient flip-top cap and its lid is secure enough.
This advanced formula is believed to be safe, ideal and beneficial to evenly lighten skin. It contains blend of natural ingredients - high grade Kojic Acid which is known for its excellent whitening effect and Rose Hip Oil to help heal, soothe irritated or scarred skin and even out skin tone discoloration. it aids faster and even absorption so skin will be lightened in less time. Infused with Collagen and Vitamin E for youthful and healthy skin.
Kojie San Body Lightening Lotion mengandung bahan-bahan alami - Kojic Acid untuk mencerahkan warna kulit, Collagen dan Vitamin E. Membuat kulit sehat dan tampak muda.
Manfaat: mencerahkan warna kulit, mengurangi noda warna kulit, mengembalikan kekenyalan dan kelembaban kulit.
Content / isi: 100gr
Directions / How to Use
Use Kojiesan Body Skin Lightening Lotion regularly after bath. Put lotion on the palm of your hands and apply gently on the skin surface. Massage carefully on skin.
Scent & Impression
It has pleasant scent that I like so much! Furthermore, its texture is smooth and easily to be spread all over your body skin, little bit sticky though. Unfortunately this body lotion isn't water resistant, it will melt as soon as you wash your body skin.
Overall Thoughts
This body lotion is good at increasing skin tone level, and it's so moisturizing. As you can see.. though my brother barely use this lotion (due to his laziness), his skin tone level slightly increased o__o Meskipun dia jarang pake body lotion ini (karena kemalasannya), tingkat warna kulitnya agak meningkat lho o___o
Before - After
Rating: ★★★★☆ (4 / 5)
Untuk produk Kojie San sendiri dapat diperoleh/dibeli di:
Hero, Guardian, Giant, Alfamidi, Super Indo
So, have you tried Kojie San Skin Lightening Series, guys? How was it? :D
Terima kasih telah membaca review tentang pengalaman adikku menggunakan Kojie San Skin Lightening Series!
Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon xx
it really works ya ce, perlu dicoba deh :D
ReplyDeleteiyaa wid :D
DeleteI've never heard of this brand before, it looks really interesting~!
DeleteHue...Pengen bgt jdny stlh liat review eonnie,tp kemahalan klo mw beli di Medan...Hiks... X'(
ReplyDeletebs beli online jg kok :D cb cari di tokopedia
Deletei've used the skin lightening soap for 2weeks. dan di aku lumayan ngaruhsih hehehe. tapi bikin kulit kering ya kak:(
ReplyDeletejadi pengen beli body lotionnya biar kulit tetap lembab huhuhu
iyaa pake body lotion jg :)
DeleteWait what?! Kojie San is not a Japanese brand lol? Well, I've always wanted to try out the lightening soap from Kojie San c: Thanks for the review~
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see that your brother takes good care of his skin!
Btw I followed you on bloglovin~I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts!
Yes it is not. LOL XD
DeleteYou're welcome~
So, Ive been betrayed by the name of this product. I always thinking that this brand is from Japan. One of my skin care concern is the lightening products. I really want to give it a try but people say its very sensitive to sunrays.
ReplyDeletesorry br balesss >.<
Deleteiya ktnya jd sensitif kalo pke yg soap, makanya hrs bgt pake sunscreen
I'm using the soap too. Dua bulan pemakaian aja udah bikin jerawat berkurang, bekasnya juga hilang, dan skin tone jadi naik setingkat. Awalnya rada perih-perih gitu sih di muka. Tapi sebulan pemakaian udah enggak perih lagi. Belang di badan juga udah nggak keliatan. Pengen nyobain pake face & body lotionnya nih. Thanks postnya!
ReplyDeletewahh thanks for sharing sis ^^ sama2
DeleteSy pakai kojie-san body, ukuran 200gr bisa untuk 1 bulan, karena bentuknya kental justru menjadikanya irit pakai, sebelum pakai kojie san body, ukuran handbody lain yang biasa 200gr sy pakai untuk 1minggu. Meratakan bercak2 Dikulit tubuh setelah aktivitas diluar karena sy kulit keting, tx kojie san
ReplyDeletewaaah siip! :D
Deletemisi kak mau tanya, produk kojie san yang terjamin keasliannya bisa dibeli dimana ya? itu gampang dicari engk? kaya di guardian, boston dsb gtu??
ReplyDeleteProduk kojie san bisa dicari di Hero, Guardian, Giant, Alfamidi, Super Indo :)
DeleteAman buat ibu hamil n menyusui ga mba?
ReplyDeletecb ditanyakan lgs ke dokter SpOG nya ya
DeleteMau tanya apa kamu juga make ini?
ReplyDeleteadikku yg pake :)
Delete1 paket berapa itu ci?
ReplyDeleteKalo buat ibu hamil aman ga ya kak