As a human, I lots of flaws and weakness, whether physically and characteristically. Many people in my surroundings said that stretch mark will occurs if only we gain weight or lose weight dramatically, especially after giving birth. I haven't married yet and my weight is quite stable for 2 decades (I used to be underweight for more than 10 years), and if what they said is true.. most likely I will have minimal stretch marks. BUT.. unfortunately, I do have noticeable stretch marks on hips :s and I don't realize since when I own them..
FYI, since I was in high school and university, my weight was always around 46-48 kg, and my height is 163 cm. My family members, relatives and friends used to say that I was too skinny and looked like a malnutrition girl *so mean >_<!!. After I changed some bad habits and paid more attention to my dietary habit, in a year I managed to gain 5 kg and even ever reached 54 kg. Shortly after I got influenza and pharyngitis, my weight is around 51 kg now. My weight went up and down several times in a year, and I suspect that's the reason why I have stretch marks T_T
Meski kurus begini, aku pernah beberapa kali naik dan turun berat badan juga lho. Ngga banyak sih, biasanya aku selalu punya bb sekitar 46-48 kg selama masa sekolah dan kuliah (tinggi badanku 163cm) dan karena aku kurus, beberapa teman-teman bilang aku kayak anak kurang gizi >_<!! *jahatttt kalian. Akhirnya setelah merubah beberapa kebiasaan buruk, berat badanku bisa naik 5 kg, bahkan pernah 54 kg. Gak lama kemudian, aku kena flu dan radang tenggorokan, bb ku balik lagi ke 51 kg. Nah, karena bb ku naik turun beberapa kali dalam setahun, kurasa itu yang menyebabkan aku punya stretch marks T_T
In order to reduce stretch marks, I tried this Pasjel Precious Skin Body Cream recently..
Here is one of many ways to get rid of stretch marks. Will it works on me?
Bagaimana sih caranya mengurangi / menghilangkan stretch marks? Kalo menghilangkan 100% mungkin sulit (kecuali ada campur tangan medis), tapi kalo mengurangi stretch marks masih ada harapan :D Baru-baru ini aku mencoba Pasjel Precious Skin Body Cream, hmmm kira-kira ngefek ngga ya di aku?
The packaging is pretty similar with Blue Pasjel that I've ever tried last year. The product is packaged in a ice cream container look-alike, and dominated with white and yellow color as signature color of this stretch mark-free product :) There is a hologram that indicates this is a original product, and not the fake one.
PS: As far as I know, the hologram sticker is only pasted on Pasjel products that distributed to Indonesia. This is the way to distinguish original Pasjel product and the fake Pasjel.
Kemasan // Kemasannya mirip sama Pasjel warna biru yang pernah aku coba tahun lalu. Produk ini dikemas dalam kontainer yang mirip kontainer es krim, didominasi dengan warna putih dan kuning, yang jadi identitas dari produk penghilang stretch marks ini :) Ada sticker hologram di kotaknya yang jadi penanda Pasjel palsu dan asli. Setauku, sticker hologram ini hanya ditempel di Pasjel yang beredar di Indonesia, untuk membedakan Pasjel asli dan palsu.
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my box is dented during shipment |
The combination of alpha-arbutin, collagen, cucumber seed extract, vitamin E, olive oil, jojoba oil, and natural extracts to reduce stretch marks, protect your skin from wrinkles, and make your skin healthier.
Deskripsi Produk // Mengurangi stretch marks menyehatkan kulit.
Produk ini merupakan kombinasi alpha-arbutin, kolagen, ekstrak biji mentimun, vitamin E, minyak zaitun, minyak jojoba, dan ekstrak bahan alami lain untuk mengurangi stretch marks, melindungi kulit dari keriput dan membuat kulit jadi lebih sehat. BEBAS STEROID.
Content: 50gr
Price: IDR
(untuk harga pastinya, bisa tanya langsung kontak ke seller yang akan kusebutkan di akhir post)
How to Use / Directions
Apply to stretch marks or other skin area regularly.
(I recommend to use this cream for twice daily, after shower ^.^)
Cara pakai // Oleskan secara meratas ke area stretch marks secara teratur
(aku merekomendasikan untuk mengoleskan krim ini 2x sehari, setelah mandi ^.^)
Texture, Scent & Color
Unlike the Blue Pasjel that has overpowering scent, this Yellow Pasjel's scent doesn't overpower. Its scent is little bit similar with Blue Pasjel, but much softer and doesn't bothers me at all.
It has creamy texture that easy to be spread and blended :D And, as you can tell its color is tender yellow.
Tekstur, aroma dan warna // Ngga seperti Pasjel Blue yang punya wangi kuat, wangi Pasjel Yellow ini ngga menyengat sama sekali. Wanginya agak mirip dengan Pasjel Blue sih, tapi jauh lebih lembut dan ngga mengganggu. Teksturnya lembut, mudah dioleskan dan dibaurkan :D Dan seperti yang kalian lihat, warna krimnya adalah kuning lembut.
(Sorry for different angles, I captured these photos all by myself) (Maaf kalau ada perbedaan sudut pengambilan foto, ngga ada yang bantuin foto soalnya) ![]() |
Right hip, 13 April 2015 and 25 April 2015 |
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Left hip, 13 April 2015 and 25 April 2015 |
Overall, I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! It does reduces my stretch marks and make them less noticeable. My jar is almost empty now because I use it everyday :D I think one jar will only lasts for 1-1,5 months. I recommend you to use this Yellow Pasjel at least 2 jars for better result ;)
Performa // Kesimpulannya, AKU SUKA PRODUK INI! Beneran mengurangi stretch marks ku dan membuat stretch marks ku ngga begitu keliatan seperti sebelumnya. Botolku sekarang sudah hampir habis karena aku menggunakannya setiap hari :D Kurasa 1 botol akan habis dalam 1-1,5 bulan. Aku merekomendasikan kalian menggunakan Pasjel Yellow minimal 2 botol untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal ;)
Pros (+)
+ Succeed to reduces stretch marks
+ Easy to be absorbed into skin
+ Not sticky
+ Gentle texture
+ Travel friendly
+ Quite affordable
+ Soft scent
Cons (-)
- Nothing!
If you have stretch marks problem like I do, I recommend you to try this Pasjel Precious Skin Body Cream ;) Hopefully this product will works wonderfully on you too!
Kalau kalian punya masalah dengan stretch marks sepertiku, kalian perlu deh cobain Pasjel Precious Skin Body Cream ini ;) Semoga aja kalian cocok yaaa!
Produk bisa dibeli di:
Instagram: @meinestore
LINE ID: meine_s
Whatsapp: 083898180380
Thank you Meinestore!
See ya on my next post guys, thanks for reading! ♥
Hopefully you find this review is helpful :)
Ah ini sebenernya pengen beli dari dulu tapi masih ragu soalnya harganya yang nggak murah :(
ReplyDeleteSekarang habis pake Bio Oil sih, baru habis 1 botol tapi belum ada efek. Katanya kudu ngabisin 3 botol dulu baru keliatan. Dilema mau pindah ini apa lanjut Bio Oil dulu :( Udah sebel nih sama stretch mark, bikin kulit jelek :/
Waah aku blm prnh cb bio oil nin.. Butuh 3 botol? Lumayan jg ya pengorbanan nya >_<
DeleteSkrg pasjel uda ga gt mahal kok, mungkn krn udah byk kompetitornya kali ya..
Shel kamu bikin aku pingin ini. Aku punya stretchmark membandel T_T Huhuhu.... tapi bio oil aja ga habis2 :(
DeleteHuwaaabaku juga pengen cobain ini tapi masih penasaran ma bio oil. ini sudah botol kedua si
ReplyDeleteKlo misal blm ada perubahan yg signifikan, cb selingkuh dl ma pasjel sis :p hahaha
DeleteIni langsung oles atau ada ritual sambil dipijet2, Vee? Terus pas pake ada waktunya ga kudu 5 menit dipijet etc2. Biasa kan krim penghilang ada gitu2nya. Thanks reviewnya...
ReplyDeletedioles sambil dipijet2 pelan2 :D ngga sih, pokoknya sampe kering aja creamnya.. lumayan cpt keringnya kok, ga lengket2 pula <3
Deleteini bisa di beli di mana vee?
ReplyDeleteDi @meinestore (Instagram) ^_^
Deletewew.. aku baru tau loh ce kalo stretchmark putih tu bisa ilang.. soalnya kutanya kedokter kulit yg waktu itu ngejelasin di bio oil event, ktny kalo udh putih tu ga bisa ilang... soalnya kolagennya udh ruksak.. kecuali kalo masi merah.. makanya stretchmark di bokongku ga bisa ilang..
ReplyDeleteStretch mark merah? Emg ada yg liz? Baru tau jg. Lol
DeleteMungkn ga bs ngilangin 100% tp yg jelas bs mengurangi stretchmarks :)
Kalau saya punya stretch mark sisa hamil pertama, memang nggak rajin sih ngerawatnya hu hu, sudah terlalu sibuk dengan anak (alasan he he), sekarang lagi coba bio oil tapi belum habis sebotol sih.
ReplyDeleteHow long until it starts to show effect I bought it and just started
ReplyDeleteKendra i want to buy i just want to confirm if it worked on you.pls do well to reply so I can make order.
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