Hello guys! :D Today I'm not feeling good, I got pharyngitis and I cough often since last Monday. That's why I'm taking day off and spending my day at home to rest, but I just finished this draft and can't wait to publish this review today. So here is it!
My hair is pretty damaged due to coloring, and heating tools. In choosing hair products, I always consider products that able to repair and prevent damaged hair. Recently, I just tried a range of Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment Products for these 3 weeks. I guess this is my first time trying Japanese brand shampoo and conditioner, here are my experience and opinion :D
from left-right: Kracie Ichikami Treatment, Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Treatment Water
They're designed in sweet and attractive way. Dominated with white color for the shampoo, and black and pink for the rest of the products. The Sakura petals made these products look so lovely and feminine ^.^ While the shampoo, conditioner and treatment products come with flip-top cap, the hair treatment water comes with spray pump.
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Rangkaian perawatan rambut Ichikami untuk memperbaiki dan mencegah rambut rusak.
Ichikami merupakan merek produk perawatan rambut dengan kualitas yang sesuai dengan rambut wanita Jepang dan Asia pada umumnya. Mengandung ekstrak tumbuhan alami terpilih, kandungannya akan meresap ke dalam rambut secara menyeluruh sehinggah memperindah dan memperkuat rambutmu.
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image source: http://www.hoyu.co.id/ |
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image source: http://www.hoyu.co.id/ |
Kracie Ichikami Hair products contains brown rice extract (for softening hair) and natural premium plants extracts (for repairing and preventing damaged hair) such as premium rice extract, cherry blossom extrct, soy bean extract, camellia extract, lily blackberry, olive oil and soapberry.
Hair treatment sequence
(urutan pemakaian produk perawatan rambut):
Shampoo - Conditioner - Rinse off Treatment / Mask - Blow Dry - Leave on Conditioner
KRACIE Ichikami Shampoo
Help to protect and prevent damaged hair, and makes hair strong and healthy.
Membantu melindungi dan merawat rambut dari kerusakan sehingga tetap kuat dan sehat.
Price: around IDR 45,000 - 50,000
Content: 200ml
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How to use
Wash hair, apply an adequate of shampoo onto hair evenly, massage gently. Rinse off thoroughly.
Basahkan rambut, usapkan shampo merata ke seluruh rambut, pijat dengan lembut. Bilas dengan air bersih.
Texture & Scent
It has milky texture and able to produces moderate amount of foam. It smells really nice, aromatic floral scent that help me to feel relax during washing my hair ^.^
Teksturnya putih seperti susu, dan bisa menghasilkan busa yang cukup banyak. Wanginya enak banget, wangi bunga yang menyegarkan dan membuatku merasa rileks saat membersihkan rambutku ^.^
My Thoughts
In first week after received these products, I used this Ichikami Shampoo in single-use method (without any conditioner, treatment and hair mist). The result is isn't too visible and significant. My hair still looks same, not become softer or more moist. FYI, my hair was quite drying but I barely have split-ends.
Pada minggu pertama setelah mendapatkan produk-produk ini, aku menggunakan Ichikami Shampo dengan metode single use (yaitu tanpa menggunakan produk perawatan rambut lainnya, agar bisa melihat perbedaannya lebih jelas dan lebih obyektif). Hasilnya tidak terlalu terlihat dan signifikan. Rambutku masih terlihat sama, tidak bertambah lembut ataupun lebih lembab. Oh ya, kondisi rambutku pada saat itu cukup kering tapi hampir ngga ada rambut bercabangnya.
KRACIE Ichikami Conditioner
Help to protect and soften hair, makes hair feel soft and healthy.
Membantu melindungi dan melembutkan rambut, serta merawat rambut sehingga tetap lembut dan sehat.
Price: around IDR 45,000 - 50,000
Content: 200gr
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How to Use
After shampoo, apply conditioner onto hair evenly. Leave it for few minutes and rinse off thoroughly. For maximum result, use it along with Ichikami Shampoo. This conditioner can be used everyday after shampoo.
Sesudah keramas, usapkan conditioner merata ke seluruh rambut. Biarkan beberapa menit, lalu bilas dengan bersih. Untuk hasil yang maksimal gunakan shampo Ichikami. Dapat digunakan setiap hari setelah keramas
Texture & Scent
It has thick texture, easy to spread and apply. This Ichikami Conditioner has quite similar scent like Ichikami Shampoo, but not as stronger as the shampoo's scent.
Teksturnya padat, tetapi mudah disebar dan diaplikasikan pada rambut. Conditioner Ichikami ini punya wangi yang mirip Shampo Ichikami, tapi tidak sekuat wangi shampo tersebut.
My Thoughts
In second week, I tried this conditioner along with Ichikami Shampoo and the result is impressive. My hair become softer and more moist after rinse off ♥♥ I believe that shampoo only isn't enough, we also need conditioner and other hair treatment products for better result :p In order to beautify ourselves always need effort, hehe.
Pada minggu ke-2, aku mulai mencoba conditioner ini bersamaan dengan Ichikami Shampoo dan hasilnya lebih mengesankan. Rambutku menjadi lebih halus dan lembab setelahnya ♥♥ Ternyata ya emang benar kalau pemakaian shampo saja itu tidak cukup, butuh conditioner dan produk perawatan rambut lain juga untuk hasil yang lebih baik :p Kalau mau cantik emang butuh usaha, hehe
KRACIE Ichikami Treatment
Help to treat hair strength from hair damaging process like UV rays, lack of sleep, stress, and coloring. Can be used all over parts of hair, intensive hair care, and need to rinse off.
Membantu merawat kekuatan rambut dari kerusakan yang kompleks akibat sinar matahari, kurang tidur, stress, gesekan ketika menyisir dan pewarnaan rambut. Dapat digunakan di semua bagian rambut, merawat rambut secara intensif dan harus dibilas setelahnya.
Price: around IDR 70,000 - 80,000
Content: 200gr
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How to use
After shampoo, apply Ichikami Treatment all over hair evenly. Leave it for few minutes, and rinse off thoroughly. For maximum result, use it along Ichikami Shampoo & Conditioner. Recommended to use 2-3 times a week.
Sesudah keramas, usapkan treatment merata ke seluruh rambut. Biarkan beberapa menit, lalu bilas dengan bersih. Untuk hasil yang maksimal gunakan shampo & conditioner Ichikami. Dianjurkan pemakaian 2-3 kali seminggu
Texture & Scent
Among these of products, Ichikami Treatment has thickest texture of all. It has similar scent with Ichikami Conditioner, nice floral scent ^.^
Diantara semua produknya Ichikami, Ichikami Treatment ini teksturnya paling padat. Wanginya mirip dengan Ichikami Conditioner yang berbau bunga-bunga segar ^.^
My Thoughts
I started to use this Ichikami Treatment in the middle of 2nd week and I think I need to get used with this new hair routine. As a lazy busy woman with tons of schedule, I didn't use conditioner and hair treatment frequently, but now I do think that my hair NEEDS THEM. I realized how different my hair condition with and without complete hair treatment products. After used Ichikami Treatment till this moment, my hair become softer and stronger, despite I use hair heating tools regularly.
Aku mulai menggunakan Ichikami Treatment ini pertengahan minggu ke-2 dan kurasa aku perlu membiasakan diri dengan rutinitas perawatan rambutku yang sekarang. Sebagai wanita malas sibuk yang punya segudang aktifitas, aku tidak terbiasa menggunakan conditioner dan treatment secara teratur, namun aku rasa rambutku bener-bener BUTUH yang namanya perawatan rambut yang lebih teratur. Aku menyadari kalau beda banget sebelum dan sesudah melakukan perawatan rambut ini. Setelah rajin menggunakan Ichikami treatment, rambutku jadi lebih halus dan kuat, meskipun aku cukup sering menggunakan alat catok dan hair dryer.
KRACIE Ichikami Hair Treatment Water
Help to maintain hair moisture, protect hair from UV rays, repair and prevent damaged hair. Japanese brown rice extract makes hair looks healthier and shinier.
Membantu menjaga kelembaban rambut, memperbaiki kerusakan sekaligus mencegahnya dari kerusakan dan melindungi rambut dari sinar UV. Ekstrak beras dari Jepang menjadikan rambut terlihat berkilau sehat.
Price: around IDR 90,000 - 100,000
Content: 200ml
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How to use
Push the white key (see the picture) to unlock the spray. After wash your hair with Ichikami Shampoo & Conditioner, dry your hair first and spray this Ichikami Hair Treatment Water several times from 5-10 cm distance. Leave your hair till the essence get absorbed, no need to rinse off.
Lepaskan pengunci di bagian penyemprot untuk mulai memakai. Setelah mencuci rambut dengan Ichikami Shampoo & Conditioner, lalu keringkan dan semprotkan beberapa kali dari jarak 5-10 cm dan biarkan meresap perlahan ke rambut. Tidak perlu dibilas lagi
Color & Scent
It's colorless and easy to be absorbed into hair strands :D It smells GREAT! I think its scent is perfectly similar with Ichikami Shampoo, which is my favorite scent! Hehe.
Carian spray di dalam produk ini tidak berwarna dan mudah terserap di tiap helaian rambut :D WANGI nya enak bangettt! Kurasa wanginya persis dengan wangi Ichikami Shampoo, yang merupakan wangi favoritku! Hehe.
My thoughts
It makes my hair less-frizzy, moist and easy to style. The lock key is undoubtedly secure and this product is travel-friendly ^.^ It works well as hair treatment spray and hair fragrance.
Menurutku, produk ini berhasil mengurangi kekusutan rambutku dan jadi lebih gampang ditata. Penguncinya sangat amat dan tidak perlu diragukan lagi kalo produk ini sangat aman untuk dibawa berpergian ^.^ Produk ini berkerja dengan baik sebagai hair treatment spray sekaligus parfum rambut.
RESULT Before & After
NOTE: I washed my hair a day before taking these photos. No hair tools involved.
I'm born with thick, straight and fluffy hair *not in adorable meaning, LOL*
You'd probably think that before-after photos of mine look similar. Yes, maybe the result isn't too visible but I can feel the differences by touching my hair. After using these four products regularly, my hair become really strong and soft. I barely see breakage (yes, 99% no split-ends!) and my hair become less-frizzy and less-rebellious ^.^ Overall, I'm satisfied with these Kracie Ichikami products!
Mungkin kalian beranggapan foto sebelum dan sesudah pemakaian kok nampak sama saja.. Bener banget, mungkin hasilnya ngga nampak secara kasat mata tapi dapat dirasakan kalau disentuh lho :D Setelah menggunakan 4 produk ini secara teratur, rambut jadi lebih kuat dan lembut. Percaya atau ngga, aku hampir-hampir ngga pernah liat ada rambut bercabang. Rambutku juga jadi lebih mudah diatur dan ngga gampang kusut ^.^ Secara keseluruhan, aku puas sama produk Kracie Ichikami ini!
Pros (+)
+ Makes my hair soft and strong
+ 99% no hair split-ends (FYI I regularly use hair dryer, hair curling iron and hair straightener)
+ Pleasant cherry blossom scent ♥♥♥
+ Secure cap and pump (travel-friendly)
+ Lovely and attractive design
Cons (-)
- In order to achieve prettier hair, I need longer bath-time XDD
(Just kidding. We always need worth sacrifice for maximum result, don't we? :p)
Produk Ichikami dapat dibeli / diperoleh di:
Grand Lucky, Ranch Market, Farmers Market, Guardian, Watson, Century
So, have you tried Kracie Ichikami products? ^.^
Please let me know what you do you think about these products :D
Thanks for reading! xx
PS: These products were sent to me by Kawaii Beauty Japan for review purpose. Thank you KBJ!
I love this review! I keep on looking for products to help my hair since I dye it too often >< These sound like good products! Thank you for the post about them
ReplyDeleteYou should try them! ^^
Deleteyou're welcome Minah
baca review kracie ichikami banyak yg bilang bagus, jd pengen coba,soalnya rambut aku rusak banget.. oiya kalo boleh tau cece skrg pake shampoo dan hair trestment apa ya? rambutnya keliatan sehat :)
ReplyDeletesekarang lagi pake head & shoulders soalnya lg ada ketombe.. gerah dan panas banget cuaca di sby... :s
Deletethank you :)