Hi fellas! :) I think it's my first time reviewing homemade tinted lip balm product. For daily basis I often use lip balm + lip tint rather than lipstick. So, when I heard about this tinted lip balm, I'm pretty curious and want to know more!
Lip balm + Lip tint in one package? It sounds very time-saving! ^.^
Basically it's a lip tint that has moisturizing benefit and does good job as lip balm! It comes in pump dispenser, and slim bottle. So far this Jar of Beauty Tinted Balm is available in 4 variants :)
Deskripsi Produk // Liptint untuk melembabkan bibir yang kering, selain melembabkan bibir juga bikin wajah semakin fresh dengan 4 pilihan warna dan rasa. Terbuat dari 100% bahan alami.
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Jar of Beauty Tinted Balm & Lip Balm. Image credit: @vns_shop |
Available in:
♡ Cotton Candy (pink color)
♡ Red Butter Cookies (red color)
♡ Tiramisu (nude brown color)
♡ Orange Slushee (orange color)
Price/Harga: IDR 70,000
Content/Isi: 12 ml
And I got mine in Cotton Candy ;D
This product has very very simple packaging and printed sticker's image quality that taped on the top isn't sharp enough *my two cents as graphic designer, LOL* :p However I like how they chosen bottle as the tinted balm container, it's pretty convenient and hygienic!
Kemasan // Bisa dibilang kemasannya sangat sederhana dan kualitas gambar sticker di bagian atas box nya kurang jelas terlihat *opini pribadi sebagai grafis desainer yang bawel* :p Haha. Tapi aku suka kemasan botolnya yang bikin produk ini jadi sangat higienis dan praktis di bawa-bawa.
After dispense enough amount of tinted balm, blend it well. For this swatch, I pumped 2-3x times because its pump only can dispense very small amount for each pump ^.^ It's good, because I can control the exact amount of the tinted balm that I want to use.
Baurkan tinted balmnya setelah dipencet beberapa kali. Untuk swatch di bawah ini, aku memencetnya sekitar 2-3x (lupa) karena setiap kali dipencet, yang keluar dikit-dikit ^.^ Yah menurutku hal itu bagus sih, karena aku jadi bisa mengontrol tinted balm yang akan keluar biar ngga jadi kebanyakan / luber.
Blushed pink, which is very pretty and wearable for everyday. The only thing that you have to pay attention is cleanliness of your finger before blend this tinted balm on our lips. Don't worry, stain on your finger can be easily removed by tissue or water :)
Warnanya cantik yaa :D Kayak pipi yang memerah, warnanya juga aman untuk dipakai sehari-hari. Mungkin satu-satunya hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kebersihan jari sebelum membaurkan tinted balm ini ke bibir. Jangan kuatir, noda yang di jari bisa mudah dihapus dengan tisu atau dicuci dengan air kok :)
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2-3 layers |
Finish result: sheer color, glossy finish
Overall Thoughts
Overall, this tinted balm is so moisturizing and it doesn't accentuate dry or chapped lips ^.^ For its longevity, it can lasts for around 2-3 hours without eating. I think this product is so useful and time-saving! Its color is very pretty too :D
Kesimpulan // Secara garis besar, tinted balm ini beneran melembabkan dan ngga bikin bibir pecah-pecah makin keliatan ^.^ Untuk daya tahannya, bisa tahan sekitar 2-3 jam tanpa makan. Kupikir produk ini sangat berguna dan sangat hemat waktu. Warnanya juga cakepp :D
Pros (+)
+ Moisturizing & giving nice color on lips
+ Convenient & hygienic packaging
+ Travel-friendly
+ Natural ingredients
Cons (-)
- Very plain box and sticker design
- Have to use fingers to blend the color
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Any question? :D Please comment below!
Thanks for (always) reading and supporting this blog, guys *BIG HUG*
See you on my next post ♥
males banget pake jari apply nya ya :(
ReplyDeleteiya kelemahannya itu git >_< tapi sisi positifnya, higienis banget hahaha
DeleteWaa manis warnanya keliatan natural. Ce shelvi cantik banget >.<
bagus ce warnanya, ada juga trnyta liptint bhan natural xD