안녕하세요! Hello guys!
I admit that feet are body parts that mostly get least attention from me -_- I got used to defend myself over the reason why I neglect my feet, is due to my hectic activity and I simply have no time to go salon and doing pedicure *LOL. So I looked for a foot product that suitable for lazy busy woman like me. Have you heard about foot peeling product? Yes, a product that designed as foot mask that could "strip off" your hard skin :p I've wanted to try this kind of product since months ago and finally I could tried it! I was curious about this foot peeling XD Does this foot peeling really works?
Halo semua! Aku mengakui kalau kakiku adalah bagian tubuhku yang paling ngga aku perhatikan -_- Lha kenapa kok jarang kuperhatikan? Soalnya aku sibuk dan ngga ada waktu untuk ke salon dan pedikur XDD #ngeles. Jadii aku cari-cari produk apa yang cocok untuk cewe males sibuk sepertiku. Apakah kalian pernah mendengar yang namanya produk peeling untuk kaki? Iya, yang kumaksudkan adalah produk yang didesain sebagai masker kaki tapi punya kemampuan untuk "menguliti" kulit pecah-pecah dan kapalan kita. Aku udah penasaran dan kepengen banget coba produk macam gini XD Kira-kira ngefek di aku ngga ya?
Well, let's see together! I've prepared before-after photos for this experiment ^.^
The Face Shop Smile Foot Peeling 스마일 풋 필링
What is this?
Technically, this is a foot mask that contains exfoliating chemical essence that able to strip off feet's hard skin in 1-2 weeks after application, without any pain.
Apa sih ini? // Secara teknis ini adalah masker kaki yang mengandung esens kimia yang punya kemampuan untuk mengeksfoliasi kulit kapalan 1-2 minggu setelah pemakaian, tanpa rasa sakit sedikit pun.
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Why there's no English translations? -_- |
This is disposable foot mask product that contains natural vegetable extract, fitontsid (?) extract. This peeling mask is able to remove dead skin cells on your feet.
Price / Harga: ± IDR 100,000 or USD 8-9
How to use
- Put the foot sheets on
- Pour the contents of pouch into each sheet
- Wait for 1,5 hours
- Take off the sheets and wash off your feet clearly
- 4-6 days after used them, the dead skin cells on your feet will removed naturally
- 2 weeks later, all the dead skin cells on your feet will be disappear completely
What's inside the box
You'll get 2 feet sheets and an essence pouch. The feet sheet has inside out side, plastic material outside and soft fabric material inside. First of all, you should do your business in toilet before using this product XD Trust me, after put your feet inside this mask, you will get lazy to move anywhere (though actually you're able to move your feet). I decided to watch K-drama while wearing this foot mask ^.^ *LOL
Cara Pakai
- Pakai alas kakinya dengan baik dan benar(pastikan memasukkan kakimu kedalam lapisan kain lembut di dalamnya)
- Tuang cairan masing-masing ke dalam lapisan dalam alas kaki
- Ikat tali di alas kaki dan tunggu sampai 1,5 jam lalu bilas dengan bersih
My Impression
My impression during 1,5 hours application was, my feet felt so damped *LOL >_< It didn't really bother me actually, it felt quite comfortable inside those feet sheets. Just make sure that you go toilet first before try this product, so that you don't need to move your feet anywhere during the process.
Kesan-kesanku selama memakai produk ini adalah, kakiku terasa becek selama 1,5 jam >_< Ngga mengganggu sih sebenernya, kakiku terasa nyaman-nyaman aja di dalam alas kakinya. Pokoknya jangan lupa untuk ke toilet dulu sebelum pake produk ini, jadinya ngga perlu keluyuruan kemana-mana setelah memakainya. Hehe
(I've warned you, but if you insist.. here are photos of my lovely feet)
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Right after application, Day 3 and Day 7 |
See how terrible my heels were? See my cracked, dry and super unattractive heels -__- HAHA. The essence of Face Shop Smile Foot Peeling helped me to soften my hard skin and it's ready to exfoliate started from Day 3. Anyway, Coccinelle's owner told me to rub my hard skin with pumice stone for faster exfoliation.
Lihat kan gimana parahnya kondisi tumitku? Pecah-pecah, kering dan super ga terawat -__- HAHA. Esens dari Face Shop Smile Foot Peeling sangat membantu untuk melembutkan kapalan di kulit kaki dan siap untuk mengelupas dari hari ke-3. Oh ya, ownernya Coccinelle juga memberiku tips untuk menggosok kakiku dengan batu apung untuk proses pengelupasan yang lebih cepat.
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Day 8, Day 9, and Day 14 |
My feet were at their worst condition (I mean, the most unappealing appearance) at Day 9. All hard skin and dead skin cells were completely removed at Day 14 :D
Kondisi terparah pengelupasan kulit kakiku adalah di hari ke-9, bener-bener terlihat ngga menarik tapi harus disabar-sabarin sampai bener-bener ngelupas semua >_< Semua sel kulit mati, kulit kapalan terkelupas tuntas pada hari ke-14 :D
When seeing these exfoliation process, my BF said that I looked like molting snake :p
Err.. Sorry for different lighting and angles. It was REALLY hard to take proper photos myself :s
Pacarku nyeletuk bilang kalo aku kayak ular yang lagi ganti kulit :p haha. Err maaf banget untuk angle yang beda-beda dan pencahayaan yang beda-beda yaa.. Susah banget untuk foto kaki sendiri :s Aku harus meliuk-liukkan badanku dalam berbagai pose biar foto nya keliatan jelas dan ngga blur :s
And.. guess what is this?? Yes those flakes were my feet's hard skins XDD
So gross, right? :p Sorry but.. Dunno why, I was so satisfied after collected them LOL. It's a wrap!
Kalian tau apa yang di bawah ini? Yep, serpihan kapalan pada kakiku XDD
Keliatan jijay banget ya? :p Sorry tapi entah kenapa aku puas bisa mengumpulkannya. Hihi. Sukses!
Kalian tau apa yang di bawah ini? Yep, serpihan kapalan pada kakiku XDD
Keliatan jijay banget ya? :p Sorry tapi entah kenapa aku puas bisa mengumpulkannya. Hihi. Sukses!
This mask literally soften my feet's hard skin after application, and my feet flaked off 4-5 days later. I just don't like how messy it can be during the peeling process such as on bed, car, floor, shoes etc -_- Dead skin cells scattered almost everywhere! Moreover, I lie if I said that I didn't do anything but waiting for my feet hard skin exfoliate themselves. Those flakes of hard skin weren't enormous enough to exfoliate themselves naturally.
That's why I speed up the exfoliation process by peeling my feet's dead skin cells, I found it was not easy job. Why? Because there are few blind spots of my sight and I need quite long time to make sure that my feet is totally hard skin-free. I can say that my feet were 98% completely clean afterwards.
Overall, this foot peeling product did great job to remove dead skin cells on my feet. But I actually expect more exciting exfoliation process (I imagined my feet hard skin would be molting like a real snake, LOL) :p Oh, not forget to mention, this peeling process was NOT painful at all :)
Performa // Masker ini melembutkan kapalan pada kakiku yang secara otomatis mulai mengelupas 4-5 hari setelahnya. Yang aku kurang suka adalah, selama proses pengelupasan itu sel kulit matiku berantakan dimana-mana (diatas kasur, mobil, lantai, sepatu dll) -_- Terlebih lagi, foot peeling yang ini ngga bisa bikin kulit kakiku total mengelupas secara alami tanpa bantuan tangan. Jadi aku mempercepat proses pengelupasannya dengan menggosoknya dengan batu apung setelah selesai mandi dan aku membantu "menguliti" sendiri kapalan kakiku sehingga cepat ngelupas semuanya :p
Nah selama proses itu juga, menurutku bukan hal yang mudah karena serpihannya itu sebagian bentuknya kecil-kecil dan ada beberapa blind spot yang membuatku kesulitan kalau kukerjakan sendiri. Yah, tapi beneran setelah itu kulit kakiku 98% jadi benar-benar bersih, kayak kaki bayi hehe ^.^
Secara kesuluruhan, produk foot peeling ini efektif untuk membersihkan kapalan pada kakiku. Tapi sebenarnya aku ngarep proses pengelupasan yang lebih heboh sih (aku bayangin kakiku akan ganti kulit kayak ular :p Hahaha). Oh ya, ampir lupa bilang.. proses peelingnya NGGA SAKIT sama sekali :)
Pros (+)
+ Awesome self-exfoliation ability (I think it's pretty cool!)
+ Made my feet 98% clean from hard skin
+ Can be used anytime in home
+ No pain at all
Cons (-)
- Hard skin flakes scatter mostly everywhere
- Need to wait for maximum 2 weeks to see the best result
- Quite pricey
This product is sponsored by
(produk bisa dibeli di)
See ya on my next post~
Wahhh. Kayaknya aku butuh banget produk ini. Secara kakiku kasar sekali. Nice review Vee.. anyway aku agak ngilu sedikit denger kata 'menguliti' hehehe.. padahal aku sendiri suka menguliti kulit mati juga. Haha.. ikutan puas aku lihat kulit mati itu Vee. Hehehe. :3
ReplyDeleteiyaa cobainn deh yan ^^
Deletewkwk abisnya memang aku "menguliti" sih XDD
ReplyDeletewahh keren bisa sampe begitu . kok kamu telaten banget ngumpulin serpihannya sheln, hihi nice review dear
kalo pas di rumah aku kumpulin nes, tp kalo pas di luar rmh ya ga sempet XD
Deletemakanya serpihannya kayak ga gitu banyak gt
jadi pengen coba deh, tapi serem ya liat serpihannya hihi
ReplyDeletengga sakit sama sekali kok ^^
Deletesusah gak vee pake sepatunya? :O
ReplyDeletesampe kaya gitu banget yahhh lama juga 2 mgg ^^"
aku pake flat shoes kalo ke kantor.. ga ada masalah git :D
Deleteiyaa sampe bener2 tuntas butuh 2 minggu
patut dicoba ya ini ce, cm agak malesnya pas proses ngelupas itu ..
ReplyDeletemgkn agk bkin krg nyaman, thanks for review ce ^^
iyaa wid >.< ya hrs siap2 pas proses ngelupasnya hehe
Deletesama2 :D
ini makenya cukup sekali/1 pack aja kah dalam jangka waktu 2 minggu itu? o__o efeknya lumayan kuat gitu kayaknya hahahaha
ReplyDeleteanyway thanks for the review, jadi pengen nyobain =^_^=
iyaa dalam wkt 2 minggu...agak ngeri jg sih kok bs bertahan gt meski udah cuci kali berkali2 ._.
Deletesama2 ^^ hehe
wah, nice review sis! Iya nih, kenapa cuma di aku ya yang efeknya berbeda gitu ._.
ReplyDeletesemoga beberapa hari kedepan efek aslinya mulai keliatan deh heheheh.
batu apung prosesnya lama ya daripada pake amplas keluarnya kyk bubuk gitu... brti hrus tiap hri rutin ngelupas. btw makasih sarannya ya ^^
ReplyDeleteliatnya serem ci tapi kayaknya mempan banget ya
ReplyDeleteHello Xiao Veeay I use your blog to promote this product in my Facebook? I may take orders for this product from my friends in Malaysia. Would you mind if I link this blog for review? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi Xiao Vee.. kindly waiting for your reply. ^_^
DeleteHi, sorry for late reply.. it's okay ^_^ I don't mind
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