Hi everyone! I'm really sorry there was some problems on my blog domain's setting yesterday :( It's stressing me enough! But finally it has fixed and now you can access this blog again *phew*.
Ok, let's back to topic! You guys probably wondering what product is this :D Yes, you're right. This product belongs to Miracle Aesthetic Clinic. FYI, Miracle also carries their own personal skin care brand ;) Last September I won an award as Miracle's Best Beauty Partner (3rd place) and I won bunch of Miracle products as my prize ^.^ You may read the report HERE.
Halo semua! Maaf banget bagi kalian yang ga bisa buka blog ku kemarin, ada sedikit masalah di setting domain ku jadinya ga bisa dibuka :( Bener-bener bikin stres. Tapi untunglah udah dibenerin semuanya jadi bisa dibuka lagi *fiuh*.
Baiklah, balik ke topik! Mungkin kalian penasaran ini produk apaan sih? Yup, dugaan kalian benar. Produk ini adalah produk dari Klinik kecantikan Miracle itu lho. Bagi kalian yang belum tau, Miracle juga punya merk perawatan wajah berlabel brand mereka sekarang ;) September tahun lalu aku menang sebagai Miracle's Best Beauty Partner (juara 3) dan aku mendapat beberapa produk Miracle sebagai hadiah ^.^
Among those products that gifted to me, the most interesting product (for me) was this Miracle Lashregro. Who doesn't wants long and thick eyelashes without any eyelash extension? :3 That's clearly not me. Hehe. Without hesitation, I tried this eyelash essence (or eyelash serum) continuously for around 4 months. Now I'm ready to provide my truthful opinion about this product :)
Diantara produk-produk tersebut, yang paling menarik perhatianku adalah Miracle Lashregro. Siapa sih yang ngga kepengen punya bulu mata panjang dan tebal tanpa eyelash extension? Tentu saja aku juga kepengen dong. Hehe. Jadi tanpa ragu-ragu, aku cobain juga serum bulu mata ini secara berkelanjutan selama 3-4 bulan. Dan sekarang aku siap menulis opini terjujurku tentang produk ini :)
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Miracle Lashregro: For Longer, fuller and lustrous eyelash |
/ kemasan /
So far Miracle products have very simple design and their packaging are dominated with white color. Maybe Miracle want to leave simple impression to their customers? Oh I think white color is quite correlated with medical world :p LOL
Sejauh ini semua produk Miracle memiliki desain yang sangat sederhana dan kemasannya didominasi warna putih. Mungkin Miracle mau meninggalkan kesan kalau produk Miracle itu sederhana? Oh menurutku warna putih cukup nyamung lah ya dengan dunia kedokteran :p Hahaha
/ Deskripsi Produk /
Eyelash enhancer enriched peptide complex. Helps to improve the appearance of natural lash length, fullness and thickness. Apply a thin line of Miracle Lashregro to your upper lash line once a day at night on a cleansed face, as though you were applying liquid eyeliner. Leave it at least for 4 hours.
Content: 5 ml
Price: IDR 600,000 (or around $60)
Made in Korea
(Manufactured by Caregen Co., Ltd.)
(Bukan terjemahan secara harafiah) Diperkaya peptide complex untuk menutrisi dan memperbaiki penampilan bulu mata agar nampak lebih panjang, penuh dan tebal. Aplikasikan Miracle Lashgro tipis-tipis pada atas bulu mata cukup 1x pada waktu malam hari sebelum tidur. Aplikasikanlah seperti sedang mengaplikasikan eyeliner cair. Biarkan selama minimal 4 jam.
Isi: 5ml
Harga: Rp. 600.000
Diproduksi di Korea oleh Caregen Co., Ltd
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MIRACLE Lashregro: create your dazzling eyelashes in 3 weeks |
/ Aplikator /
Its applicator is really similar with common liquid eyeliner applicator. Its applicator is easy to use and I could line my upper lash line very well, without hassle. I used to line my upper lash line tightly and gently, after done with my night skin care routine :)
Aplikatornya mirip banget sama aplikator eyeliner cair pada umumnya. Aplikatornya gampang digunakan dan aku bisa mengoleskannya pada garis bulu mataku tanpa ada masalah. Aku mengaplikasikannya mepet dengan garis bulu mata secara perlahan, dan kulakukan setelah menyelesaikan rutinitas perawatan wajahku di malam hari :)
What happened afterwards?
/ Apa sih yang terjadi setelahnya? /
It stings my lash line for around 30-60 seconds (EACH time). Don't be afraid, it's not that horrible actually. Sorry I don't know how to name it, but it's just like tiny "sparks" that surround your lash line XD You'll get used with the effect after 1-2 weeks. Anyway its liquid is colorless and scentless, so I guess it's safe enough for your sensitive eyes :D
Bulu mataku terasa seperti tersengat selama 30-60 detik (setiap pemakaian). Ngga perlu setakut itu sih, ngga semengerikan itu kok. Rasanya itu cuma kayak clekit-clekit XD Kalian akan terbiasa setelah 1-2 minggu pemakaian. Ngomong-ngomong, cairannya itu ngga berwarna dan ngga ada wanginya, jadi kurasa cukup aman apabila kalian punya mata yang sensitif :D
Result in around 4 months
/ Hasil setelah pemakaian sekitar 4 bulan /
I just realized that my lashes look thicker, fuller and slightly longer than before O_o Can you tell the differences? I also feel that my lashes grew stronger and become less-fall out. I have used up 98% of that eyelash growth serum so far and I can say that Miracle Lashregro is worth to try! ^.^
Aku baru sadar kalau bulu mataku nampak lebih penuh, tebal dan sedikit lebih panjang dari sebelumnya O_o kalian bisa liat perbedaannya juga? Aku juga merasa bulu mataku jadi lebih kuat dan ngga gampang rontok. Sampai sekarang aku udah menghabiskan produk pemanjang bulu mata ini sampai 98% dan menurutku Miracle Lashregro ini layak untuk dicoba! ^.^
Pros (+)
+ Effective to makes eyelashes become thicker, fuller and longer :D
+ Easy to use
+ Travel-friendly
+ Scentless
Cons (-)
- OMG I know it's so pricey
- Sting effects during application (it's normal actually)
If you're interested to try this product, you can get it at Miracle Aesthetic Clinics in Indonesia :)
Kalau tertarik untuk mencoba produk ini, kalian bisa mendapatkannya di Miracle nya langsung :)
Address / Alamat
Address / Alamat
Miracle Aesthetic Clinic Surabaya
Head Quarter:
Jl. MH. Thamrin 40
+62-31 566 3939
Surabaya Branches:
Jl. Raya Kertajaya Indah No. 81 Blok O - 123
+62-31 5999 872
Jl. HR Muhammad 42
+62-31 731 6902
Tunjungan Plaza
TP-IV 4th floor 4.04-06
Jl. Basuki Rahmat
+62-31 545 2797
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PS: Have you joined my on-going giveaway? ^^ Click this banner to join now!
That's for now, thanks for reading guys! :D
Hope you find that my review is helpful enough. xx
Really interesting review~! I've been looking into lash serums recently and I may give this one a try
Wah iya, mahal banget :(
ReplyDeletewih, ngefek banget ya ce, lgs tebel >_<
ReplyDeleteSerum untuk bulu mata harganya lumayan ya ce, tapi hasilnya wow... hehe.. kyak merek revive lash jg ya gitu...