
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Review: Museum Angkut (Transport Museum), Batu - Indonesia

Hello, guys! Sorry I was really busy last week and finally I could managed time to catch up my pending posts in draft >_< Ok, let's start with the latest tourism spot in Batu - Indonesia. Yes, I'm gonna talk about Museum Angkut or Transport Museum in Batu. For those who doesn't knows about this city, Batu is a city near Malang, located in East Java Province - Indonesia. Proud to say that Batu is one of the most popular tourism city in East Java ^.^ Anyway, Batu also can be translated as "stone" in English.

Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review

Terinspirasi dari bentuk penghargaan atas penciptaan alat transportasi di dunia. Kini, telah hadir museum transportasi modern pertama di Indonesia dan Asia yang memadukan unsur seni dan budaya. Museum Angkut Plus Movie Star Studio merupakan museum dengan konsep edukasi dan entertainment yang ditampilkan secara langsung.

Letaknya yang nyaman dan asri dilereng gunung Panderman di areal seluas 3,8 hektar siap memanjakan anda dengan 300 lebih koleksi jenis angkutan mulai tradisional sampai modern yang dipadukan dengan berbagai landscape dan model bangunan eksotis dunia mulai dari benua Eropa sampai Amerika.

Selain itu, pengunjung dapat bersantai menikmati suasana hidangan saung di Pasar Apung yang menjajakan berbagai kuliner dan handycraft khas Nusantara. (source:


This place was inspired by appreciation form of transpiration invention in the world. The first Transport Museum in Indonesia and Asia that combine art and culture elements. Museum Transport Museum Movie Star Studio is a museum that comes with education concept and entertainment.

Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
entrance gate

information center
Regular Ticket (Museum Angkut Only) :
Weekday Rp. 50.000
Weekend Rp. 75.000
Bundling Ticket (Museum Angkut & D’topeng Kingdom):
Weekday Rp. 70.000
Weekend Rp 90.000

Weekday: Monday - Thursday
Weekend: Friday - Sunday, High Season Holiday, National Holiday

Additional charge: Rp. 30.000 / camera
(including DSLR, Polaroid, Handycam, Pocket Camera, Mirrorless Camera)

helicopter replica that near entrance gate
Anyway, please take a note that I actually wasn't in photo-ready look XDD please pardon my lazy makeup look, no contact lens and very very casual outfit. I went to Malang and Batu for the New Year getaway, it was a short holiday (only 3 days 2 nights) and I really wanted to have as minimum as possible makeup. I was in lazy holiday mood, and I had no any plan to bring nice outfits and fancy footwear. Only casual comfy shirt, midi pants and sandals :p :p Don't be surprised ok? That's is me in real life! So probably you will know another side of Shelvi on this post ^.^


01. Main Hall Zone

In this room, there are a lot of transportation collection from many different countries and periods.
On this post I apparently won't talk too much, just enjoy the pictures ok? ^__^

sejarah sepeda bermesin tempel
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
bicycles from period to another period
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
random couch and miniature of fire trucks
Vintage and luxurious transports
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
nice chandelier on the ceiling of the room
horse-drawn carriage, old vintage car, helicopter and old style racing car
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
Miniatures of vintage cars in the showcase

02. Education Zone
If you are looking for education tourism, you were in right place! In this 900 m2 zone, you may gain much information about history of transport in many periods either from Indonesia or worldwide :) They come with new way to educate our child about transport knowledge in a fun and interactive way!

Apollo view
Indonesia traditional transports
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
Pedicab of Medan Sumatran

Titanic and... err.. I don't know the others. LOL
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
Let's learn about car and science energy here! :D

03. Sunda Kelapa & Batavia Zone
Consists of Pecinan, Taxi, Station and Port transport collections.
We're going to reverse time to Dutch Colonial. In this zone, we can find replica of Syahbandar and another interesting transports during that colonial period.

history of two and three-wheeled transports in the past
random weeds car XD
cow-drawn carriage and old 1956 car
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
Bajaj, Fish container Pedicab and old 1965 truck

Sunda Kelapa port office
taking group photo with my office mates (and their kids) ^.^
cool army transportation! I sat like a boss :p hahaha
vintage long cars and tires in different sizes
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
vintage bikes and Toyota 1954-4200cc car :D

last cool vintage car before heading to next attraction zone

04. Gangster Town & Broadway Street Zone
In this zone, Al Capone (famous gangster in 1970's) is ready to bring you to gangster sphere. Broadway street have been a dream place for singers and celebrities in the world, along with many types of transports from their era.

I guess this place is the most popular zone in Museum Angkut, you can tell by seeing how crowded this place was! Too many people and I definitely couldn't take proper photo with Gangster Town gate as the background T_T

Okay my poses were kinda random. LOL
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
"Please save and redeem me" T__T
Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review
photo of the day ^.^

Museum Angkut, Transport Museum in Batu Indonesia review

05. European Zone
Italy, France, German and London are some of famous cities in Europe. In this zone, you'll meet night atmosphere and transports from Europe.

Well, actually this zone was quite nice. But unfortunately it provided low-lighting ambiance and I couldn't take good photos with low-lighting ambiance :( When I tried to snap picture for my co-workers with Eiffel as their background, they got back-light photo which was not nice at all.

Oh hello Mr. Bean with his Morris Mini Cooper 1968-848 cc ^_^

06. Buckingham Palace Zone
England as a largest and grand palace in the world has produced many classy transports like Blackburn, Triumph, Matchless, Royal Enfield, Raligh, Fillir, Francis Barnett, Austin, Mini Cooper, Rolls Royce. There is also a LandRover that ever ridden by Queen Elizabeth.

I guess this supposedly called as Buckingham Palace's exterior and garden? Unfortunately I failed to capture nice pictures of myself because the sun was going down T_T

Hoahhh.. this room is so luxurious o___o Look that massive enchanting chandeliers and fancy interior! Aside of collection of majestic vintage cars, there is a red big bus in the middle of the room.  This big bus tour is actually an attraction for kids! :) Kids are allowed to go 2nd level to play with their friends or write something on whiteboard. But, I don't know how far kids can utilize this facility, since I have no idea what exactly kids usually do in that bus.

Pretended to drive bus and sitting next to Queen Elizabeth :p :p

07. Las Vegas Zone
08. Hollywood Zone
Sorry I didn't take any picture of exhibitions on Las Vegas and Hollywood because my camera battery was dying (so as my energy, LOL). Actually Hollywood Zone was really good because it showing many luxurious cars (from the dummy cars to real old fascinating cars that used in Hollywood movies). I highly recommend you to visit this zone before the sun goes down, because you won't get any good picture when night comes T___T

I wow-ed at the limousine car *Q*
FINALLY we finished our Museum Angkut walking tour! It was really fun, amusing yet so tiring! I must say that their collections are AWESOME and well done! I noted to myself to doll up myself little bit on my next visit to Museum Angkut in the future XDD I certainly will be not coming again to this place in near future, so maybe 1-2 years again (while waiting for more new attractions)?


Pasar Apung ("Traditional Floating Market" in English) it's located at the end of Museum Angkut walking tour. Probably you're already understand why this market is named as "Traditional Floating Market", because in Indonesia still there are some cities that have Pasar Apung as their buy-and-sell culture. Yes, those merchants (usually women) sell their goods above a canoe :) So unique, isn't it? If you're interested to know more, just google "Indonesia Traditional Floating Market"!

I captured this photo at noon, several meters away from the area we parked our cars
yes, that's the floating canoe!
In this area, you'll see merchants that selling goods above canoes (unfortunately I didn't see them that evening, probably they only show up before sunset). And of course you may ride a canoe and sail around this area for one time. Sorry I don't know how much money that we should pay for that service ._. I didn't ride that canoe, but co-workers did. I will ask them later if you want to know, hehe.

my co-workers and their kids, sailing around the lake
the goods tenants and food tenants
I tried a Soto Ayam in one of Pasar Apung's tenant and it tasted bland. The worse part is poor hygiene and lack attention of proper cutlery... really not recommended -_- better eat outside lah, LOL. However if you want to know about the traditional floating market and feel the experience by buying some goods from merchants that selling goods above the canoe, you should visit this place :) To visit this Pasar Apung, you actually don't have to buy ticket (yes, it's free!) because it's accessible directly from parking area. 

Anyway, actually there is new attraction that was added on July 2014, that is Zona D’topeng Kingdom (Topeng is "Mask" in English), and basically that is a Mask Exhibition. We skipped that zone because we were afraid that we would not had time to visit it and actually as we expected before, we're all too tired after strolling around Museum Angkut and wanted to back to Villa immediately :'D

Get closer to Museum Angkut:


Jl. Terusan Sultan Agung Atas No. 2 
Kota Wisata Batu - East Java

Opening Hour:
12.00 - 20.00 WIB

Call Center:
+62-341 595007

Twitter: @museumangkut

After read this post, which spot that probably attracts you most? ^.^
Thank you for reading!


  1. blm prnh ksini ce, bgs tmptnya buat foto" ya ce, tp syg nya klo bw kamera musti bayar lg :/

  2. Wah keren banget sih malaaannggg... XD
    Pengen main ke sana bener-bener buat full wisata gitu deehh..
    Betewe tampilan kasualnya sama cantiknya kok, Vi! Hihihi..

    1. Ini bkn malangnya sih van, masih di batu :3
      Iyaa di sana seru lho ^^
      Wkakakak XD ga mungkinnn..aku sbenernya ga pede loh masukin muka kucelku ke blog, tp ya uda lah.. sayang jg klo ga dimasukin

  3. wah cece udah ke museum angkut aja, aku belum sempet ke sana T_T
    dalemnya bagus-bagus ya ce, jadi tambah pingin ke sana :D

    1. Km tinggal dmn dev? :D
      Iyaa mampirlahh tp saranku jgn pas liburan yaa..biar sepi

  4. Such a cool place, it's like Museum of Transport and Technology in NZ :)

  5. baru kemarin pas hari minggu mampir disini, bagus banget unix dan yang paling seru malah bukan kami, tapi ortu yang lebih antusias, karena mereka dulu pernah dan sempet hidup di jaman nya ha ha

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