
Sunday, February 22, 2015

F&B: Wing King - Surabaya [review]

Hi guys! Today's F&B topic is about WING KING restaurant! Have you heard about Wing King before? If you haven't, this is the right time to get know more about them! ;) Special thanks to the Wing King's representative who has invited me to try Wing King :D
Actually I've ever heard about Wing King few months ago (when my co-worker talked to me about it) but I didn't think I'd like to try it since the location is quite far from my boarding house. Thankfully, I could visited and tried Wing King's food at last ;)

Shall we start now?

Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town

Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town
entrance door
My first impression about this place was.. so American-style and sort of typical fast food restaurant :p I love how they used combination red and yellow for logo and main elements of this resto. Based on psychology of colors, red means energy, passion and hunger; while yellow means cheer, fresh, warmth and optimism ^_^ Not forget to mention that yellow is a draw attention color!

current promotion
Place your order first, and wait for few minutes till they deliver your order right on your tables :D
Are you wondering why there's no food display on the front desk? Of course because Wing King IS NOT a fast food restaurant, it's FRESH food restaurant ;)


Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in Surabaya
that uncle's face, LOL XDD Sorry for snapping your photo unintentionally, Sir!
I arrived at Wing King on Sunday at 2 PM, and there were some customers here ordering and enjoying their meals :) I feel American-style atmosphere here, so warm, friendly and cheerful at the same time. If I'm not mistaken, there were 7 square tables and 14 chairs here.

Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town
nice and clean interior with wide mirror ^.^
Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town

"The home of juicy wings, dry wings is not our specialty."

"Chicken wings at its best. Wing King is the place to have your chicken made to order. Everything is fresh, nothing is for display. All the wings are made especially for you!

Wing King established in 2014, serving only the freshest ingredients. At Wing King, we make everything after you place your order. We don't leave your food hanging for hours on a display box before getting to your plate!"

Wing King's Mission Statement:
Raising standards by providing better quality, service, cleanliness and value for our customers.

Wing King's menu and price
8 Wings Flavors To Die For:
Spicy BBQ
Red Buffalo
Sweet Chilli
Garlic Cheese
Western Cajun
Lemon Pepper

Drumsticks (Paha bawah)
Thighs (Paha atas)

Currently Wing King owns 8 kinds of yummy wings flavors, along with 3 levels of spiciness for each flavor :D You can order your preferred flavor and request its spiciness level. Pssst, in near future, they're planning to add more flavors and 2 more levels of spiciness! WOO-HOO! :D

Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town
Stairs to 2nd floor


Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town

The 2nd floor is more spacious and can be used as meeting room as well! Aside of non-smoking area, they also provide a smoking area at terrace. Too bad, even when the separator door was closed, I still could smelt their odor of smoke. Yes, I own a very sensitive nose and I do really hate cigarette's smoke :| If you're a cigarette-anti like me, you should sit near the stair or else 1st floor.

Another plus point of this restaurant is, they set plug-ins close to every tables on this floor (you know, people nowadays never can be separate with gadgets and charger, LOL). So thoughtful is it? *__* If I was still in school and live nearby, I'd love to spend my time here with my friends to do assignments XD 

Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town
Wanna win a FREE ice cream cone for yourself? :D
Latest products of Wing King:
Choco Wafer & Oreo Crumbles
Seaweed & Sweet Tomato Fries


Pepsi for my BF and Blackcurrant tea for me :D I love how they also prepared this cross-word sheet to coat this plain tray! If you have spare time, you can solve this cross-word game ^^

Wing King Surabaya, Wing King restaurant review, best wing chicken in town

The flavored wings in front me were not spicy and still stick to their original taste. They will make the orders by your personal request, you can request the original taste or the spiciest one :D
I would try these foods now, and I will tell you how it taste one by one. 

Because every wings in Wing King has juicy texture and well-cooked, I will give description based on each flavors that I tasted ^.^ Let's start from the least spicy flavored-wings!

Setiap sayap di Wing King ini memiliki tekstur yang lembut dan matang sempurna, aku akan memberikan deskripsi setiap rasa yang ada, dan kumulai dari rasa yang paling tidak pedas diantara semuanya ^.^

flavored wing king garlic cheese

1. Garlic Cheese
One of the most favorite and best seller flavor in Wing King It tasted great, like salted egg ^.^
Even my BF who doesn't like cheese, make an exception for this one!

Salah satu rasa paling favorit di Wing King, rasanya enak seperti telur asin ^.^ Bahkan pacarku yang nggak suka keju pun membuat pengecualian terhadap Garlic Cheese ;)

flavored wing king citrus soy
sorry I didn't realize that it was little bit blurry :(
2. Citrus Soy
Its sauce's taste is really similar with Teriyaki sauce, and it's yummy too :) I'd probably say this flavor is the safest option if you dislike spicy flavor and dunno what to choose.

Rasa sausnya benar-benar mirip dengan saus Teriyaki, dan enak juga :) Mungkin aku akan menyarankan kalian untuk mencoba rasa ini jikalau kalian ngga suka rasa pedas dan benar-benar ngga tau mau pesan apa. Karena rasanya paling aman menurutku XD

flavored wing king lemon pepper

3. Lemon Pepper
It's clearly a yummy lemon chicken, not so sour and quite crispy at the same time XD
Another favorite of mine hehe.

Kalau doyan ayam bumbu lemon, pasti doyan juga sama rasa yang satu ini. Rasanya ngga begitu asam tapi juga ada rasa renyahnya di permukaan XD Termasuk rasa favoritku juga nih, hehe

Wing King Surabaya, flavored wing king curry

4. Curry
As you can tell from its color, Its sauce doesn't taste like Japanese curry seasoning, it's more like Indonesian curry seasoning. It tasted ok for me, with no "harsh" feeling in my throat :)

Seperti yang bisa kalian lihat dari warnanya, rasa sausnya bukan seperti rasa bumbu karinya Jepang, tapi lebih mirip bumbu karinya Indonesia. Rasanya lumayan sih bagiku, ngga nyegrak juga di tenggorokan :)

Wing King Surabaya, flavored wing king western cajun

5. Western Cajun
Its powder seasoning tasted like spicy chips, which its spiciness is still tolerable for me :) It tasted good! If you doesn't really can endure spicy flavor, you can try this flavor ^.^

Bumbu taburnya berasa seperti kripiki pedas, yang tingkat kepedesannya masih bisa ditolerir olehku. Rasanya lumayan kok. Kalau kalian tipe-tipe orang yang ngga bisa makan makanan yang terlalu pedas, masih bisa coba rasa yang satu ini ^.^

Wing King Surabaya, flavored wing king sweet chili

6. Sweet Chili
Loving sweet and little bit spicy flavor? Maybe this flavor can become your favorite :D I love this flavor! It taste really nice. The sweet and spicy flavor blends well together and really enjoyable :9

Suka sama rasa pedas manis? Mungkin rasa ini bisa jadi favoritmu :D Karena aku suka sama rasa yang ini, enakk lho :p Rasa manis dan pedesnya tercampur sempurna dan menjadi rasa yang nikmat :9

Wing King Surabaya, flavored wing king red buffalo

7. Red Buffalo
Have you tried American Red Buffalo chicken? If you aren't familiar with its taste, maybe you will have same thoughts with me.. It taste little bit weird for my Asian tongue LOL XDD. It tasted little bit sour and spicy at the same time. This flavor doesn't taste bad, it's just not my favorite flavor.

Pernahkah kalian mencoba Red Buffalo Chicken Dip masakan Amerika? Kalau belum pernah, mungkin kalian akan berpikir sama sepertiku setelah mencoba rasa yang satu ini.. Rasanya agak aneh menurut lidah Asia-ku. Hahaha XDD. Rasanya agak kecut dan pedas pada saat yang bersamaan. Bukan berarti ngga enak sih, hanya saja lidahku kurang cocok dengan rasanya dan bukan salah satu rasa favoritku.

Wing King Surabaya, flavored wing king spicy BBQ

8. Spicy BBQ
The spiciest flavor of all, it tasted too spicy for my tongue. LOL >_< But my BF likes it, he even said that its flavor isn't spicy enough XD Ok, he need to request spiciness level for this flavor next time :D

Spicy BBQ ini rasa yang paling pedas diantara semuanya, dan beneran terasa terlalu pedas untuk lidahku. Haha >_< Tapi pacarku suka sih, dia bahkan bilang kalau rasanya kurang pedas menurut dia. Nanti next time kalo kesini lagi, dia harus nambah level kepedesannya tuh :D

Seaweed & Sweet Tomato Fries
(Kentang rasa rumput laut & tomat manis)

Are you get bored with regular plain french fries? Let's try these fries then :D 
IMHO, the seaweed fries tasted like Lays chips XDD and I love it!
Meanwhile, the Sweet Tomato Fries tasted like regular fries that coated with tender tomato seasoning. Well, the Seaweed Fries wins my heart this time :p

Paha ayam Wing King

Chicken's Drumstick & Thigh
(Ayam paha atas dan paha bawah)

As requested by customers, Wing King added Drumstick and Thigh on their menu. Unfortunately It ONLY comes in original taste, instead of 8 kind of different flavors. Well, it tasted little bit salty and so crispy! I like it ^_^ But, my BF said its taste is little bit plain and he thought Wing King need to spice up the flavor little bit.

We were so full and loving those juicy wings XD Hopefully Wing King will be opening their new branch really soon (preferably on Central Surabaya area), so I can eat there more often. Hehe ;)

Overall Thoughts

Usually in fast food restaurant (again, I want to emphasize that Wing King isn't a fast food restaurant, I just take it as comparison because Wing King's concept is quite similar with fast food restaurant), I barely eat chicken wings because I prefer chicken drumstick/thigh/breast which contains more meat :p 
But the undeniably fact is, mostly chicken drumstick/thigh/breast's meat that I've consumed were only tasty outside and quite tasteless inside. Don't you agree with me? That's why Wing King's owner said that chicken wing is the best part of all, because its skin and meat part are in proportional size; it bring out juiciness outside and delicacy inside. Nice combination, I would say :)

Before trying flavored-wings in Wing King, I didn't know if eating wings can be this enjoyable! I changed my mind and I've started to love chicken wings, especially Wing King's flavored wings XD
Every wings that processed in Wing King is well-cooked and always FRESH from the pan.. so enjoy your flavored-wings now! ;)

To conclude this post, here's my favorite flavors of them all:
1. Garlic Cheese
2. Sweet Chili
3. Lemon Pepper

(Psst, if you have ever tried Wing King, please let me know which one is your favorite ^.^)

Ruko Plaza Graha Family Kav. A 12
Surabaya 60216, Jawa Timur
Telp. : 031 7329558
Fax. : 031 7329560
Delivery Service: 0896 2000 3000

Opening hours: 10.00 AM - 10.30 PM
Wi-fi: available
Smoking area: terrace 2nd floor

Website :
Instagram: @wingkingid


Hopefully this review is helpful and informative enough :)
Thanks for reading guys!


  1. aaah mupeng, ngarep moga buka cabang di Bali

  2. wah baru tau ada tempat ini ce, bkin penasaran juga ..
    yg di richeese aja bikin ketagihan apalagi ini xD

  3. Di jkt belum ada yaaaa -__-.. Skr ini baru Richeese sih fav ku ;p, blm nyobain yg ini soalnya... Moga2 pedesnya bisa sama kyk Richeese level 5 ^o^

  4. Wah kelihatannya enak ya ce...
    Rumahku deket sana tp nggak pernah makan di Wing King XD


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