Saturday, January 3, 2015

Indonesian Beauty Bloggers got featured on Jawa Pos

Hi guys! Today is a great day! As for me, this is my first time got featured on local newspaper in my country ^__^ That famous local newspaper named Jawa Pos (in English: Java Post) featured me and my fellow Indonesian Beauty Bloggers on "For Her" section.

The interview itself was quite impromptu, I was contacted by Jawa Post 3
days before the newspaper get published XD The interview engaged through e-mails and WhatsApp chats.
I got featured on the same page with Hanna, Sasya, Lizzie Parra, Aini and Eve ^-^


If you missed today's Jawa Post, you can read the article below:
"Sharing, tak sekedar cari Gratisan"
Serba-serbi Beauty Blogger yang makin tren

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Gimana sih cara jadi Beauty Blogger?
1. Bikin blog
2. Soal konten, fokuskan pada hal-hal bidang kecantikan
3. Beri target jumlah posting setiap minggu atau bulannya
4. "Tarik" follower blog sebanyak-banyaknya
5. Update social media lain
6. Cari referensi sebanyak-banyaknya
7. Harus berani

Thank you for the opportunity, Jawa Pos team :D


  1. Jadi pengen jadi beauty blogger deh ._. Terinspirasi gitu bacanya(?)
    Suka sih sama skincare.-. Makeup ngerti juga tapi sepertinya umur tidak meyakinkan jadi beauty blogger :'D

  2. Nemu postingan ini pas di KEB, langsung berdecak kagum. Keren bangeeeet mak.
    Selamat ya mak. Semoga tetap menginspirasi, dan salam kenal, xixixii

    1. Amin :)
      Makasihh mak.. salam kenal jg..
      makasih uda mampir

  3. kereeen ve! bener yaa, kalau passion plus konsisten dan fokus, hasilnya maniis..salam kenal yaa :*

    1. Bener bgt :) msh belajar utk trs konsisten dan fokus hehe. Makasihh.. salam kenal..
      Thx uda mampir :D

  4. Keren mak.... Salam kenal ya...

  5. huii, senangnya ..
    congratss ya ce ^_^

  6. Congratulations!!!! So awesome. :)

  7. Wow masuk Jawa Post! Sukses selalu ya :)


  8. omg wow that's awesome!! I didn't know you're that famous tbh! haha I envy you so much, it must be awesome to be interviewed and featured there >.< ♥

  9. Wah congrats Ce Shel... Udah jadi artis nih cc... :D

  10. Oh kok aku ga baca yaa di rumah ada Jawa Pos lhoo >.<!
    Apa kelupaan yaa? hahaha

    Cieehhh Shelvi masup koran cieeeee XD


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