Hello, everyone! :D
How's your day so far? I'd like to introduce you nice Japanese skincare products to pamper your skin :)
These are latest Kracie products that I tried, and these products were sent to me by KBJ for review purpose. I have reviewed their Naive Cleansing Oil and Naive Cleansing Foam, and this time I'd like to review their Hadabisei Facial Mask ^.^
What is it?
These are facial sheet masks named Hadabisei Facial Mask, from Kracie, as far as I know there are four variants of Hadabisei Facial Mask: Extra Moist (Red), Brightening (Blue), Elasticity (Orange) and Eye Zone Mask (Pink). Ahhh I want to try the Eye Zone Mask as well :P
Content: 20 ml / each
Price / Harga: Around IDR 27.000 - 35.000, depends on where you buy it.
(Few days ago I saw this facial mask is sold for IDR 34.000 in Guardian TP Surabaya)
Restore Elasticity and Firmness
Hadabisei Facial Mask "Elasticity" contains Co-Enzym Q10 & Soybean Isoflavone, able to increase skin moisture effectively, help to restore skin's firmness and reduce skin finelines.
Cara Memakai Masker Wajah
- Disarankan untuk pemakaian 2 – 3 kali seminggu untuk hasil maksimal.
- Tidak disarankan pemakaian untuk kulit wajah yang sangat sensitif.
- Sebaiknya masker di simpan dalam lemari pendingin untuk hasil lebih menyegarkan.
Overall Thoughts
These facial masks have good quality, they load lots of essence and have not-so-easy-tearable sheet material. As a sheet mask for single use, its price is quite pricey IMHO. But I guess its price is still considerable normal as a Japanese product ^_^;; From those variants, my favorite is the Extra Moist (red) variant ;) I think I'm gonna repurchase it next time. Hehe.
How's your day so far? I'd like to introduce you nice Japanese skincare products to pamper your skin :)
These are latest Kracie products that I tried, and these products were sent to me by KBJ for review purpose. I have reviewed their Naive Cleansing Oil and Naive Cleansing Foam, and this time I'd like to review their Hadabisei Facial Mask ^.^
What is it?
These are facial sheet masks named Hadabisei Facial Mask, from Kracie, as far as I know there are four variants of Hadabisei Facial Mask: Extra Moist (Red), Brightening (Blue), Elasticity (Orange) and Eye Zone Mask (Pink). Ahhh I want to try the Eye Zone Mask as well :P
Content: 20 ml / each
Price / Harga: Around IDR 27.000 - 35.000, depends on where you buy it.
(Few days ago I saw this facial mask is sold for IDR 34.000 in Guardian TP Surabaya)
Bright and Luminous Skin
Hadabisei Facial Mask "Brightening" contains Vitamin C and Collagen, help to increase skin moisture, brighten skin, and reduce pigmentation
Masker wajah Hadabisei “ Brightening” mengandung Vitamin C dan Collagen yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kelembaban, membantu mencerahkan kulit dan mengurangi pigmentasi dengan menekan produksi melanin.
1. Collagen berfungsi untuk melembabkan kulit secara intensif.
2. Vitamin C yang kaya akan antioksidan berfungsi untuk menyegarkan kulit, meningkatkan kecerahan dan menjaga kelembaban kulit. Vitamin C berfungsi pula melindungi kulit dari dampak buruk radikal bebas, meningkatkan produksi kolagen dan mengurangi pigmentasi.
3. Di formulasikan dengan Lemon Extract untuk melunakkan keratin, agar kelembaban terserap oleh kulit secara optimal.
My thoughts about Brightening variant:
It smells nice, quite fresh and not overwhelming. It contains a lot clear liquid essence in one pack. It's quite moisturizing and not itchy :p
Result: It brightens my face little bit
Personal Rating: ★★★☆☆
Source of Hydration
Hadabisei Facial Mask "Extra Moist" contains Royal Jelly & Hyaluronic Acid, help to hydrate dehydrated skin intensively, increase skin elasticity, and make skin feel smooth and fresh.
Masker wajah Hadabisei “ Extra Moist “ mengandung Royal Jelly & Hyaluronic acid yang berfungsi mehidrasi kembali kulit untuk kelembaban yang intensif, sehingga kulit akan terasa lebih kenyal, lembut dan segar.
1. Royal Jelly Extract menutrisi kulit yang kering & kasar menjadi kulit yang kenyal dan sehat.
2. Hyaluronic Acid berfungsi mempertahankan kelembaban, mengatur regenerasi jaringan kulit, dan meningkatkan kekenyalan kulit. Hyaluronic Acid merupakan komponen penting untuk me-regenerasi sel-sel kulit baru.
3. Di formulasikan dengan Lemon Extract untuk melunakkan keratin, agar kelembaban terserap oleh kulit secara optimal.
My thoughts about Extra Moist variant:
When I opened the packaging, I could smell subtle chemical scent from the essence, but its faint chemical scent faded immediately after I put the sheet mask on my face. The sheet mask itself almost has no particular scent ^_^ This facial mask is so refreshing, cool and relaxing~
Result: My skin feels so moist, supple and no more flaky dry lip area!
Personal Rating: ★★★★☆
Restore Elasticity and Firmness
Hadabisei Facial Mask "Elasticity" contains Co-Enzym Q10 & Soybean Isoflavone, able to increase skin moisture effectively, help to restore skin's firmness and reduce skin finelines.
Masker wajah Hadabisei “ Elasticity” mengandung Co-Enzym Q10 & Soybean Isoflavone efektif meningkatkan kelembaban, kehalusan dan mengembalikan kekencangan kulit serta mempertahankan kekenyalan kulit dengan mengurangi garis-garis halus dan kerutan pada kulit wajah yang disebabkan oleh penuaan dan radiasi sinar UV
1. Soybean Isoflavone merangsang produksi Collagen dan Elastin yang berfungsi untuk mempertahankan kesehatan dan keremajaan kulit.
2. Co-Enzyme Q10 dapat meresap ke dalam kulit untuk memperbaiki struktur kulit, mengencangkan kulit yang mengendur akibat dari penuaan, menjaga elastisitas dan kelembaban kulit.
3. Di formulasikan dengan Lemon Extract untuk melunakkan keratin, agar kelembaban terserap oleh kulit secara optimal.
My thoughts about Elasticity variant:
This facial mask has thicker essence, with milky essence. It's quite fragrant and fresh. Its scent didn't bothering me anyway :p Still good~
Result: It makes my skin looked firmer and quite moisturizing
(though it's not as moist as the red one)
Personal Rating: ★★★☆☆
Cara Memakai Masker Wajah
1. Setelah kulit dibersihkan, ratakan masker dengan menggunakan ujung jari di mulai dari dahi dan hidung, hindari area garis rambut dan alis.
2. Lanjutkan dengan meratakan masker seputar rahang.
3. Ratakan pada seluruh area pipi dan seputar bibir (Hindari bibir dan mata).
4. Diamkan selama 10 - 15 menit hingga larutan menyerap.
5. Setelah itu, pijat dengan lembut dan jangan di bilas.
6. Angkat masker secara perlahan dimulai dari arah dagu ke atas.
- Disarankan untuk pemakaian 2 – 3 kali seminggu untuk hasil maksimal.
- Tidak disarankan pemakaian untuk kulit wajah yang sangat sensitif.
- Sebaiknya masker di simpan dalam lemari pendingin untuk hasil lebih menyegarkan.
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No, please don't close the tab immediately! XD This is me, not a ghost! LOL. |
Overall Thoughts
These facial masks have good quality, they load lots of essence and have not-so-easy-tearable sheet material. As a sheet mask for single use, its price is quite pricey IMHO. But I guess its price is still considerable normal as a Japanese product ^_^;; From those variants, my favorite is the Extra Moist (red) variant ;) I think I'm gonna repurchase it next time. Hehe.
Kracie Products are available in:
Guardian, Century, Watsons, Diamond, Farmers, Foodhall, Grand Lucky, Papaya & Ranch Market.
This product was provided by Kawaii Beauty Japan for review purpose.
Thank you KBJ team :)
Thanks for reading everyone ^^
Bye bye~
Thank you KBJ team :)
Thanks for reading everyone ^^
Bye bye~
kuku mu lucu shel XD salah fokus XD
ReplyDeletewah header nya adem shel :3 nataaaaalll :3
mask sheet baru lagi TT__TT suka ga tahan kepengen nyobain :P wkwk
This is really cool!
ReplyDeleteThe Slim Kid Inside Blog
just right on time~ I used up all of my tissue mask ransum at home and was looking for a decent tissue mask. Thanks for your review~
Great review~! I love reading about different sheet masks <33
plg enk pake mask sheet ky gini emang ce, abis pake langsung fresh n praktis jg, tapi ya lebih mahal drpd masker yg wash off >_<
ReplyDeletepgn cobain yg biru :p
Aku juga pernah nyoba ini yg merah~ Ho'oh agak mahal yaa ce ._.
ReplyDeleteJadi pengen nyobain yg eye zone mask jg nih >w<