
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

BYE 2014, HELLO 2015

Hello there! How do you celebrate New Year Eve?
As usual, I always spend my NYE in my hometown, with no party or Instagram-able fancy things ^.^ Having simple dinner and spending quality time with family in front of TV while snacking and do some chit-chats. Sounds boring? That's what we always do every year and I enjoy it =D Then we watch and play with fireworks till get bored with those stuffs. LOL.

Anyway I also want to send my sympathy and deep condolences for some of passed-away passengers of Air Asia QZ8501 :(( None of my friends/acquaintances/relatives were in that crashed plane, but my heart was also sinking as I heard about that devastating news..
If you were relatives or friends of those passengers, please do not lose hope.. We still have more passengers that haven't found. Keep praying and hoping they're still stay safe and sound.. wherever they are.. And hopefully we will hear about them as soon as possible..

img src:

Have you re-check your 2014 resolutions? How many resolutions that you've finished successfully? :p As for me, I only finished my half! Time to make another resolutions list. LOL

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Utama Spice Lipbalm Set [review]

Hello everyone~ ^_^
I still have several pending posts in draft and wanna clean them up as soon as possible. LOL.
Today is time to review lip balm set from Utama Spice! I ordered this trio with voucher from Utama Spice (I luckily won giveaway by ci Nelline few months ago. Thank you). I also bought their Lavender Body Butter (REVIEW). So.. shall we read more about these lip balms? :D


This set is consist of:
- Utama Spice Lip Balm Peppermint 
- Utama Spice Lip Balm Cocoa
- Utama Spice Lip Balm Wellkiss

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Travel Story: Last Christmas in Malaysia [Part 2]

Hola! Before December ends, I managed some time to continue my previous Travel Story in Malaysia XD Because there's word "Better late than never" #lookingforexcuse soooo here I am presenting the 2nd Part of my travel story! You can read 1st Part of this trip HERE

Our 4th destination was Batu Caves, and today we would be guided by Malaysian friend of mine ^_^ Hey buddy thank you so much! Anyway, because Batu Caves only can be reached by Komuter, we moved forward from Bukit Bintang to KL Sentral, and switched to Komuter there.

4. Batu Caves

Luckily the Komuter was so spacious, there were only few passengers at that moment and we could freely choose seats for ourselves ^__^ We need to pass 7 stations for heading to Batu Caves, and it took around 30-60 minutes (I forgot the exact time :p)

Just in case you're wondering, this was my 2nd time visiting Malaysia after more than 5 years.
Ready to wander again? ^.^

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Made in Nature Sweet Lip Sugar Scrub by Ayako's Beauty [review]

Hello guys, here's another homemade sugar lip scrub review, brought to you by @ayako_beautyshop88! :) I apologize for the overdue review :(
Well, I'll review these lip scrubs briefly, and sorry again I will write in Bahasa Indonesia. For international readers, please kindly use "translate" button on my sidebar~

Jadi berminggu-minggu lalu owner dari Ayako's Beauty juga mengirimiku lip scrubs untuk dicoba, yuk mari kita lihat satu persatu :D

Deskripsi Produk

Made in Nature Sweet Lip Sugar adalah Lip Scrub dengan butiran lembut yang sangat efektif mengangkat sel kulit mati dibibir penyebab warna gelap pada bibir. Diperkaya dengan Vitamin E dari biji bunga matahari, efektif melembapkan dan mengembalikan warna cerah alami bibir. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Goodness for Your Skin: Natural Honey!

*This products would be reviewed in Bahasa Indonesia, if you're one of my international readers and interested to read more about this brand, you may click the "translate button" on my sidebar :)

Halo semua :) Hari ini aku mau review salah satu body lotion merk lokal Indonesia, lebih tepatnya bukan body lotion biasa tapi pure honey lotion. Apakah kalian pernah mencoba body lotion yang berbahan dasar madu? Baik itu sudah pernah maupun belum pernah, kalian perlu banget mempertimbangkan produk satu ini nih ^___^

Pernah ngga sih kalian ngerasain yang namanya kulit kering sampe bersisik? Aku sering. Entah kenapa kulitku ini kering banget dan mudah banget kering sampai bersisik kalau lagi berada di ruangan ber-AC atau ke tempat-tempat yang suhunya rendah. Jadi yang namanya kulit kering itu udah sering jadi momok di dalam hidupku >_< Parahnya kadang aku suka ngga telaten kalo harus pake body lotion tiap hari..Apalagi kalo pagi hari aku telat bangun dan buru-buru berangkat kerja, yang keurus cuma muka aja XD Ngga pernah skip kasih sunscreen di muka, tapi sering skip kasih body lotion sehabis mandi.. antara lupa atau malas memang bedanya tipis. #ditabok

Aku luamayn sering gonta-ganti body lotion, dan masih belum nemu yang benar-benar pas di hati. Yah.. namanya produk itu kan pasti cocok-cocokan ya, ngga mungkin ada produk yang 100% sempurna ngga ada cacatnya :p Kriteria body lotion bagiku sih harus mempunyai tingkat kelembaban yang tinggi, dan wanginya juga ngga bikin mabok. LOL.
Baru-baru ini aku dapat kesempatan untuk mencoba rangkaian body lotion baru asli Indonesia nih yang kebetulan kemasannya juga baru didesain ulang ^.^

Monday, December 15, 2014

Heavy Rotation Powder Eye Brow & Nose Shadow [review]

Hey everyone :D Several weeks ago I got another chance to try a eyebrow product from Heavy Rotation and this was my first time trying Kiss Me Heavy Rotation, hehe. This product is called Heavy Rotation Powder Eye Brow & Nose Shadow in #02. I was expecting this product would be impressive, especially this product is an eyebrow powder + contouring kit in one package! ;)

Brand Name: Kiss Me
Product Name: Heave Rotation Powder Eye Brow & Nose Shadow

heavy rotation, kiss me heavy rotation powder eyebrow nose shadow, multipurpose Japanese cosmetic
Kiss Me Heavy Rotation Powder Eyebrow & Nose Shadow can be used for eyebrows and nose. It is easy to adjust the contrast and it is waterproof which gives you a long lasting and natural finish.

This lightweight, sheer to medium coverage formula was designed to be smudge proof and comes with two shades per compact to ensure the perfect brow color. (credit:

Content: 3.5g

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Event Report: Misslyn is Coming to Surabaya!

Hello guys! It's been quite a while since I attended a Beauty Event and exactly 2 weeks ago I was invited to come in Misslyn Private Beauty Event. This event was held on 29 November 2014 at 2 - 4 PM in Matahari Beauty Lounge, Tunjungan Plaza 3 Surabaya. Unfortunately I had to come late due to office hour >_< I arrived there at around 2.30.

Thanks to Lina who has informed me about this event, she even kindly contacted us (fellow Surabaya Beauty Bloggers) and shared information about this event :* 
Also, thanks to Sweety from Misslyn who has sent us the invitations :D

So.. you might ask.. What's MISSLYN?
Misslyn is a cosmetic brand from Germany, and they were just launched in Surabaya ^.^
Their counter in Surabaya is inside Matahari Departement Store, in Tunjungan Plaza 3 Surabaya.

You might can guess.. Misslyn's concept is "Seductive", that's why their advertisements always display models with seductive style and poses. Based on their presentation, Misslyn is the first cosmetic campaign that focuses on seduction. They also create the "Misslyn Effect", which is inspired and according to the "Axe Effect".

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cara Memilih Suplemen Makanan yang Tepat

Sebagai wanita, tidak cukup hanya memperhatikan kesehatan kulit dalam upaya mempercantik diri; karena kita pun wajib memperhatikan kesehatan tubuh. Dewasa ini masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang kurang peduli terhadap kesehatan; bukti nyata di lingkungan kita adalah dengan perwujudan semakin menjamurnya restoran fast food dibandingkan restoran vegetarian, masih banyak orang yang lebih memilih minum obat diet instan daripada berolahraga secara rutin, dan masih banyak orang yang mengabaikan gaya hidup sehat dengan terus mengkonsumsi makanan berlemak jenuh dan kurang berolahraga.

Pentingnya Memperhatikan Kesehatan Tubuh Kita

Masyarakat bukannya tidak mengetahui tentang pentingnya hidup sehat, tetapi seringkali masyakarat kurang mengindahkan dampak buruk dari gaya hidup tidak sehat. Bahkan banyak dari mereka yang merasa baik-baik saja meskipun hidup dengan gaya hidup sembarangan, dan baru menyesal di kemudian hari ketika sudah divonis suatu penyakit.

Sebelum terlambat, marilah kita memulai dari sekarang. Kita perlu berubah untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih sehat, untuk kelangsungan hidup dan kesejahteraan hingga beranak cucu :)

Upaya-upaya yang bisa kita lakukan untuk hidup lebih sehat:
  1. Stop merokok, minuman beralkohol dan narkoba
  2. Kurangi makan makanan cepat saji, dan minuman bersoda
  3. Perbanyak minum air putih (minimal 8 gelas sehari)
  4. Perbanyak makan buah dan sayur
  5. Lakukan olahraga minimal 2-3 seminggu dengan durasi sedikitnya 30 menit
  6. Memiliki tidur berkualitas 6-8 jam semalam

makanan kesehatan, suplemen makanan, suplemen Sea Quill, makanan sehat
raw image source:

Selain melakukan upaya diatas, tubuh kita juga memerlukan suplemen makanan untuk mencukupkan nutrisi yang tidak didapatkan dari makanan. Suplemen berbeda dengan obat karena suplemen termasuk dalam golongan makanan. Suplemen terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami namun tidak boleh diklaim memiliki khasiat untuk mengobati penyakit seperti halnya obat-obatan. Meskipun suplemen termasuk golongan makanan, namun suplemen hanya bersifat melengkapi, dan tidak bisa berperan sebagai pengganti makanan.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Kracie Hadabisei Facial Mask [review]

Hello, everyone! :D
How's your day so far? I'd like to introduce you nice Japanese skincare products to pamper your skin :)
These are latest Kracie products that I tried, and these products were sent to me by KBJ for review purpose. I have reviewed their Naive Cleansing Oil and Naive Cleansing Foam, and this time I'd like to review their Hadabisei Facial Mask ^.^

Kracie Hadabisei brightening, Kracie Hadabisei Extra Moist, Kracie Hadabisei Elasticity
What is it?
These are facial sheet masks named Hadabisei Facial Mask, from Kracie, as far as I know there are four variants of Hadabisei Facial Mask: Extra Moist (Red), Brightening (Blue), Elasticity (Orange) and Eye Zone Mask (Pink). Ahhh I want to try the Eye Zone Mask as well :P

Monday, December 8, 2014

Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil [review]

Hello everyone~ Have you heard about a Korean Skin Care brand named Klairs? ^.^
Well, actually its brand name is "Dear, Klairs", but it's more often just called as Klairs.
This is a new thing for me, since I never tried Klairs product before. Recently I got an opportunity to try one of Wishtrend's best selling products, it is Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil :)
 디어, 클레어스 젠틀 블랙 딥 클렌징 오일

Anyway this is my 2nd product from Wishtrend, I've reviewed about their OST Original Pure Vit C20 Serum (review HERE) and I loved it! ^_^ Now it's time for me to review this product.. Thank you Wishtrend for the opportunity!

Klairs Cleansing Oil, Wishtrend Klairs, Dear Klairs Cleansing Oil, Korean Skin care, Wishtrend Korea, recommended korea cleansing oil

What is it?
Yes, it's a cleansing oil, with gentle deep cleansing label. When I heard its name at first, I thought its main ingredient is black sugar.. but apparently I was wrong. So without further ado, let's examine this product together! ^_^ Would it works on me? Is it really a good product?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lovelle Nail Shop: Nail Art Tools & Accessories [review]

Bukan rahasia lagi kalo aku itu payah banget kalau soal nail art T_T Makanya itu aku hampir ngga pernah post di blog yang namanya NOTD (Nail of The Day) ataupun nail art tutorial. Soalnya aku ngga bisa >_< Sehari-hari aku lebih sering berkuku pendek dan kalau lagi pengen kutek-an, cuma pake kutek aja tanpa nail art, hehe. Tapi sekali-sekali pengen dong ya belajar, apalagi nail art ini masih termasuk dalam dunia kecantikan. :p

Beberapa minggu lalu aku dapat kiriman produk dari teman bloggerku yang juga adalah owner dari Lovelle Nail Shop (pasti temen-temen di sini pada tau kan? ^.~). Lovelle Nail Shop ini adalah online shop yang menjual macam-macam produk nail supplies. Yuk mari kita liat produk apa aja sih yang aku dapatkan? :D

jual nail art, jual nail art accesories, jual aksesoris nail art, jual nail art tools, jual peralatan nail art

Ada sponge, kutek, nail polish remover, stripping tape dan studs. Thank you Ci Ellen for these products :* Di post ini aku akan menjelaskan satu demi satu kegunaan dari produk-produk diatas dan hasil akhir dari eksperimen nail art ku ;P Are you ready?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Miracle Aesthetic Clinic: Pearl Shine Facial Treatment [review]

Hi everyone! Last month me and my bloggers friend got invited by Miracle, to try their latest facial treatment ^___^ This was so special because we got a chance to try Miracle Aesthetic Clinic's first premium facial treatment ever. Yay! *super duper excited*

I'll write the rest of this post in Bahasa Indonesia. If you're an international readers and really want to read this post, please kindly click the "translate" button on my side bar :)

Gedung Miracle Thamrin, Miracle Facial Treatment, Miracle Aesthetic Clinic

Sewaktu aku datang ke Miracle Aesthetic Clinic Pusat (yang di Jl. Thamrin), aku sempat tertegun sih sama penampilan gedung nya dari depan dan dari dalam. Something changed.. Yes, they have renovated their exterior and interior building :O Kalau kalian baca postku di SINI, pasti keliatan bedanya Miracle Thamrin yang dulu sebelum renovasi dan Miracle Thamrin yang sekarang.
Tampilan eksterior dan interior dari Miracle Thamrin sekarang keliatan lebih elegan dan keren!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Aura Day and Night Cream by Little Baby [review]

Hello everyone! Hopefully you won't get bored as I have bombarded you with my recent Little Baby products review XD After I've finished up Salmon Bright Facial Cream (read the REVIEW), I tried another Thailand skin care face cream which is kindly sponsored by @ayako_beautyshop88, the official distributor of Little Baby Thailand in Indonesia :)

Here we are, Aura Day & Night Cream by Little Baby!

Thailand Aura Day Night Cream, Little Baby Thailand, Indonesian Beauty Blogger, Blogger from Indonesia, Blogger Indonesia, Beauty Blogger from Indonesia, Top Beauty Blogger Indonesia, Top Indonesian Beauty Blogger,

Facial cream with aloe vera leaf juice that helps sooth your skin and protect the skin from irritation. Together with a powerful antioxidant from Garcinia Mangostana Peel Powder that helps protect your skin from free radicals, plus jojoba oil and Shea butter that nourishes your skin for a softer and hydrated skin.

FDA. 10-1-5700699

Monday, December 1, 2014

Homemade Oat Face Mask Beauty in The Pot [review]

Happy 1st December! ^^ OMG, in a blink of eye, we almost reach the end of the year!
Anyone miss my homemade product review? Hehe. This time I will be reviewing about homemade face mask, yes it's an oat face mask ;)
I have wanted to try this oatmeal face mask since months ago, and I've read and seen many good reviews about this mask! Luckily few weeks ago owner of Prispol Shop (@prispols) offered me to try this product ;) I'll combine English and Bahasa Indonesia for this review so my International readers can understand as well~

Halo semua~ ^^ Ada yang kangen sama review produk homemade ku? Hehe. Kali ini aku akan mereview sebuah masker wajah homemade, yup ini masker yang terbuat dari oat ;) 

beauty in the pot review
"let me introduce you~"
oat face mask, made in Indonesia, 100% alami

What is this? Basically it's a homemade mask that made from oats as its main ingredient, it's good at eliminating acne, reducing black-whiteheads, brightening dull skin and overcoming other skin problems. This Beauty in The Pot Face Mask is 100% natural and safe for everyone even for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, because it doesn't contains chemical substances.