Monday, November 10, 2014

Etude House Drawing Eye Brow [review]

Hello guyssss.. today I'm gonna share a review about eyebrow product! ;)
I remember when I started to learn about makeup few years back, eyebrow product is one of the least makeup products that I purchase regularly. I have natural thick and messy eyebrows and I didn't expect that I would need some eyebrow products, I was like.. What? I already have thick eyebrows, I don't have "canvas" (thin eyebrows) to begin with, so why I had to buy one? '_'

Later on I realized that I need eyebrow grooming in order to make my messy eyebrows look better, neater and be more appealing. That decision led me into a situation that required me to pluck, trim and at the end.. re-define my eyebrows! *_*

Eyebrow product that I love recently is Etude House Drawing Eyebrow!
I know that this product isn't new anymore, but it's my currently HG eyebrow product ^.^

Silky smooth eyebrow pencil fills in, defines and shapes brows to perfection.
Ultra-fine tip lightly deposits pigments, mimicking actual brow hair for a natural look that highlights the sparkle of your eyes. For natural looking brows, apply liner with precise and short strokes, following the natural growth of your brows.

There are six shades of this Drawing Eye Brow:
Price: 2,500 원

It comes in dual-cap with simple and sleek packaging design. Its packaging is dominated with dark brown color. If you open the caps, you'll see the eyebrow pencil and eyebrow brush on other side :)

Unlike regular eyebrow pencil, this Drawing Eyebrow has flat and thin filling inside (like a soft pastel crayon). I don't know how to name it *___* but you surely can tell from the picture, don't you? If Easy Brow Pencil need sharpener to sharpen the blunt tip, this product doesn't need any sharpener because its filling is rotatable. So efficient, isn't it? 

It has decent length of eyebrow pencil, around 2 cm each.

Color & Texture
It has smooth texture pencil with soft and buildable color. Gentle strokes are enough for each eyebrow ^_^ You can soften the strokes by using attached eyebrow brush firmly.
I think the only downside about this product is, its rough and coarse attached brush :[ Remember to not use the brush hastily, because you might hurt your own skin. You should be slow down take your time to blend the eyebrow pencil strokes!

Shade No. #1 and #5

Final Result
Yay~ It can generates very natural defined eyebrows! ^__^
The density of its color is controllable and it's easy to fill in my sparse eyebrows without looking too much! I always avoid to be look like Shinchan with thick eyebrows XD

I used #5 gray color on this photo
Okay, before you assume something bad about me, I will be honest to you.. I have hairy forehead, and it's caused by hormonal issue. Maybe you find that it's quite weird, but actually it's pretty normal for some people in this world :) If you have smooth and hairless forehead, you should be thankful for it!
But why I have urge to tell you this fact (you might ask)? Because I don't have plan to hide it forever with Photoshop! Become a fake one is gonna be so tiring, that's why I tell you the truth.
Well, I'm still grateful with all my flaws.. no one in this world is perfect, isn't it? ;) *wink

Overall thoughts
For daily basis, I use #5 Gray more often than #1 Black-brown color, because it really suits to my hair color ^.^ I love this eyebrow product because I can re-define my eyebrow easily, without any hassle. It also has good staying power as well! It can lasts for all day and it won't budge anyway.
This Drawing Eye Brow is sold for less than IDR 35,000 each! How cheap is that? *___*
Moreover, it has 6 different natural shades for eyebrow! Easy to use, smooth texture, natural finish, and cheap price, do you still need more reason trying this eyebrow product? ^__^ I will surely repurchase this product once it runs out!

Pros (+)
+ CHEAP! ^__^
+ Good quality
+ Soft pencil texture
+ Smooth application
+ Rotatable
+ Attached with eyebrow brush
+ Nice staying power

Cons (-)
- Rough & stiff eyebrow brush


Bisa beli di:

Sakura Blossom Shop
Jual Etude House, The History of Whoo, Atomy, NYX, dll 100% 
Original Ready stock 

Instagram : @sakurablossomshop
BBM : 29E84FEF 
WA : 08563438846 
LINE : nadiah_izzah

Thanks for reading everyone ^.^
See ya on my next post! XOXO


  1. Great review sweety! ^^
    I actually ordered this eye brow pencil and waiting for it to come in the mail! ~
    Im more excited after reading your review! xD
    Oh btw I like your blog ! Would mean alot if you could check out mine (i just started yesterday!) :x

    1. Hi dear ^^ thank you for stopping by!
      Wow I'm gonna love to read your review about this product later =)
      With my pleasure ^^

  2. ini eyebrow ter kece ku sampe sekarang XD dia nggak chalky gitu, kalo punya TFS di aku keras dan brush nya lebih kasar dari etude, pokoknya yg brown tetep jadi eyebrow ter favorit ku :D
    cantiknya Shel :3

    1. *toss*
      Oiya? :O aku blm prnh cb eyebrow productnya TFS sih..
      TFS yg nmanya apa sin?

  3. aku juga pake ini ce, gampang di pakenya lbh enk drpd pake pensil alis biasa, pake yg black tapi ..
    pengen coba brown tp kan rambutku item >_<

    1. Iyaa wid XD favorit bgt yaa
      Nti aja km bli yg coklat klo uda semir rmbut ato bli wig wrn coklat :3

  4. bentuk alisnya bagusss.hihihi..kapan kapan kasih tutorialnya donk bikin bentuk alis kayak gitu..

    1. Jelekkk lhoo >.<
      Masih perlu banyak belajar kok, thank you yaa uda mampir :D

  5. aku juga suka sama eyebrow ini. gampang pakenya. murah juga lagi hihihi.
    memang untuk kulit asia lebih cocok ke warna grey ya :)

  6. sebenarnya aku suka sm eyebrow ini,cuman yang nggak aku suka itu ujungnya cepat patah -_-

    1. Hehe kok bs ujungnya cpt patah? Di aku baik2 aja soalnya XD
      Kmungkinan km ngeluari ujungnya kebnyakan jd dia cpt patah.. cb kluarinnya sdikit aja ^^

  7. Ah, kau membuatku kembali teracuni dengan ini etude **padahal kemaren baru aja belanja etude uhuhu** bulan depan deh #melipir

    BTW, yang gray kayake lebih enak ya dilihatnya? Apa cuman perasaanku doang? XD Kelihatan lebih menyatu gitu dengan alis hitam (alisku hitam pakai banget, tapi pitak2 akibat banyak eksperimen LOL)

    Ah ah ah~ Sudahlah~ Pokoknya kalau aku beli ini, udah pasti karena reviewmu #hu-uh

    1. Iyaa krn rmbutku hitam jd wrn gray lbh nyatu ^^
      Ayoo2 dibelii :p

  8. Wah mirip eyebrow punya sariayu. Model kayak gini cuma sariayu yang pernahku coba. Harganya nggak beda jauh malahan sama etude. Eh..jadi pengen cobain nih eyebrow. Mana murah lagi. Makasi ya shel udah review..

  9. Iyaa smooth banget cuma sygnya cepet abis :(

    1. Masaa na? Wah untung aku msh pny stoknya wkwk XD

  10. Looks like a nice product and as same with you, brow product was the least I took notice because I initially thought I didn't need it. Now, I can't leave the house without redefining it. :)

    1. Hehehe glad to hear that ^^
      Thanks for stopping by

  11. Ak juga suka yang grey dan brown, gampang aplikasinya soalnya udah miring dan segi3 :3
    @freddy_friday blog

  12. Aku juga punya ^^ tapi belum sempat di pake :p hehehe
    Pensil alisku yang dulu masih ada, cuma pake brushnya aja buat merapikan alisku yang amburadul :p

  13. aku kemarin beli maybelinne jelek banget warna dan hasilnya...
    thanks mba, nanti aku cari etude aahh :)

  14. cece salam kenal !! aku udah ngestalk blok cece sampe bawah sebawah bawahnya!! cece salah satu blogger favorit aku, lucu banget cee.. hehe. aku juga punya masalah sama nih , alis yang berantakan banget. hehe mungkin cece sudi mampir ke blog aku:) and i'm joining the giveaway yaa wish me luck cee

  15. Mudah patah tapi hasilnya bagus jadi kayak love hate relationship gitu

  16. Udah baca banyak review ttg eyebrow ini dan ini racun bgt! :D


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