
Thursday, October 30, 2014

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence [review]

Hello everyone! Finally I could finished this review! Since it's an exciting product, I will try my best to write a proper and informative review ^.^ 
Maybe this is the most expensive skin care product that I've ever bought XD 
Yes, it's SK-II Facial Treatment Essence (a.k.a SK-II FTE). I bought this lovely one few months ago and I'm currently using it regularly till now ^.^ Actually I don't remember how many months I've passed with this FTE, maybe around 2 months? Sorry I have bad memory about duration and numbers, LOL :p Now, time to share my experience with this miracle water :D

Halo semuanya! Akhirnya aku selesai juga nulis review ini! Berhubung ini produk spesial *buatku*, aku akan berusaha sebaik mungkin menulis review yang baik dan informatif ^.^ 
Kayaknya sih ini produk perawatan kulit termahal yang pernah kubeli XD
Yap, ini adalah SK-II Facial Treatment Essence (atau yang beken disingkat jadi SK-II FTE). Aku membelinya beberapa bulan lalu dan kupakai sampai sekarang ^.^ Sebenarnya aku agak lupa-lupa inget udah berapa lama aku pake FTE ini.. Kayaknya sih sekitar 2 bulan..
Sekarang tiba saatnya aku membagi pengalamanku dengan air mukjizat ini :D
*I know, terdengar agak aneh kalau miracle water diterjemahkan jadi bahasa indo kan, LOL*

SK II bagus, SK II beli dimana

No need to explain I guess.. This SK-II FTE comes in sturdy glass bottle packaging, along with twist-cap. Because of its sturdiness, I guess it won't breaks easily. If I'm not miskaen, SK-II frequently released limited edition SK-II FTE with little bit customized design at least once a year. It must be so tempting for SK-II lovers, because you can't buy their limited edition anywhere once they're sold out in the market XD

Kemasan // Kurasa, ngga perlu dijelasin panjang lebar sih.. FTE ini dikemas dalam botol kaca yang tebal dan kokoh, disertai dengan tutup botol ulirnya. Kurasa sih botolnya ngga akan gampang pecah (jangan coba-coba untuk dibanting ya ;p). Kalo ngga salah SK-II terkadang ngeluarin SK-II FTE limited edition yang ada perubahan sedikit pada desain botolnya, minimal setahun sekali. :)

Same product, only different design.
Produknya sama persis, hanya beda desain aja
their latest SKII limited edition, released in Indonesia on October 2014.
I know some SK-II lovers also collecting their emptied SK-II FTE bottles :p Are you one of them?
Anywayyyy I want to buy their limited edition as well T___T as my FTE is running out..*panic

Aku tau lho kalau beberapa pecinta SK-II juga koleksi botol kosongnya :p Apa kalian salah satu diantaranya? Ngomong-ngomong, aku kok jadi kepengen limited editionnya mereka ya T__T apalagi FTE ku juga mau abis *panik

Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy National Blogger Day! Things That Make Me Happy & Sad + 10 FACTS

Hello everyone! ^____^ Happy National Blogger Day!
Ini post yang ngga terencanakan sama sekali :p :p aku malah baru-baru ini tau kalau tanggal 27 Oktober 2014 adalah Hari Blogger Nasional. Sebagai salah satu blogger Indonesia aku hari ini juga turut merayakannya :D Hehehe

raw image credit:

Cerita sedikit mengenai blogku ya :D Boleh?
Kalau cerita pendahuluan tentang Kenapa aku ngeblog, bisa dibaca di SINI.

Hari ini aku mau cerita tentang suka-duka ku selama ngeblog hampir 3 tahun ini :) dan mau share beberapa fakta mengenai perjalanan blogging ku :3 hehehe..

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kaminomoto Hair Growth Accelerator [review]

Hello everyone! ^____^
Seberapa sering sih kalian pakai hair tonic? Kalo aku.. hampir ngga pernah sebelumnya LOL.
Maksudku aku ga pernah beli untuk diriku sendiri, biasanya aku minta hair tonic punya Mamaku atau temen :p itupun pemakaiannya jarang-jarang.

Nah, kusadari bahwa rambutku tahun ini lumayan banyak rontoknya.. Biasa setelah keramas, lubang pembuangan kamar mandiku (avur) langsung buntu ._. Suatu hari..jeng-jeng-jeng, distributor resmi hair tonic dari Jepang menghubungiku dan menawarkan produk best seller mereka untuk direview. Yay, thank you PT. Best Brilliant Indonesia ^_^

Yup, produk itu namanya Kaminomoto Hair Growth Accelerator!

I like how they packed their product ^^
Tebak apa sih isinya? Yuk mari kita buka sama-sama :D *excited

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sweet Macaron Lip Balm by Little Baby [review]

Hello everyone!
Several weeks ago, I received a lot products of Little Baby products for review purpose, provided by @ayako_beautyshop88 (Instagram), the official distributor of Little Baby Thailand ^_^ Thanks a lot! I will be reviewing them one by one, started by this Sweet Macaron Lip Balm :3

At first, I'm not really familiar to this brand. I know a quite few of Thailand skincare brands, including this Little Baby (but I only know its name and never tried any of them :)) But now, my curiosity towards their quality would be answered little by little, hehe..

sweet macaron lip balm little baby
It comes in small silver jar, with cute macarons sticker on the top.
Hmm.. actually I don't really like this kind of packaging.. Because I have to dip my finger to obtain the balm >___< so unhygienic. But lately I used to use an useful trick, I kiss the lip balm directly on the jar :3 LOL. Problem solved.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Super Delayed Report: Profira New-Treatment Launching & Demo Makeup Jpop Style Event

Haloooo semua... Hari ini aku mau share sedikit tentang event yang kuikuti bulan Juni 2014 kemarin. Are you kidding? Bulan Juni? Yeap T___T

Profira New-Treatment Launcing & Demo Makeup Event

Hari / Tanggal: Sabtu, 7 Juni 2014
Pukul: 11.00 AM - Selesai
Lokasi: Lobby lt 2, Profira Aesthetic & Anti Aging Clinic, 
Jl. HR Muhammad 41 (seb Warung Tekko atau depan Ming Garden) 

Baiklah, lebih baik super terlambat daripada ngga sama sekali kan? #pembelaandiri. Just kidding, I truly apologize for my delayed report T_T seumur-umur jadi blogger, ini pertama kalinya aku nunda untuk nulis event report sampe semolor ini. Ada masalah di stok foto sebenarnya.. Jadi pas hari H, kameraku bermasalah dan aku bermaksud meminta foto-foto selama event kepada salah satu teman bloggerku, tapi ternyata kondisi tidak memungkinkan (karena beberapa alasan). 

Awalnya sih aku juga ngga ngira bakal semolor iniiii.. jadi aku hanya punya foto-foto seadanya yang kujepret dengan kamera HP T_T dan minjem foto-foto dari blogpostnya Ce Mindy.. Thank you Ce Min ^_^

Meski kayaknya gak bakal ada yang mo baca post ini (karena udah telat teramat sangat), but I don't want to feel guilty forever *melankolisnya kumat* >_< Ngga mau dicap sebagai blogger yang ga tau diri yang ga respek sama company yang udah ngundang :( Udah diundang, dapet free makan, dapet goodie bag tapi ngga ngepost report di blog. #slapmyself

BTW, demi event ini aku bela-belain untuk cuti kantor :p Soalnya pengen ketemu sama Stella juga, jarang-jarang dia ke Surabaya ^_^ Ok, shall we begin?

Maybelline White Superfresh Cake Powder SPF34/PA+++

Hi my lovely readers!^.^ Finally I gave a try to another compact powder of Maybelline!
If you're one of my old readers, you'd probably remember that I ever reviewed Maybelline Clear Smooth face powder in year 2012, HERE and HERE 
(Yeah I know that my old blog posts are horrible :P :P I was an newbie)

Recently Maybelline just released their latest cake powder / compact powder named White Superfresh Long Lasting UV Cake Powder SPF34/PA+++ and I bought it in Indomaret near my home :3

maybelline white super fresh
Because it came up with "White" concept, Maybelline designed the packaging into a compact powder which is dominated with white color. They made it as simple and clean as possible. Mirror and sponge are included inside. Anyway, I don't know if you can see the deep-embossed MAYBELLINE word on the its surface or not, because it's not really obvious XD

Monday, October 20, 2014

Indonesian Beauty Blogger Make Up Challenge ~ October 2014: I-Pop MUC

Halo semua (^___^)/
Kalau di bulan-bulan lalu aku belum beruntung, bulan ini aku mau mencoba sekali lagi ikutan Make Up Challenge yang diadakan oleh Indonesian Beauty Blogger (IBB), dengan hadiah yang disponsori oleh SARANGE . Temanya kali ini menarik nih, I-pop Make Up Challenge: "Show Your Korean Signature Makeup Style"

Hadiah senilai Rp. 1.000.000 produk Sarange untuk 2 orang pemenang, dan hari ini deadliennya...
Kalian udah pada join belum? Masih ada kesempatan lho untuk ikutan ^_^

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Laneige Silk Intense Lipstick + Swatch [review]

Hi everyone, I just realized that I NEVER post review about Laneige on this blog '____'
Simply because I never own any full-size product of Laneige and this review is gonna be my very first review of Laneige. LOL XD

Last year I got this lovely lipstick as present from KTO's staff and finally I managed some time to write a review of this Laneige Silk Intense Lipstick
It comes in simple and luxury-look silver packaging. It is made from not-so strudy plastic material. The lipstick's color is visible if you see it through its plastic transparent cap. Not my favorite packaging type :p

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fake Alert: 3CE (3 Concept Eyes) Fake Products!

Hi guys, today I just figured out there's a FAKE version of 3CE (a.k.a 3 Concept Eyes) in the market out there. Someone in a beauty community group that I've joined in Facebook ask us if there's sample size of 3CE product? She attached the picture and it looks so suspicious.
I googled it and found that a quite few of online stores that sell that kind of suspicious products, with different logo. Really easy to distinguish :/

Begitu pula di Indonesia, ada seller-seller yang menjual produk 3CE palsu ini dan mengatakan bahwa ini adalah sample size dari produk yg fullsize. Tentu saja dijual dengan harga yang amat murah, sehingga para customer dan calon customer dengan mudahnya tergiur.

Do you still remember how is the 3CE's logo?
Apakah kalian masih ingat dengan logo 3CE yang asli?


and the fake products are like this..

Sunday, October 12, 2014

TIPS: How To Save Your Lost / Deleted / Formatted Data [Memory Recovery]

Hello everyone! I bet most of you've ever encountered a moment when you lost important files in HD / flash disk / memory card, but you didn't know how to recover your lost files.. T___T don't you?
Different from my usual makeup-related posts, today I'd share my tips in recovering your lost / deleted / formatted data or files! I recommend you to try / download these software first, just in case you'll need these software in the future! You'll thank me later ^.~

raw image credit: IG @egbertegd

I have googled, downloaded and tried several software and I found that these FREE software are the best so far! Hopefully this post would be helpful enough for you! :D

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Baby Color Super Yogurt Black Contact Lens [review]

Hello everyone~ ^___^
Because today's so beautiful, why we don't compliment it with another review from me? :p LOL. Okayyy.. again, I think it's been a while since my last review about black colored contact lens hehe

It's Super Yogurt Contact Lens in BLACK
To be honest, I mostly don't use contact lens during office hours, because my eyes can be tired easily and usually office hours take 8-9 hours a day and it's not good to use contact lens in such long time!
That's why I only use them in special occasion or hanging out :] *it also applies on my frequency using semi-full makeup. Hehe

Few weeks ago when @AnitaStore (on instagram) sent me a pair of contact lens, I also got a cute purple piggy lens case. Not forget to mention that I'm also allowed to choose different prescription ^^ Yay Thank you @anitastore!


Brand Name: Baby Color
Product Name: Super Yogurt
Color: Black
Diameter: 21.8mm
Water Content: 62%
Thickness: 0.035mm
Life span: 1 year

Made in Korea

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Girl's Generation TTS - HOLLER ♥ Makeup Collaboration & Video Tutorial ♥

Hello everyone!! ^___^
It's been a while since my last makeup collaboration, isn't it?
Finally I did another collab with my fellow beauty bloggers hehe

And know we're going to show you our makeup about...
Can you guess? Yap, it's from Girl's Generation a.k.a SNSD 소녀시대, their sub-unit named TTS recently released new mini album with Holler as their main title :)

TaeTiSeo 태티서 / TTS - "HOLLER"

Despite of their current internal problem (Jessica is no longer SNSD member and there's a quite complicated reason behind it T____T), I still love them anyway.. SONE always being SONE forever..

Anyway, I'm fascinated by their beauty.. They're always so gorgeous and beautiful, aren't they? 
Don't you curious with my collaboration mates? ^_^

Utama Spice Lavender Body Butter [review]

Halo semua ^^ Hari ini aku mau review tentang produk dari UTAMA SPICE.
Kebetulan aku beberapa minggu lalu memenangkan giveawaynya Ci Carnellin dan dapat voucher belanja di Utama Spice senilai IDR 100.000. Akhirnya aku belanjain Body Butter ini dan lip balm set :D Review lip balm setnya menyusul ya. Thank you Utama Spice & Ci Nellin ^__^

Utama Spice ini adalah perusahaan skincare tradisional yang berlokasi di Ubud, Bali. Mereka berfokus pada ramuan herbal tradisional Bali dan mewujudkannya dalam produk-produk yang 100% berbahan dasar alami dan sangat aman dan baik untuk tubuh. Singkat kata, produk-produk Utama Spice ini natural dan organik, dan sudah dikembangkan sejak tahun 1989 :)

Dikemas dalam tube khas body butter (seperti yang sudah banyak beredar di pasaran). Menurutku desainnya cukup simple dan sangat "Bali" sekali :p hehe. Kombinasi warnanya bagus dan terlihat menjanjikan.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

D'eyeko Siti Liza False Lashes Mentari & Asmara [review]

Halo semua ^__^ Pasti banyak dari kalian yang udah sering dengar tentang D'eyeko, merk lokal bulu mata palsu yang udah lumayan lama beredar di Indonesia dan sudah ada counternya dimana-mana. Setelah review terakhirku tentang false lashes dari D'eyeko Natural Volume #154, akhirnya aku cobain juga false lashes keluaran D'eyeko yang terbaru, D'eyeko Siti Liza Series yang telah dilaunching Juni 2014 lalu :)

False lashes D'eyeko yang ini memiliki 5 desain berbeda yang telah dirancang sendiri oleh penyanyi pop Melayu Indonesia, Siti Liza :) Kali ini aku dapat kesempatan untuk mencoba 2 desain diantaranya. Thank You D'eyeko! ^__^
Kalo biasanya dalam satu kemasan cuma dapet sepasang, kali ini dalam masa promosi dapat dua pasang ^^
D'eyeko Siti Liza yang kupunya adalah: Asmara & Mentari. Let's find out more about this lashes and how its result on my eyes! ^__^

Friday, October 3, 2014

Event: Miracle feat Make Over: Beauty Talks About Beauty

Hello everyone! :D :D Today I'm not gonna post about review, but an event report!
Last Saturday, I was invited to join Miracle Aesthetic Clinic Beauty Talks Event 
(And I will talk in Bahasa Indonesia after this, because it's easier to express my feeling in my mother language >.<)

Special untuk event kali ini, Miracle Aesthetic Clinic bekerja sama dengan tim dari MAKE OVER :D
FYI, ini bukan pertama kalinya Miracle mengadakan beauty event. Sebenarnya Miracle sudah pernah beberapa kali mengadakan event di tahun ini, tapi aku selalu berhalangan hadir karena diadakannya di jam-jam kerja pas weekdays T_T.

Seneng banget, baru kali ini Miracle mengadakan event yang khusus untuk beauty blogger dan diadakan di venue yang di luar clinic mereka. Dan yang lebih special lagi, Miracle berusaha menyesuaikan jam acara dengan jam pulang kerja kantor di hari sabtu ♥ Jadinya aku bisa dateng dehhh XD