Thursday, July 24, 2014

Etude House Lock 'n Summer Proof 10 Cushion Lock 'n Liner [review]

Hello everyone~ ^-^ 
Today I'd like to share a short review about  Etude House Cushion Proof 10 Cushion Lock 'n Liner~
If you don't know, Lock 'n Summer is the latest line of Etude House 

Color: BL601 GO! Blue
 I was so excited when receiving this product ^_^ This product was sponsored item.. and later on I refuse to mention their online shop name.. why? You may read more to find out why :(

I must admit that this product has an unique concept~ This is my first time seeing eyeliner in cushion form ^.^
It's made from plastic material, dominated with white and accent of navy color :D
Brush is included in this package! :)

Krystal looks so rock-ish style here :p

Because it's released for summer season, I'm pretty sure that this Lock 'n Summer products were designed with waterproof benefits and suitable for Summer's hot and humid season.

This is a cushion liner that coats eyes with vivid color for powerful, energetic eyes.
It's also available in refills.
content: 2gr

Brush Quality
The quality of its brush is quite decent. Not too soft, nor too rough.
Buying separate brush for this cushion liner is unnecessary :)

Should be disposed 12 months after opened.

- Sweep sponge with enclosed brush and press deeply to apply contents
- Draw from center of eyes to edges, and then from inner eyes to center of eyes
- Use shorter side of slanted brush to fill in between lashes or to draw a long outer edge

Let try it shall we?





I don't know the real texture of this liner.. since it's dried out already T_____T
I think this product was drying out during the shipment period :(((
It's so disappointing! I googled it and also found that some bloggers also encountered the same problem..

Pros (+)
+ Unique concept
+ Nice packaging
+ Including brush

Cons (-)
- It's dried out and unable to use


I'm so disappointed with this product :(( I don't know if I got a defect product or not..
My sponsor apologized to me due to this incident.. She didn't expect that this cushion liner will be dried out EVEN without any single use (me either!). It's definitely not her fault :( I feel sorry for her..

The conclusion is, I don't know why liner in cushion form generates a disappointing result like this..
If you are going to try this product, go ahead.. the product quality might different with mine..
Enough said, I don't have further comment about this product :((

Thank you for reading everyone :'D


  1. Woooo kok kok begitu T_T
    Padahal booming banget nih produknya, bentuknya juga lucu dijadiin cushion gitu. aaaa sayang banget Shel >_<

  2. Sayang banget cee ,cushion gitu emang cepet kering ya kayaknya ckckck
    Prefer liquid liner deh

    1. mungkn packagingnya yg kurang oke kali ya.. :(

  3. waah g prnah nemu produk yg bner2 g bs dpke kyk gn... apa smua produk in kering kyk gn yaa... brarti produk gagal... >.< pdhal kliatanx bguss... ;(

    1. ga tau jg sih glo.. tp bbrp org ngalamin hal yg sama :(

  4. So i'm not the only one ;; i got this eyeliner in Blue, Red, Brown and Black but the black one came extra dry T^T it's such a pity.


  5. Ih lucu yaa ce d: bentuknya cushion <3

  6. I had the same issue with the ones I had and had to add water to them to get ANY kind of pigment to show up correctly. I'm afraid Etude didn't think this one thoroughly. I feel like they should have added the colorant in a separate dropper so that this kind of situation wouldn't have happened. I was really looking forward to how pigmented the purple liner would be... dang Dx

    1. I also had high expectation at first :((
      So disappointing

  7. ih itu emang begitu apa karena shipping atau yang lain sayang bgt masa :(

  8. Aku awalnya juga mikir ini konsepnya bagus banget, unik gitu gak ikut ikutan tapi.. sampe aku mikir,, bukannya malah wasting banget ya, secara ini buat mata, dan perlunya sedikit trus jg diambil bukan pake jari tapi kuas, kalau dimasukin ke cushion packaging malah bukannya jd mubazir karena keserep di cushionnya ya?
    Trus jg pas liat ini malah ada yang kering :( well... nice try deh Etude House

    1. Iya..bener jg ya klo dipikir2.. klo bntuknya cair gt pasti keserep di cushion nya.. jdnya kering kyk gt :(

  9. banyak banget ya ce yg ngalamin kaya gini. beberapa blogger ngalamin hal yg sama. ><

  10. Sayang bgt… untung aq blm beli… pdhal pgen

  11. Wahhhh sayang banget jadi ga kepake :( berarti resiko tinggi nih kalo beli produk itu :(

  12. I just got mine in today... and the same thing happened. It dried out. I'm so disappointed. ):

  13. Wahhh ngak sangak hasilnya bapuk begitu ya

  14. That's sad to hear. I really wanted to see it in action. Good thing I didn't buy this particular item or I would've been so disapppointed...

  15. hah? seriusan ini vee? :O
    untung banget aku ga jadi beli hahaha :p

  16. td nya pengen beli ini, untung ga jd hahaha
    mending gel liner deh ci >.<

  17. Oh wow, what a shame it dried out during the shipping :(
    The cushion idea sounded pretty cool though!
    I was planning to buy this but might hold back now~
    Thanks for leaving your honest review ^O^


  18. LAH!! Dari awal aku jg udh mikir apa eyeliner nya ga cepet kering kalo dijadiin cushion gt, ehh trnyata dugaanku bener o__O Tp eman bgt ya ce itu ga bisa kepake sama sekali >__<

  19. aduh sayang banget itu. sabar ya kak :(
    gara2 summer, eyeliner-nya jadi ikutan kering. hehee gak nyambung :D

  20. dr segi bentuk and konsep produk bagus ya, tapi kl kering gitu gimana pakenya >_<

    1. iya ga bs dipake T___T
      tp rini dapetnya yg ga kering itu wi, cb km liat reviewnya ^^

  21. Huaaa.. kog kering gitu non .. Sayang banget pdhal msh baru.. huhu..
    Pengennya inovasi mala jd begini yah..

  22. Sorry to hear the problem. Sayang pdhl packagingnya lucu banget :( mungkin memang gara2 shippingnya jadi kering gitu pas on the way? hopefully, that's the case deh.. soalnya di fotonya Etude keliatannya basah banget spongenya.

    1. iya sepertinya sih memang gampang kering :(
      ada factor luck juga kali yaa..

  23. darn, it dried out super fast! the idea was promising, too bad it's a fail!
    Random Beauty by Hollie

  24. astagaa ve baru googling reviewnya mau beli yang biru gimana staying powernya
    udah kering pas nyampe omg parah ya serem padahal ada temen juga pingin beli :'(


    1. iyaa, klo menurutku better liquid liner biasa deh T_T

  25. Aku juga beli dan sama kaya kamu T.T
    padahal baru tapi jadi ga kepake


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