Hello everyone~ ^____^
Lately I've got another chance to try a skincare product from Thailand, and that's Salmon Bright Facial Cream by MUKU. After tested and tried for around 2-3 weeks, finally I have proper words to write~
When you read this post, I'm currently in Bali for Vacation XD I would like to say Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H to all my friends and readers who celebrate it ^.^
So without further ado, let's jump to the main topic~
It has pretty similar packaging with KISS Whitening Cream *_* It comes in vacuum-pump jar with quite sturdy plastic material, designed with nice gold and bright blue color combination. Bright blue fish scales are printed nicely on the outer surface jar. Its box also designed with blue patterned color :) Maybe next time I will make a comparison post of this Salmon Bright & KISS ^^
Content: 15ml
Packagingnya mirip abis sama KISS Whitening Cream yang udah pernah kureview sebelumnya *_* Produk ini juga didesain dengan bentuk botol vakum dengan bahan plastik yang cukup tebal. Kombinasi warna emas dan biru mudanya cantik sekalii. Ada motif sisik ikan warna birunya juga. Box nya juga didesain dengan warna biru bermotif :) Mungkin lain kali aku akan bikin postingan tentang perbandingan Salmon Bright dan KISS ^^