Hello everyone~ ^^ Have you heard about Miomi Contact Lens brand before?
Actually I have read lots of good review about Miomi, but I haven't tried it yet till last month.. Miomi was released on 2012.. Yeah, I admit that I'm soooo out-of-date *___* hahaha.
Anyway, I must say that you shouldn't skip this contact lens!
It comes in blister packaging, along with super cute bunny case *___*
I got mine in white color ♥
Product Properties
The product with polyethylene methyl methacrylate hydroxyl ethyl ester (HEMA) as raw materials by rotating molding process be made and be become.
Brand: Miomi
Origin: Korea
Series: E.T Ray
Color: Grey
Diameter: 14.5mm
Base Curve 8.6mm
Water Content: 45%
Life Span: 1 year
You also can use this contact lens case as phone strap ^___^ they're available in 7 colors and unfortunately we can't choose the color because it's already bundled with the contact lens ;___;
Color (5/5)
Mine is Miomi E.T Ray grey and it doesn't has bold gray color as I thought. Literally It has two colors, transparent gray and brown as outer ring. It's pretty unique I must say :)
I have no this kind of contact lens color before.
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instructions |
Pattern (4/5)
Its has beautiful and unique pattern ^___^ I love its outer brown ring. It generates natural look on my eyes.
Its pattern and color also blends well onto my iris :)
Enlargement (5/5)
I have no complain about its enlargement. This contact lens is definitely suitable for dolly look :)
Comfort (4/5)
It' so comfortable and I feel wear nothing! I also can wear them up to 9 hours without any eyedrops.
The only downside about its comfort is, my eyes can get tired easily if I work in front of PC / laptop T___T;;
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I wore them for Japanese High School Makeup Look ^__^ |
Pros (+)
+ Thin and soft (feels like wear nothing!)
+ Can choose different power / prescriptions ♥
+ Very comfortable
+ I can wear it up to 9 hours
+ Natural and suitable for daily basis
+ Can gives dolly effect
Cons (-)
- Dunno why, but my eyes feel sooooo tired if I wear this lens while work in front of laptop / PC T___T
Anyone experience the same? ;___;
If you are looking for contact lens, I recommend you to buy from Dreamie Chuppa
Why? Because they provide many variations of contact lens and I LOVE how Dreamie Chuppa's owner treat their customers well ^____^ They will patiently guide you to meet your preference contact lens ;)
Dreamie Chuppa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa
Twitter: http://twitter.com/depth_dreamie
Instagram: instagram.com/depth_dreamie
PS: Meski ownernya cukup sabar dan ramah dalam melayani customer, tapi tentu saja kesabaran manusia ada batasnya yaaa.. XDD *jangan mencobai*
Sebelum terlalu banyak tanya ke ownernya, ada baiknya liat-liat dulu koleksinya dan baru konsultasi softlens mana yang kira-kira cocok untuk kalian pakai :p Jangan lupa juga bahwa contact lens itu cocok-cocokan.. Apa yang cocok di aku, belum cocok di kalian.. Begitu pula sebaliknya ^__^
Hope this review is helpful ^_^ Thanks for reading everyone! ♥

lucu ya patternnya. trus lama juga ya life spannya. 1 tahun.
iyaa patternya lucu ya ^^
Deletetp aku scr pribadi sih ga pernah pke softlens sampe lbh dari 4 bulan hehe
These lenses look beautiful on you~ ^ ^
ReplyDeleteAnd the bunny case is just the cutest! ^ - ^
indeed =D
Deletethank you Paige
cutee bangett ciii
ReplyDeletebener-bener cocok banget warnanya dimatamu
ini contact lensnya hargnya berapa yah?
aku agak lupa hrgnya.. cb kontak FB: dreamie chuppa langsung ya ^^
DeleteAaaaaa the last photo is totemo kawaii~<3 waktu itu pernah mau beli miomi ini tp jd soalnya ga bsa beda minus hikss T.T bunny caseny lucuuu ^^
ReplyDeletethank you Dewi ^^
Deletelho bisa beda minus kok o_o
ak juga suka cc sama lens ini , cuman ak kalo sekolah ribet makenya soalnya sekolah pagi , soalnya kan sayang kalo udah dibeli tapi jarang dipake :( btw itu bagus loh dimata cc :D
dipakenya pas jalan2 aja ^^
Deletethank you catherine :)
Aww, the packaging is so, so cute! Love it <33
ReplyDelete❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤
yes it is :)
DeleteAku uska sama patternnya..Coklat + Grey gitu ya. Cocok loh dimatamu.
ReplyDeleteVe, aku suka foto kamu yang terakhir. bener-bener kayak anak SMP. *Aslinya emang kamu baby face ya.*
iya warnanya unik ya :D
Deletethank you be hehe ^^
Masama ve..^^
Deleteaku suka banget sama miomi ini shel, favoriteku banget,,rencana mau beli lg kl softlens yg lain uda exp.. ^^
ReplyDeleteiyaa wie ^^ efeknya dolly banget
DeleteKorean-Lens shop is the best for me how. How can they get all these lenses ?!! This shop has a so large choice that I think 1 life is not enough to buy all !!! hahaha,...
ReplyDeleteBut maybe you wear your lenses short time and don't care to buy new one, you're lucky... I also searched a lot and it seems that this lens shop is the one with the best deal worldwide, as I searched in English, Japanese, Spanish, and French !! (really!). Buy 2 get 1 free is very good. How can I post my photos here ?! Thank you.
for international shipping, you can buy it from LensVillage :)
Deletewah aku blm pernah nyoba miomi ini ce tp pattern nya yg ini bagus yaa, natural tp tetep keliatan cakep *o*
ReplyDeleteiyaa, cc plg suka yg natural2 kyk gini la XD
Deletejrg punya softlens yg pny warna ekstrim
kalau dipake kelihatan hitam ya, grey effectnya nggak begitu kelihatan, tapi patternnya lucu, nice review kak :D
ReplyDeleteiya ngga gt keliatan warna greynya ya >.<
Deletethanks for reading <3
Warna dan Patternnya cantik banget cocok di mata kamu ce... :)
ReplyDeleteCasenya juga tak kalah lucuuu...!!
jd pengin nyobaa.. toh, aku blm pernah pakai softlens.. muehehehe... -___-
iyaa lucu yaa casenya XD patternya jg cantik
Deletehehe ^^ kpn2 cobain gih
wahhh, emg uda lama penasaran sma miomi, dulunya namanya barbie kan ? aku cucok pke barbie, paling nyaman di banding geo, trus bunny case nya mana tahan lucu bgtu >.<
ReplyDeletethanks for review yaa vee, berhasil nebarin racun :p
oiya? baru tau kalo dulu namanya barbie o.o
Deletehope it helps dear ^^
I never use miomi brand but looks really cute and are more cheap :D maybe I buy a pair later uou This model are pretty <3
ReplyDeleteThis brand are cheap and cute <3 maybe I buy it later, you looks cute
ReplyDeleteih warnanya keren banget ya,ga norak..
ReplyDeletemana casenya unyu gitu ^^
Woww your hairs are so gorgeous <3 ..
ReplyDeleteNice reviewed ..
Great review! I really love grey contact lenses, they look so cute <3
ReplyDeleteso lovely, congrats!
ReplyDeletekyny aku pernah pake brand ini *ud lupa* hahaha
ReplyDeletedan d aku ga gt nyaman jg ._.
wkwk di org beda2 ya kayaknya rinn >.<
Deleteklo aku nyaman2 aja sih.. tp entah knp mata jd capek klo liat monitor pake softlens ini T3T dunno why
Wow! You look so adorable with them. x
ReplyDeleteNatural banget ya non.. Cantik <3
ReplyDeleteCECE aku suka banget, bagus banget looks like natural
ReplyDeleteLUCCCCCCUUUUUU banget sih amuuuu!! hahahahaha! pengen temuuuu!
ReplyDeleteitu rabbitnya yatuhaaaann aku mauu :(
pgn ktmu km jg gittt *BIG HUG*
Great review! I've never tried those contact lenses before so I can't comment on any discomfort but they look really pretty! Also, those contact lenses containers are so cutee ~
ReplyDeleteYes it is :) i love their lenses containers
Deletebunny case nya lucu bangetttt.......
ReplyDeletenice post~!
tapi sayang lens ny kurang abu2 ya...
ada rekomendasi ga softlens yang super grey kalo d mata.. Thx pretty :)
iya sekilas kurang keliatan abu2nya ya ^^
Deletebisa coba ageha super big gray ato rich gray nya :)
it looks cute but sadly it's tiring your eyes though :(
ReplyDeleteYou look so cute with the lenses on ^^
ReplyDeletematanya selalu bagus kalau pakai softlens >,< yang ini juga cocok.
ReplyDeleteUdah mirip ciwi-ciwi Jepang. cantik hehe XD
kak pake kamera apa? jelas banget pattern nya sampai keliatan.