Yay for another makeup collaboration! ^____^
I guess I'm the last member of the team who finally posted about this collaboration ;__;
Sorry I was so busy lately, and I have no sufficient time to do photo editing.. Finally I managed some time to edit those photos and make some drafts for upcoming posts ;)
Sorry I was so busy lately, and I have no sufficient time to do photo editing.. Finally I managed some time to edit those photos and make some drafts for upcoming posts ;)
Thanks to Lala who has invited me to join this collaboration ♥
Well, if you're not familiar with K-pop.. let me inform you that 4Minute is one of famous K-pop girlband :)
To be honest, I also hardly memorize their faces LOL. I only know Hyunah XD
The song itself is pretty catchy and energetic ;) Which member that you like most from 4Minute?
Click read more if you are interested to know our re-create inspired makeup look and tutorial ^__^
Hyunah in 4minute Whatcha Doin Today MV
I can't see her eye makeup clearly due to her long bangs >___<
Hyunah's image is completely different with my image '___' She's 2 years younger than me, but WHY I'm look like a teenage compared to her?? >___< LOL
Personally I like Hyunah's makeup, so I decided to recreate her makeup! I'm sorry that I'm not sexy nor pretty enough XDD
I dunno why, but my phone camera could capture the color of my lipstick better than my Mirrorless Cam '___' It caused by different lighting I guess.. Whatsoever, this is my final look!
What do you think about my re-create makeup look? Sorry if it's not similar >_<
I've done my best to recreate her makeup look T_T
Anyway, please kindly visit my girls' makeup look as well ^^
It was a nice collaboration! Thank you for letting me join, fellas! ♥
4Minute - Whatcha Doin Today MV
And Yes, Hyunah is ALWAYS look overly sexy @___@
Haha, thanks for reading and bye for now ♥♥

I like the black liner on half of your lower lashes.... Pretty..
ReplyDeleteJean Milka
Thank you jean ♥
Deletebagus tutorialnya shel u_u
ReplyDeletecuma keliatan kurang cetar aja merah lipstiknya, mgkn lighting itu yah ..
hmm, mau koreksi, bukannya pake contact lens mending sebelum pake make-up ya shel ? cmiiw
overall nicee, cantikk ..
sebenarnya lipsticknya Hyunah itu lebih ke arah pink yg bold sih >.< tp aku ga pny lipstick yg wrnnya kayak gitu.. jadi campur2 aja warnanya di lip palette..
DeleteSama aja kok sebenernya ^^ boleh setelah atau sebelum pake eye makeup..
Thank youu ♥
Wahhh Shelll, cantik banget ^3^
ReplyDeleteSuka lihat rambut kamu dicepol gitu mirip korean people ^_^
Love your tutorial, sering-sering Shel buat tutorial ^0^
Thank youu cc ♥
DeleteKalo pas waktunya memungkinkan pasti kubikin ce ^^ hehe
I really like your inspired makeup! You are so cute girl! ^__^
ReplyDelete❤ ✿ VISIT MY BLOG ✿ ❤
Thank youuu Rinako ♥
Deletecakeeep shel ^^
ReplyDeleteThank youu dewie :*
Deletebeneeer ce shelvi sama hyuna masih keliatan lebih muda cc lho wkwk xD
ReplyDeletebtw keliatan lebih dewasa ce, cantiik <3
Wkwk lebih tepatnya aku kayak anak2 sih klo dibandingkan Hyunah >__<
DeleteHyunah muka dan badannya dewasa polll! Y_Y
Unyu shell :*
ReplyDeleteLama kali beta tak main2 ke kau punya blog wkwk
Gitaaa iyaa km lama ga mampir T.T
DeleteLama ga ngeblog jg wkwk
Thank you <3
Chantik bgt… beda bgt rambutnya d cepol gtu
ReplyDeleteThank you cc cantik ^^
DeleteI think it's hard to beat Hyunah's sexiness... >.< hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou look so gorgeous Shel... and cute >,<
Kayaknya aku tahu apa yang bikin kurang seksi... eye makeup-mu kurang smokey bagian bawahnya.. :D tapi secara keseluruhan, make up mu yang ini bagus Shel :D
Duh suka liat aplikasi eyeliner-nya >.<
ReplyDeletekak cantik deh bibirnya imut. >,< cocok sama warna lipstiknya.
ReplyDeletekak itu pake softlen apa?