Hello everyone! :) Have you heard about Lulla Hair Ties? Or you may call it Lulla Hair Bands ;)
Well, you might wonder what exactly this product is?
If you haven't known about this hair ties, I'll introduce it for you~
Lulla is a multi-function knot hair ties :)
"Huh? Hair ties? What is the difference with other hair ties out here?"
Apa sih bedanya ikat rambutnya Lulla dengan ikat rambut biasa?
Lulla Hair Ties is an extraordinary hair ties / hair bands. You can use it as accessory (bracelet or armcandy) and of course to tie up your hair :) Time to say good bye to bad hair day, I guess?
Lulla Store sells this Hair Ties in sets, each set consist of 3-5 pieces of Lulla Hair Ties ^__^
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Lulla Hair Ties in normal mode |
Lulla Hair Ties has nice elasticity and great durability. It won't be broken easily and it form will turns into normal form after used :) I can tie up my hair whenever I want now, WITHOUT afraid of damaging my hair ♥♥
Do you know that.. wearing ordinary hair ties in hours can damage your hair and causing split ends?
Dengan cuaca di Indonesia (especially at Surabaya) yang super ajaib... kadang bisa hujan deras kadang bisa panas terik -.- Di saat panas yang seperti gurun sahara itu, rambutku sering jadi lepek, membuatku pengap dan selalu kebingungan mencari ikat rambut untuk mengikat rambutku..
Untunglah sejak ada Lulla Hair Ties ini, kalo udara panas menyerang aku langsung bisa memakainya sebagai ikat rambut ^_^ Dan pas aku udah ga butuh untuk ngikat rambutku, tinggal kupake lagi sebagai gelang di tangan ;) Kalo gini caranya ngga bakalan ada lagi kisah ikat rambut yang hilang tanpa sebab XDD
Mau pake hair ties nya single atau double? It's totally up to you :D
Bagus juga kalo di kombinasiin dengan warna dan model lain *___*
Aku ngga hapal nama-nama tipe nya, kalo minat untuk liat-liat yang lain bisa langsung meluncur ke Instagramnya lulla di @lulla_id :)
How it looks on my hair?
Aku bukan orang yang rajin pake heat tools seperti curling iron atau straightener iron, aku lebih suka membiarkannya nampak alami sih.. Tapi seringkali yang terjadi aku jadi ngerasa kurang pede kalo pas foto-foto.. dan kadang-kadang pas aku ngerasa rambutku lagi jelek banget, aku lebih suka ngiket rambutku dengan ikat rambut sebagai life-saver :p Untunglah sekarang ada Lulla XD Asik~
Overall Thoughts:
To be honest, I have eyeing this hair ties since months ago and I've wanted to try it by myself! The result? I started to fall in love with this hair ties.. Lulla Hair Ties is really not disappointing *__*
It does a nice job as bracelet and hair ties! I gotta buy other colors and types ^__^
+ As hair ties, it doesn't damages my hair ^__^
+ Lovely as bracelet or arm candy ♥
+ Available in many colors and types
+ Great elasticity and durability
+ Made from soft material ties
- Quite pricey (but it's worth it ^^ dan awet)- Doesn't sold individually, only sold in sets
Where to buy?
Lulla Hair Ties
Instagram : @lulla_id
Facebook : Lulla.id
e-mail : lulla_id@yahoo.com
Phone/WA: 08175077553
Pin BB: 749A8182 / 2380AA8F (choose one)
Bagi yang belum tau, Lulla lagi ngadain giveaway di Instagram nya lho :D
Jadi buruan deh kalo mau iseng-iseng berhadiah.. siapa tau bisa nyobain Lulla hair ties gratis :3
*wish me luck~~*
Thanks for reading everyone~
Sorry ya bahasanya campur sari XD wkwk
See ya on my next post! ;)
Cute, ada yg renda2 ya cakeppp...
ReplyDeleteBtw, i nominated you for Sunshine Blogger Award : http://pinkandundecided.blogspot.com/2014/04/sunshine-blogger-award.html :)
Wiih aku jarang nguncir rambut pake karet rambut biasa soalnya mesti mbekas kalo dicopot ce, eh si lulla hair ties ini kayaknya oke jg wkwk modelnya lucu2 pula jd pengen nyoba jg :3
ReplyDeletecerah banget kak pake orange. ^^
ReplyDeletemultifungsi yaa :)