
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Blogging 101: Follow Me Please?

Heyhooo everyone ^^
Suddenly this idea was popped out from my head last night, when I was about to sleep..
Well, I think is good to share my thoughts towards blogging and give some tips :) How do you think about that? Of course I still need your sincere opinion for this post! ^_^

For those of you, the bloggers who have chosen (a.k.a as their blogging platform, should've familiar with GFC or Google Friend Connect. Undeniable fact, our society tend to measure the fame of a blog from her/his GFC Followers..

The more GFC Followers you have, it means many people that interested with your writings..
Well, it's not wrong, though :)

"Follow back please?"

"Mind to follow back?"

"Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. 
Thank you"

(IMHO the last request is the worst, why should I ask you desperately to follow my blog if you're not interested with my blog content??)

Blogging Tips #1
1. Only follow the blog that interests you
2. Please do not demand people to follow your blog first, if you're not interested with their blog content
3. The better way to measure how many people read your blog, is not by GFC Followers but by monthly page views. If you have constant monthly page views or even increasing day by day, it's really good! :)
4. Be humble, be sincere, be friendly with readers and fellow bloggers (not being fake, but being sincere! It's your appreciation towards your readers and fellow bloggers)

How to answer to people's request to follow each other's blog:
5. "I actually prefer if people who follow my blog are the ones who are really interested in the content, but thank you for your offer :)"
(by ce Mindy)

Better way to attract more readers to your blog:
6. You always can leave a sincere comment when blogwalking and don't forget to leave your blog url, so they can visit your blog as well! (Regardless they want to follow our blog or not :) It's up to them)

Blogger's confession:
When I was newbie-blogger, I DID the same mistake as well.. I keep asked people to follow back my blog -____- I was ashamed with myself few months later (2012) and since then I stopped to request others to follow back my blog.

However.. Keep blogging! ^__^

Related to my post about motivation of being Beauty Blogger:
I'm happy with your response guys! :) Thanks for comments and thoughts!
Though we often do mistakes but it's okay, we won't stop to blog! :D

Thanks for reading all, see ya on my next blogging tips ^_^


  1. hai,, salam kenal...
    aku uda lama follow u, baru sekarang kasih komen...^^
    setuju dengan apa yg km tulis..
    aku juga blogger baru... tp akhir2 ini sering ku terlantarkan... sangking sibuknya.

    1. halo ^_^ waa thanks ya udah baca dan follow blog ku <3
      sayang skali klo tertelantarkan :s semangat yaa ngeblognya :)

  2. Haha sama ce dulu msh ga ngerti awal2 ngeblog aku jg mesti ninggalin comment 'mind to follow back?' wkwk duh jd malu niiih :P
    Iya tuh bener yg ke-3 kebangetan, kadang2 ada jg lho orang yg ninggalin comment kayak gt tp langsung to the point jd sama sekali ga ngomentari yg berkaitan ttg postnya nghh -___-

    1. iya rata2 semua blogger baru mungkn prnh mengalami hal tsb ya la XD wkwk
      ya wajar sih, soalnya masih newbie jd msh ngerasa blm pny tmn, jd bgitu ^^ *pengalaman pribadi*
      Wew ada ya yg ga ngomentarin contentnya sama skali? itu sih keterlaluan -_-a

  3. suka nih sma postingan kamu shel, cuma ak kyaknya gapernah deh mnta follow back gtu soalnya awalnya blog ak isinya random, jd pas mulai ngisi blog dg hal yg lebih 'berguna' rasanya terlalu malu buat minta follow blognya sma orang saking malunya kalo liat betapa randomnya blog ak dulu wkwkwkwkwk

    1. mungkin km sekian persen dari sekian banyak org yg ga prnh minta folback dell ^^ *dulu pas jaman labil aku jg pernah* haha

  4. betul!! Suka gregetan gitu tau kl ad yg mnta2 follow tapi erhhhh dia sendiri suka ga baca content blog kita -.- ngapain coba ya hahahah XD nice post!

    1. kkkk iya nyebeln banget >_<"
      thank you san :D

  5. ini juga kejadian yang sering bgt vee.. hahaha..
    tapi ada suatu kali di mana aku uda kesel trus akirnya aku balas yang intinya: klo kamu mmg suka blogku ya km follow aja duluan dan klo aku suka blogmu pasti aku follow kok.

    aneh bgt memang yang nyuruh qt follow blog dia dulu trus blg sm dia br dia bakal follow back. kebalik abis -_-

    aku lebi seneng klo ada orang yang ninggalin komen d blog dengan link blog nya jadi bisa blogwalking k sana, klo suka kan bs difollow.

    1. XDD iya kejadiannya seringg banget, sampe aku jengkel abis rinn >___<
      pdhl klo blog mrk emg menarik, ga usah diminta pun akan kufollow
      benerr2 rin! *toss*

  6. Ahhhhhh bener bangett. Aku paling ga suka kalo ada yang bilang "mind to follow back?" Aku ga tahan gregetan banget rasanya.. Emang sih follow-followan sebenernya ga ada salahnya, itung2 nambah temen. Tapi GFC jadi penuh sama blogs yang aku anggep ga menarik lama2 jadi males liat update-an blogger lain yang pdhal aku suka banget. Thank you banget nih sama tips nya. Aku selalu bingung gimana caranya nolak baik2 sama kasus ginian. Sekarang aku tau harus ngomong apa kekekee.

    Bella /

  7. aduh iya nihhh iya banget ini vee ~ hiks, aku kadang geregetan sih sama yang begini tapi ga enakan juga :| btw tipsnya berguna banget vee! tararengkyuuu hihi

  8. kadang bikin gregetan sih emang yg minta follow each other tapi ga mau follow duluan. kalo aku sih ya oke lah untuk saling mensupport sesama blogger, tapi kadang setelah dibaikin (difollow duluan), dianya yang ga follback -_- *curcol*

  9. nice post :)
    btw, salam kenal yaaaa...

  10. LOL! You obviously didn't read the blog post. *sigh*

  11. Tips nya berguna banget,apalagi buat blogger masih baru seperti aku...
    Salam kenal ya....

  12. Hahaha bener banget, apalagi yg diatas tuh "folow aku ya, klo udah kasi tau nanti biar aku follow balik", pamrih banget yaa. Nyesek deh bacanya, seolah-olah blog kita gak menarik T_T

    Tapi pikiran saya blog bukan twitter lah, folback2-an. Blog klo suka ya monggo di follow, klo gak akan kubuat kau menyukaiku..muaaahhahahaha

    Nice post^^

  13. aku enggak lho shel, aku enggak.hehehee

    emang bener sih aku kalau coment kadang ninggalin link blog aku, tp aku nggak pernah minta di follow, yaa kalau emang suka sama blog aku biar di follow tp kalau enggak kan gak boleh dpaksa juga, dibawa enjoy aja sih kalau aku yang penting tetep berusaha memperbaiki blog aku, toh kalau blog udah menarik, nggak usah diminta pun udah pada follow sendiri kan


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