Hello my lovely readers! ^__^/ It's December already! I'm so excited with Christmas :D
Okay, It's been a while since my last review about softlens :D I believe you're familiar enough with well-known contact lens named AGEHA from Japan Softlens, it's become popular and such a big hit lately.
Well, several days ago I bought this softlens because Japan Softlens offered nice promotion, IDR 160k (include shipping fee) for this Super Big series XD I definitely didn't miss this chance to try this famous softlens ;) I heard Ageha Softlens from Japan Softlens got so much compliments due to its comfort.. Will it works for me as well? Let's see..
Every purchase of Ageha Softlens is including this cute pink lipstick (as long as they're still in stock) ;D
Actually this is a pen ^^ very cute, isn't it?
Every softlens box of Ageha Softlens is dominated with metallic magenta color, very attractive and eye-catching :) Every series of Ageha softlens has similar box. I also got mine in Caramel Brown, and its box is exactly same with Super Big series.

Ageha Super Big 15mm (Gray)
Diameter: 15.00 mm
Water content (kadar air): 45%
Life Span (masa pemakaian): 6 months / bulan
Ageha Softlens is specially made by Japan Softlens, produced in Japan and
manufactured by Dueba Contact Lens.
Ageha's box details:
Okay, these are what I got inside the box ^_^
1. Pair of Ageha Softlens
2. Softlens Case
3. Instruction leaflet
Everything is written in Japanese *okayface*. Unfortunately, I only can read hiragana XD
But, you still can following the instructions by looking at the illustrations.
What I really love about Ageha Softlens is.. I can choose different prescriptions *___* ♥
I have different eyesight power and I don't need to buy 2 pairs of softlens now! ♥
Ageha Softlens comes in blister packaging, I prefer blister packaging because I think bottle packaging is more troublesome ;P and bottle packaging is more likely reusable, please beware with fake softlens out there! x__x
Jenis packaging seperti ini namanya blister, jadi bukan packaging bentuk botol yang kadang-kadang nyusahin pas dibuka x_x Aku sih secara pribadi jauh lebih suka softlens dalam packaging blister, karena ngga ngerepotin dan packagingnya ga bisa didaur ulang. Hati-hati lho, sekarang masih banyak softlens palsu yang beredar di Indonesia :s harganya pun relatif sangat murah, sekitar 45-80rb
To be honest, its pattern isn't really special.. it's not really unique :p No problem for me!
I still prefer comfy regular-pattern-softlens rather than uncomfortable unique-pattern softlens :P
How it looks on my eyes
This softlens' diameter is 15mm, but it has 17mm enlargement effect :3 My eyes looks so dolly, aren't they?
Diameter softlens ini 15mm tapi punya efek seperti 17mm pada waktu udah kupake di mata ^^
Keliatan ngga mataku keliatan hidup banget setelah pake softlens ini? Selain cocok untuk sehari-hari, cocok juga untuk dipake untuk dolly gyaru makeup :D
Diameter softlens ini 15mm tapi punya efek seperti 17mm pada waktu udah kupake di mata ^^
Keliatan ngga mataku keliatan hidup banget setelah pake softlens ini? Selain cocok untuk sehari-hari, cocok juga untuk dipake untuk dolly gyaru makeup :D
![]() |
sorry for uneven falsie application x__x I was in hurry |
I love how its color blends nicely on my eye iris... My eyes become more lively!╭ (^▽^)╯
Berhubung aku punya warna mata asli yang hitam, warna abu-abu softlens ini bener-bener keliatan nyatu saat kupake ^_^ Tetep keliatan natural meski punya efek enlargement 17mm.
I need to admit that this softlens' comfort is amazing! I can wear them for up to 12 hours without eyedrops ♥
Somehow I don't use softlens if my eyes get irriated x_x But this softlens is truly comfortable!
My eyes also don't get tired easily :D
Menurutku sih softlens ini beneran nyaman :O Aku bisa pake softlens ini sampai 12 jam tanpa tetes mata ♥ Aku ngga pake softlens tiap hari sih, karena mataku agak gampang iritasi, terutama kalo pas softlensnya kurang higienis atau mataku pas lagi sensitif.. Tapi beneran sih, softlens ini emang nyaman banget ^___^ Oiya, softlens ini juga ga bikin mataku capek, terutama pada saat menatap layar monitor laptop :3
Menurutku sih softlens ini beneran nyaman :O Aku bisa pake softlens ini sampai 12 jam tanpa tetes mata ♥ Aku ngga pake softlens tiap hari sih, karena mataku agak gampang iritasi, terutama kalo pas softlensnya kurang higienis atau mataku pas lagi sensitif.. Tapi beneran sih, softlens ini emang nyaman banget ^___^ Oiya, softlens ini juga ga bikin mataku capek, terutama pada saat menatap layar monitor laptop :3
Di foto ini aku pake pinkcoco wig dan ga terlalu suka '___' entah mengapa kulit kepala wignya ga bs nutupin kepalaku secara penuh, semacam kekecilan gitu.. Apa karena kegedean kepala ya? >_< Hiks
What I love <3
+ So comfortable!
+ Its color blends nicely on my eye iris
+ Suitable for everyday
+ Comes in blister packaging
+ Lipstick pen bonus
+ Nice service
What I hate </3
- Its pattern isn't really special
Rating: 4.5/5
Repurchase? Yes :D
If you are interested to try this softlens, you can buy it on their website ^__^
JAPAN SOFTLENS: shop.japansoftlens.com
You can also get free shipping fee if you order directly on their website :3
What a nice deal isn't it?
Okay, I hope this review is helpful enough for you ^-^
Thanks for reading! ♥♥
OMG cute banget ce pake wiiiig *salah fokus* xD
ReplyDeleteeh iya lho dari foto2nya warna lensnya ngeblend ya, jd keliatan natural ^^
hahaha km jg cute la :3 sayang wignya kayak kekecilan gitu dikepalaku .__.
Deleteiyaa bener banget ^^ hihi
cantikk shel! haha lucuuu kayak org jepang :*
ReplyDeleteak baru ngeh itu km pake wig.. >_< kayaknya wignya agak kekecilan di kamu ya :o tapi tetep imutttt..sukaaaa hehe
hahaha makasih wie :3
Deleteiya kah ga keliatan kyk wig? iyaa kekecilan kyknya T_T apa kepalaku yg kegedean yaa.. kyknya blogger lain pake wig fine2 aja.. hiks..
Thanks dear <3
cakep non ♡♥ warnanya blend yah.. gak kliatan fake..
ReplyDeleteimut banget pake wig walo kekecilan yah. cc mala gak ngeh kalo kekecilan.. buta tt wig.. LOL
Thank you ce <3 iya warnanya ngeblend ^^
Deletekamu lucu sekaliiiii sih nenggg :*
ReplyDeletekm lebih lucu git XD :*
Warnanya oke banget ya vee :D
ReplyDeleteCieee pake wig.. tp itu kenapa eyebrow ga skalian diwarnain biar matching sm rambut? xD iy sih ya wignya agak kliatan fake ._.
iyaa :D
Deletehahaha iseng2 rin :p iya aku ga punya eyebrow product yg warnanya kek gitu .___. iya lumayan keliatan hiks
Bagus banget keliatan natural lens nya :)
iyaa :D
DeleteOMG! shellviiiii keliatan beda bgttt, cantikkk!! aku kirain sapa tadi XD :*
ReplyDeleteefek wig ce XD makasiiihh :*
DeleteXiao Vee cantik banget ^^ beda banget lho terlihat dewasa XD biasanya imut hehehe
ReplyDeleteah bisa aja.. thank you dear ^^ hehe