Thursday, December 6, 2012

HELP: I miss my sunshine :(

Helloooooooo everyone.. How's life? Is everybody good? Sorry for lack of updates lately (≧△≦) I feel bad because been so unproductive last month.. T_T
I miss you all!  Anyone miss me? one? Okay... :''(

if you were following my twitter, maybe some of you already now that I HAVE GOTTEN A JOB ヾ(☆▽☆) Thanks God! I feel so excited! I really wanted to get new experience and I thought I need to enter a marketplace :D

Today was my 4th day of working. I working as finance staff in one of established factory in Surabaya :) Now I understand how hard working is.. really tiring >____< I haven't adapted with this working hours yet.. I back to my boarding house at 6.00 PM everyday with tired body and I don't have flexible time like before :'(
Please give me some time, okay? I'll adapt with this condition very soon. I will back as active blogger and blogging as frequently as possible after my body able to adapt with my working days.. :)

Back to topic.. 

the problem begins..

I miss sunshine already! TT____TT
Before start to work, I've been so worried that I will be unable to capture proper photos for my blog... FYI my camera can't create good photos with artificial lighting or low lighting.. *the auto focus is sucks*
That's why I usually take pictures with natural daylight..

But I am working in a office now, my working hours is 08.00-17.00. I need to wake up really early everyday (05.00 AM) because my shuttle car will pick me up at 06.10... 
It's really impossible for me to produce proper photos with this current situation :'( 
I'm so frustrated now...
I even have made a DIY softbox for support my photography, but it didn't really helps...

Currently I using Samsung ST600 with dual LCD. It can produces good and pretty decent photos with natural daylight, but otherwise the camera can't capture proper photo with low lighting and can't show its best picture with artificial light :'(

Few months ago, I wanted this camera so bad because I saw Bubzbeauty used the old version of this camera, ST500 and her photos are really good. Especially this camera has dual LCD function, which can support my camwhoring hobby *LOL*

Nahhh... I guess I only can produce good photos at saturday or sunday.. when I don't work.. TT___TT *I wish I have DSLR camera*

Anyone who has suggestion or same problem with me? Please tell me how to overcome this situation :'( I don't want to be restricted of blogging just because this problem..
Please give me any tips, feedback or suggestion..

I will really appreciate every single comment of you T_T
Thanks for spending your precious time to read my "curcol" post.. :'(

Until next time~


  1. same hereeeeeee :(
    plus, lately the weather is so bad, the sun barely shows up. my camera also needs sunshine for good photos! that's why i'm very lack of reviews lately tho T____T
    DIY softbox is still far from me ce, cannot find additional lamp la..hiiks super desperated

    1. nahhh senasib linnnn T_____T
      tp foto2mu masih tergolong bagus lhooo haha *cubit*

  2. bikin box foto pake kardus tv yang di lapis kertas putih/kertas kado, di bolong kiri-kanan kasih lampu belajar, bagian depan kasih lubang untuk kamera, jangan pake flash *dapet tips dari fotografer produk*

    1. lubang utk kamera? maksudnya utk lampu? hehe
      udah bikin kok.. T____T tp ttp ga gt membantu.. hiks..

    2. bukan, jadi paling depan ada lubang kecil untuk lensa kamera aja
      yah kalaupun mentok edit curve photoshop :-D

    3. he? o.o kameraku kan digicam biasa.. kayaknya bakal susah kalo masukin kamera ke dlm kardus.. hmmm.. tp aku jg butuh FOTD T___T gmn dongg

  3. Iya, kalau foto2 review emang lebih bagus cahaya natural dari matahari shel *-*, aku bingung juga, maybe kamu bisa bawa barang yang mau kamu review dikantor, jadi pas istirahat gitu curi-curi waktu buat foto-foto barang reviewnya, bakal repot sih *-*

    1. it's mission impossible dit >_< selain rempong bawanya ke kantor, kerjaan di kantor jg banyak ;____; hiks

  4. pakai lampu meja aja.. :) pake 2 kalau kurang terang.. aku biasa juga gitu soalnya ga sempet foto outdoor juga T_T senasib kita yah, aku juga baru mulai kerja beberapa bulan nihh >_<

    1. pdhl aku udh pake lampu yg wattnya gede jg lho.. mahal pula T_T
      ternyata banyak yg senasib.. tp kan km ada DSLR gab.. jd kyknya hasilnya bakal lbh bagus meski foto2 mlm hr T_T

  5. Well take pic during breaks :) like lunch break, coffee break. Also on sat n sun, plan on which product you want to review for the week then take as many pics as u can for your product and face as well as EOTD during weekend and write the blog at night time. Maybe this can help you somewhat organize it til you adapt with everything.

    1. ummm i can't take pic during breaks T_T i don't have plenty time to do it. I have a lot of work hiks..
      it's a good idea.. maybe i'll do it for now :) thanks mrs. rose!

  6. Yahhh, sabar vee ^^
    dulu juga kayak gitu harus kerja+kuliah, blog jadi terbengkalai :(

    ya brarti di hari sabtu & minggu kamu foto dan bikin postingannya borongan say.
    mungkin di hari sabtunya waktu buat ambil foto apa2 aja yang mau di post dalam seminggu. nah minggu nya baru bikin postingan.

    kan settingan di blogger bisa diatur mau posting hari apa aja.
    nah jadi blog mu bisa tetep eksis deh selagi kamu kerja :D

    1. hooo gitu ya? sedihnya, aku jg ga mau sampe blog jd keteteran :(
      iya kayaknya mau gitu aja sih ^^ hehe
      thanks yaaa :)

  7. samsung ST600 kurang bagus yah cie? dulu hampir mau beli itu tapi aku tetep suka sih soalnya ada kamera depannya hahaha
    tapi masa sih masih bagusan ST500? kalo sama ST700 bagusan mana cie?
    *sory banyak tanya*
    btw aku juga sama kerja dari jam 8 sampe jam 5 sore, dan lebih parahnya lagi kamera aku rusak jadi harus ngandelin kamera hp buat review huhuhu

    1. ga tau klo itu hehe.. kyknya sih masih bagusan ST700 ya *secara lbh mahal* XD
      awwww yg sabar jg ya km :'(

  8. aaaa aku jg gt vee, lg nyari kamera yg bagus buat low light..
    klo ud kerja ya gini nih, susah ngeblog, mau foto jg susah..
    i feel you :(

    1. *toss* iya rinn senasib yaaa T___T repot bgt klo waktu terbatas gini hiks.. tp ttp belajar bersyukur.. psti ada jln keluar >w<

  9. problem kita sama ce, hasil foto dari kameraku kalo tanpa sinar matahari itu kualitasnya jelek banget, apalagi sekarang hampir setiap hari mendung mulu T__T dulu aku pernah dibikinin kokoku softbox yg kayak di komennya conietta diatas itu, tapi emang bener hasilnya jd bagus lho, tapi kardusnya skrg udah rusak, pengen bikin lagi tapi males ;A;
    ya terpaksa untuk sementara ini ya harus ngefoto beberapa produk tiap sabtu / minggu aja ce, jadi udah ada simpenan, terus ntar kalo hari senin / jumat misalnya ada waktu nganggur kan enak tinggal langsung di post aja~

    1. heee.. aku jg udh bikin softbox sndiri la.. tp emg kameraku jelek klo pake artificial lighting TT_TT ga gt nolong deh huhu..
      iya rencananya jg gitu ^^ best idea for now.. T_T
      thank you yaa la :)

  10. i used to get the same problem with you.. my camera is s*ck in artificial lightning .. new camera will be lovely but too expensive to get new camera just for blogging haha ..

    my solution is using photo editor software.. i use photoscape, and seems like it's the best one for me.. i can make my picture brighter naturally, hehe .. but you have to check whether photo editing change shade color or not, because it's really important :)

    AAAH .. how i miss surabaya!! how's TP? atom? PTC? hehehe ..

    1. yeahhhh T^T
      humm.. what i want exactly is.. the sharpness of the photos.. I don't like to use unfocused or blurred photos :'( photo editor software may helps a little bit..

      TP, atom, PTC? Still fine lol xD makin rame hehe.. kpn main ke sby lg? ^^

  11. same problem with me vee...I'm working from 9.00-17.00 as well...
    no free time for me...mgkn memang aku harus bikin softbox sendiri seperti km truz pasang lighting...T_T..
    aku lebih sering foto2 product pas minggu, karena aku kerja dari senin-sabtu, kalo aku plng cepat masi da kemungkinan utk foto product, tp kalo mataharinya sudah ilang..ya wes..productnya akan ku tunda2 review trus...ampe sekarang aza blm sempat nambah2 posting di blog..lebih sering baca blog2 orang2...semangat pasti bisa...

    1. aku udh bikin softbox tp ttp ga gt membantu T.T mungkin klo di km bisa membantu dear ^^
      iyaaaa kita harus sama2 ttp semangat yaaaaaa :')

  12. vee, seperti yang lain sarankan kayanya bikin softbox sendiri paling memungkinkan. aku pernah iseng bikin dan hasilnya oke kok.
    sayang ga sempet bikin tutorialnya. mudah2an libur natal ini bisa sempet bikin dan share ke kalian.

    sementara, paling sabtu minggu kamu photo semua product yg akan direview. baru di cicil tulis di blog senin-jumat pas kerja. biasanya aku jga gitu.

    1. udh bikin cc.. tp hasilnya ttp ga bs setajam natural daylight :x cc pake bohlam apa kah?
      iyaaa.. kyknya smntara gitu jg sih :'D

  13. How about weekend? Aku juga ga py camera memadai,mengandalkan camera pocket and hp doank..blm lg sibuk sama kerjaan and baby.. Biasanya aku tulis post dimalam hari and buat ambil gambar di pagi hari buat dapatin cahayanya lebih kena,dan rutinitas aku lakukan pas sabtu minggu saat kerjaan ga numpuk dan ga mengharuskan aku ngerjain rutinitas seperti biasanya,klo aku py free time di weekend ;) semoga membantu :)

    1. iyaa kyknya mau foto2nya pas weekend aja..
      thanks yaa ^^

  14. i feel you.. officially i'm working from 9.00-17.00.. But in field, i'm working like what? 9.00-19.00 sometimes 9.00-23.00

    Haha! i feel so dead, don't have any energy left once i got home :'(

    Ussually, I take all my pics and posts in saturday.. So, i still have sunday for my social life, but.. now, since i got promoted, i have to work on saturday too!!! ARGHHHHHHH

    1. nahhh... suka dukanya kerja kantoran :'( jadi kayak hidup utk kerja, bukan kerja untuk hidup >< LOL
      ooohhhh too bad :(( Hopefully u can manage time to do blog as well

  15. What if you bought some really bright lamps and put them all over the room to illuminate it clearly?

  16. wanita kantoran ? masalah yang serupa ci T_T hiks
    aku klo foto produk cuman di hari libur cii,
    jadi kalo sudah hari libur, jepret sana sini deh alias borongan -_-


I do appreciate every comment of yours :D
Thanks for visiting my blog! Enjoy~