Monday, September 10, 2012

Natur-e Daily Nourishing Lotion [review]

Hello ladies~ have you heard about new range of Natur-e?
Couple of days ago, I have reviewed about their face cream..
and I'll review their body lotion now :)
FYI: Natur-e is a local brand from Indonesia and only sold in Indonesia

content: 100ml
I bought it for around IDR 9,000 (i forgot the exact price) x_x
If i'm not mistaken, their daily nourishing lotion also comes in 150ml and 225ml size.
The package made from transparent plastic with green as their main color.

like the face cream, this lotion contains Vitamin E beads, pomegranate seed oil, UVA+UVB protection

the ingredients list :)
officially registered in BPOM

unique cap, this cap could prevent for any spill out.

 The texture is creamy, not watery and easy to apply.
see the vitamin E beads? :D

The lotion could dries very quickly and leaves moisturizing feeling afterwards.
The minus of this product is, after I applied the product and I wash my hand few minutes later.. the lotion on my skin become melted( ̄□ ̄;)jadi luntur gitu lotionnya.. jadi kerasa aneh pas dipake di tangan, dan cuci tangan.. malah lumer.. '_'
So, this lotion can't absorbed easily into my skin.. 

What I love <3
+ Dries quickly
+ Makes my skin become smoother
+ Easy to get
+ Pretty affordable
+ Contains vitamin E

What I hate </3
- Lotionnya lumer pas cuci tangan.. x_x

Rating: 3/5

Repurchase? I think no..

Have you tried this product?
Do the product works for you?
Thanks for reading :)


  1. aahhh.... lumerr.... padahal baru mau nyoba.

  2. hahah dari dulu pengen banget nyoba ini tapi masih pro dan kontra sampe saat ini..
    mikir mikir kayaknya dari warna, packaging, dan embel2 vitamin e nya menggoda banget, tapi kalo dibandingin vaseline yang katanya ngasih whitening & anti aging, si natur e jadi kalah pamor~ *sigh

    1. haha iya menggoda :P tp kalo mau coba sih coba yg ukuran kecil aja ^^ jadi hemat gt

  3. atau mungkin lotionnya harus diendapin dulu beberapa saat, baru deh cuci-cuci. semacam pakai body butter ada beberapa product yang gak gampang meresap :)


    1. haha.. i think so.. makanya aku cuma bs pake ini kalo mau tidur aja x_x

  4. That is pretty cool! A product that is less than $1!!! Kl luntur di tangan then I just use it for when water can't reach like my legs. That way it stays. Can't u tell that I am shock that there is a product exist under $1 nowadays hahaha. Cool review! Unfortunately, I can't buy it lol

    1. haha actually many local drugstore products which made in Indonesia are less than $1 :D

  5. Hi nice to meet you Xiao Vee! :D
    nice review u have here, i was about to pick this up at Carrefour the other day!

  6. suka bnget sm lotion ini murah dan bagus, udah gitu wangi lagi dan bisa bikin lembut di tangan

  7. aku kurang suka sama lotion ini, ngerasa gak nyaman aja

  8. baguss suka sama ini tp memang kurang nyaman kalo dipake habis itu wudlu atau cuci-cuci. tp termasuk lotion yg enak dan murah


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