
Monday, August 6, 2012

The Saem Mojito Cool Fresh Sparkle Mist [review]

Hello, this is one of the products that I bought on last vacation :)
If you haven't check my haul, you can check it out HERE ^^

Have you heard the Korean Brand : THE SAEM 더샘?
Yes, this brand is endorsed by cutie IU and Lee Seung Gi.
The Saem's tagline is: The Saem of Wise Beauty.
[The Mojito Series] for your cool summer! :3

I assume that every product of The Saem was designed wisely.
No wonder if many of you haven't know this brand yet, because The Saem just established in 2010 ^-^

Today I'd like to share my review about Mojito Cool Fresh Sparkle Mist 
(모히또 쿨 프레쉬 스파클 미스트)

Mojito is a name of cocktail, that cocktail consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime juice, sparkling water and mint.
Why Mojito? Because it contains all the ingredients that used to make a mojito and gives that refreshing feeling :3


all descriptions are written in hangeul.. @_@

capacity: 100ml (also available in 50ml)
price: 8,900원
No adding: parabens, dyes, ethanol, animal materials, formaldehyde
無 첨가: 파라벤, 색소, 에탄올, 동물성원료, 포름알데히드
The main ingredient: Fruit

(source: hope-inablog)
So what does this cocktail of The Saem Mojito contains ? Instead of alcohol, it is going to use which is what apprently is the best mineral water in the world – the ‘Hydroxydase’. Yes, much more healthier than alcohol eh?
What is this best mineral water in the world?

The story of the Hydroxydase Water :

So what does this Hydroxydase water do?

Other ingredients that is used in The Saem Mojito line : lime, mint, apple, lemon, grapefruit, orange. While the mint gives the refreshing cooling feeling, those other fruits are known to be rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C, etc. (source: hope-inablog)

How to use?
Close your eyes and spritz the spray 20 ~ 30cm away from face (Please do not shake the bottle). Then gently pat face till evenly absorbed. Can be used before and after Makeup, when feel dry, and tired.

What I love?
+ Moisturize my face instantly
+ Gives me fresh effect
+ Paraben-free, Ethanol-free, Dyes-free, formaldehyde-free
+ Contains hydroxydase, natural mineral water <3
+ No animal materials
+ Alcohol-free
+ nice scent (not too strong, quite pleasant ^^like lemon scent)

What I hate?
- Technically i can't bring this mist into my hand-carry bag when I have a international flight :( because it's aerosol! >,< mostly the international flight terminals are too strict
- They should put English description on their packaging ._.
- Hard to get in my country :'(

Rating: 4.5/5

Repurchase? I wish i can repurchase it T-T

Have you tried the Saem Mojito series? ^-^
Thanks for reading <3


  1. Shel.... Coba tanya di cece Coccinelle situ bisa PO ini ato engga.. =p
    Jadi pingin cobaa >.<

    1. kpn hr aku liat ga ada sih.. coba aja sab :D
      ni aku mo ngabisin yg ini dulu..blom abis..hihi

    2. Yang ini enak nda Shel? ada mint2nya begitu nda di wajah? *wink* Dasar akunya demen mint =3= wkwk
      nanti kalo tertarik tak kontaknya cecenya..

    3. hmmm mint nya hampir ga ada sih >,< lebih ke wangi lemon menurutku..
      hehe ^^

  2. waaaa komplit banget reviewnyaa..
    aku pengen nyobain produk ini lagi >.<, tapi sayang di coccinelle dia cuma buka PO the saem ga semua produknya, beberapa yang ada di album dia aja >.<

    1. iyaa XD aku buka2 web nya jg soalnya.. maklum di packagingnya ga ada english nya ._.
      hehe coba aja PO seri mojito yg lain kalo memang yg mist ini ngga bisa ^^

  3. Wow mojito! I want this! Cool Blog!

  4. wah aku sama sekali belum pernah nyoba produknya The Saem nih ce ;A; itu bau lemon kan yaa? aku mauuuuu, tapi kalo misalnya mau beli, belinya dimana ini ya ce? *jangan bilang aku disuruh beli ke korea langsung* o_o hehe, thanks for sharing this great review :)

    1. iya ada bau lemon nya dikit2 gitu, seger ^^~ hihi
      klo di indo dmn ya bs beli ini.. sdikit bgt yg buka PO the saem ><
      you're welcome la ^__^

  5. gimana pengen nyoba nih,, susah didapat ce


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