Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Maybelline Lip Smooth Color & Care Lip Balm [review]

Hello pretties~ another review to close this month ^^
Lip balm from Maybelline.. Lip Smooth Color & Care Lip Balm! :D
Ugh, i just realized that i have quite many lip balms in my stack -.-"
Since when i have been a lip balm sucker? lol..
i should not buy any lip balm again for this year.. after i bought new lip balm Baby Lips from Maybelline today >_< (will review it later)
I still have enough supplies, and i'm not sure can finish them all for this year (ノTДT)

Okay.. back to this lip balm.. (^∇^)
Simple cute packaging, with large circles pattern ^^

I got mine in Mandarin :D I didn't have tinted lip balm with orange-ish color before, so i'm so excited to try this out ^^

see? what a lovely color ^^ suitable for all skin type!

I love this color.. so natural and pretty ^^

Sorry for different lighting >w<

I love this lip balm.. ^^ It's quite cheap, i bought it few weeks ago for around IDR 20,000-23,000 or less than $2,5

What I love <3
+ Really moisturizing
+ Has SPF 16
+ Available in various colors
+ Gives nice healthy tinted lips effect
+ Quite cheap
+ Easy to get in drugstore
+ Easy to carry
+ Hygienic

What I hate </3
- They should put description "SPF 16" on their packaging, I even didn't know that this lip balm has SPF 16 before I read the description on their website -.-

Rating: 4.5/5

Repurchase? Yeah!! ^,^

Have you tried this lip balm? ^-^
Thanks for reading!


  1. Aku juga punya ini loh.. Beda warna tapi... Punyamu ada bau buah gitu ga? Punyaku ada... :-) hehe
    Btw d kemasannya ada kok tulisan spfnya... Aq beli ini justru krna spfnya itu...

    1. wahh ada wangi buah ngga ya.. ada kyknya sdikit ^^
      wah aku kurang memperhatikan ._. mnaksduku di kemasan lip balmnya, bkn di bungkusnya xD hehe

  2. aku juga suka pakai ini..punyaku yang strawberry ^^

  3. Bagus warnanya loh. Oranye kan? Bisa dipake pula buat nutup dark circle juga yah. :) Ohya, Jeng aku tag kamu di sini loh --


    ikut yuk :)

    1. tp oranye nya sheer banget.. hehehe
      thank youu ^^
      gonna make it soon

  4. ...Hi doll I'm vendy your new follower from Italy...I like so much this lipbalm...and the effect on your lips is so cool...
    what do you think to follow each other...I just started...


    1. thank you for visiting and following my blog ^^
      gonna visit your blog as well

  5. Aqu Beri Kamu Award Atas Blog Mu Silahkan Cek Di sini Yah http://vhenovalia.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-first-award-versatile-blogger-award.html

  6. an award for you :3


  7. ini lip balm favoritku juga, cobain yg strawberry deh, warna pinknya cakep :)
    aku jadi mau nyobain yg mandarin, warna orangenya natural bgt yaa.
    eh ini ada tulisan spfnya di bungkusnya, tapi emg gak ada di lip balmnya, mungkin gak ada tempat buat nulisnya XD

    1. hahahaha racuuunnn XD iya deh kpn2 cobain yg strawberry hehehe
      iya aku lupa baca spf 16 di bungkusnya o.o wkwk *tepok jidat*

  8. aku punya juga yg ini,tapi yang cherry dari tahun kemaren smpe skrng msh awet,warnanya natural nyatu sm bibir kita,tp kalo dipake agak kerasa berat juga,cuman lipbalm ini kalo ditaruh di tempat yg panas meleleh dia haha


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