Sunday, June 10, 2012

Innisfree Apple Juicy (Purify Apple) Liquid Foaming Cleanser [review]

Hello lovely ladies~ I just wanna share my quick review.. Sleepy already.. x_x LOL
so today is the time to review a product from Innisfree, Apple Juicy (purify apple) liquid foaming cleanser.. :)

I got this sample few months ago, just tried it few weeks ago and forgot to post the review.. Please forgive me if i did not remember the details x_x

everything is in hangul xP
Okay, because I forgot to take pictures of the foam cleanser, I borrowed some pictures from beautyandbudget post.. ^_^ please visit her blog as well :3

As you can see.. the texture is liquid like water.. i love the apple scent of this cleanser ^^ i quite like the foamy texture :)

What I love <3
+ cleanse my face well
+ soften my skin
+ pleasant scent (apple! <3)
+ do not sticky

What I hate </3
- With the liquid texture, I think the cleanser will runs out faster than usual gel/cream cleanser
- It makes my skin dry

Rating: 3/5

Re-purchase? Maybe no ^^ because I also want to try other cleansing foam =P

Have you tried this cleansing foam? :D

Update (10/06/2012): I heard that this series isn't suitable for dry skin because it will make the skin be drier and give some future wrinkles o.O is it true?


  1. ooh i love apple scent :) for some reason foaming cleanser always gives me a squeeky clean feeling

    1. yeahhh i agree with you :D love the squeaky clean feeling! ^^

  2. Woh,ini kan keras di muka.Bukannya kulitmu jenis dry,xiao vee?

    1. keras? *___*
      iya dry.. honestly aku agak lupa detail nya sih krn udh cukup lama *__* tp seinget ku ngga ada masalah sih pas pake..hehe

    2. Iya,aku pernah coba dulu soalnya.Kering banget di muka sih.Aku kan jenis kulit dry juga..Kalo kulit kering mending jangan pake cleansing foam,tambah kering tar.Dan jadi gampang keriput ke depannya -__-

    3. hoahhh... aku baru inget skrg.. >.< klo ga salah kulitku jg tmbh kering pas pake ini.. *lupaaaa*

    4. thank you udh mengingatkan dear ^^

  3. penasaran jadi mau coba ^^
    thank you for review :)

  4. blm png nyoba foaming cleanser yg liquid, kapan2 cb ahh ~
    thanx for the review vee ^^


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