I'm so excited to go to there ^^ I'll have vacation with my friends and really can't wait! <3

I'll have 6 days trip, 4 days and 6 nights.. I think this is will be super tiring trip because I will spend more than 12 hours in airport for transit! T_T Please tell me some ideas how to overcome this boredom while waiting in airport >.<
I open a Pre Order for Korean Cosmetics..
The prices are cheaper than normal price (in online shop) and discount up to 20% ^^
Yang mau nitip2 kosmetik silahkan aja yaaa =D Jangan lupa infonya yang lengkap
Aku baru saja menyelesaikan pricelist untuk Etude ^^ (fiuhh.. really need a lot of time to browsing etude website and decide prices @_@)
Yang mau dikirimin pricelistnya, silahkan leave comment di bawah ini e-mail kalian yah :)
Kalo ada pertanyaan, silahkan kirim e-mail ke xiaoveeworld@gmail.com ^^

Thank you for your attention :D
ReplyDeletedone ^__^
Deletehii xiao vee aku mau donk dikirimin price listnya ke : dewidyanaufal@gmail.com thankss...
ReplyDeletejgn lupa di post yaa toko toko kosmetik korea yang bikin mupeng.enjoy :-)
done ^__^
Deletesiip pastilah aku post XD hihi
Waaahhh..pasti seru deh jalan2 ke Korea. Jangan lupa laporan tripnya yah :)
ReplyDeleteEniwei mau dong dikirimin pricelist nya, ini emailnya micamicu@hotmail.co.id
Makasih :))
done ^__^ siippp nantikan laporan dariku XD hehe
Deletehaloo... aku mau nanya kalo TATIONIL, harganya brapa ya? aku mau nitip kalo harganya terjangkau :)
ReplyDeletehaloo jg.. udh kubalas di email yahh ^___^
Deletehi xiao vee ^^
ReplyDeleteplease send your price list to my email :
bunch thanks!
done ^___^ you're welcomee~
Deletekirimin pricelistnya xiao veee >.< ke cahya.annisa44@yahoo.com gomawo!! ï½–(≧∇≦ï½–)三(ï½–≧∇≦)ï½–
ReplyDeletesiiippp ^__^ udah..
Deletene~ anieyo ^^
i'm so jealous lol
ReplyDeletekorea's nice :3 id love to revisit :D
yeaahh.. this will be unforgettable moments XD
DeleteAaaaak aku mau ikutan PO yaah. Lioele or innisfree bisa? nanti aku email deh detailnya ama tanya harganya klo bisa..hehe
ReplyDeletebtw aku pengen ikutan ke korea nyaaa..haha
bisa :) nanti kirim listnya aja nanti coba aku cari hrgnya ^^
Deletehihihi.. kapan2 liburan kesana lhoo.. kan tiketnya skrg lbh terjangkau XD
waah assik nya bisa ke korea ^^
ReplyDeleteminta price list nya ya : kawaii.reiko@gmail.com
arigatou <3 <3
sent ^__^ do itashimashite
DeleteKyaa I'm envy lol xD Have a wonderful trip yaa :)
ReplyDeleteBtw, kirimin pricelist nya ke aku juga dong, lala_odob@yahoo.com
kamsahamnida ^^
sent ^_^ thankyouu XD
Deletene~ anieyo ^^
you should take a lot pictures when you arrived ^^
ReplyDeleteand share it with us :)
pengen bgt ke korea juga >.<
ooo ya kirimin pricelist nya ya, aku mau ceki2 juga ^^
thank you xiao vee ^^
yesssss definitely i'll! :D :D :D
Deletemulai nabung dr skrg aja ^^
okee sent ;) you're welcome
I am soooo excited for youuu and ofcourse, so JEALOUS of you T_T please take care on your trip and say Hi to Super Junior for me <3 hahaha just kidding. PS, love your blog ^^
ReplyDeletethan youuuu ^_____^ yeaahh hopefully i can meet them personally XD *slapped *you wish
Deletethank you dear :D
hi :) I'm you new reader >.<
ReplyDeleteboleh minta pricelistnya??
ke meylisa.agustina@yahoo.com :)
makasih sebelumnya :)
sent ^__^
Deletecan you give me the price list too??^^
ReplyDeletethis is my email :
sent ^__^
Deleteah senangnyaa bisa kesana ^^
ReplyDeleteeh aku mau yaa price listnya.. kali aja ada yg lucu2.. heheh...
tolong kirim ke rillaz@gmail.com yah..
sent ^___^
Deletesama2 XD
wahhh, kapan yah bisa ke Korea jugaaaa....
ReplyDeletetolong kirim price listnya ke aku yah :
harga skin79 yg hot pink disana brp yah? kalau tahu infokan yah Vee ;D
sent :D
Deleteokee aku cari dulu :)
gimme a pricelist :D ! kristahariyanto@hotmail.com
ReplyDeletesent :D
Deletemau donk pricelistnya ^^ di wind.atree@yahoo.com thanks ya, oh ya jgn sampe kalap belanja ya sampe disana hehehee
ReplyDeletesent :D
Deleteyeah hopefully *___* LOL
aku mau pricelistnya jugaaa :D
sent :D
Deletewoaaa.... bikin iriii.. pasti kalap tuh ya nanti belanja di sana.. hihihihi..
ReplyDeleteaku kadang transit 8 jam-an di bandara qatar (dari jakarta-yaman). biasanya siiih.. ngafe, makan, internetan.. cari tempat nyaman yang bisa buat tidur/selonjoran..jalan2 keliling dury free.. klo suami travel sendiri malah kadang ke lounge/vip area-nya.. bayar sih.. tapi enak katanya.. bisa mandi segala.. :)
anyway.. kirimin dong pricelist nya..ke widiandita@yahoo.com
woahhhh.. kerennya bandara qatar *____*
Deletesent ^^
ooo...enaknya bisa ke korea..
ReplyDeleteI want go to korea so badly...Happy for you..
tlg kirim price listnya ke wei.goddess15@gmail.com
Thank you so much.
thankyouu ^^
Deletesent :D
sent me the price list please~ annisa.rahmadina@gmail.com
ReplyDeletesent :D
Deletekakk... minta pricelistnya yaa..... primashovia.mjg@gmail.com, thanks
ReplyDeleteMet jalan2..... :)
thanks :D udh dikirim ya ^^
DeleteAku boleh minta pricelistnya juga? Kirim ke riezta_ma@yahoo.com , thanks :)
ReplyDeletemau dong pricelistnya.. :) sabrinatjo@gmail.com
sent :D
DeleteVee mau juga dong sayy..
ReplyDeleteKirim ke : kiki.eryel@gmail.com
Makasih loh ya..
Pulang jalan-jalan, jangan lupa posting foto2nya yaaaaa...
heheh.. have a nice trip darl..
sent :D
DeleteI want that pricelist ;)
Have a nice trip
sent :D
Deleteaku jg mw dikirim'n dong pricelistnya :D
thx :*
sent ;D
Deleteboleh minta pricelist-nya? thanks ya. inimutiara@gmail.com
ReplyDeletesent :D
Deletemau dong, karinbelu@yahoo.com makasih.....
ReplyDeletesent ya :)
Deletehi xiao vee ^^
ReplyDeleteplease send your price list to my email : marschmellofun@gmail.com
sorry it's too late >.< I just closed the pre order session four days ago.. :(