
Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Beauty Diary Mask Sheet - Southern France Apricot Mask [review]

Helloooooooo everyone ^^
I'm sorry i was sooo busy lately >_< 
this is my first review for this month.. 
This is My Beauty Diary Mask Sheet - Southern France Apricot Mask
Honestly, this is my first time to use MBD mask sheet ^^
so i'm quite excited to review this one :D
simple yet quite cute package.. looks like a letter in Ancient Chinese Culture ^^
FYI, My Beauty Diary is a famous brand from Taiwan :)
Many people satisfied with this brand, and MBD released many cute and useful mask sheets for daily use! If you're living in Indonesia, the retail price is around IDR 15,000-25,000.
I got this mask sheet from my friend for free =)

Description from =

My Beauty Diary Southern France Apricot Mask softens, smooths and highly moisturizes the skin.
Apricot extract from southern France provides excellent moisturizing effect. It quenches the thirst of skin, leaving dry skin keenly comfortable. The skin surface will be inscrutably velvety to the touch.
Added with extracts of highly moisturizing grain, such as oat, job's tears and hydrolyzed rice protein, it gives more in-depth nourishing and nursing effect to dry skin. The stratum corneum is fully soaked in moisturizing ingredients. It maintains skin’s suppleness, elasticity, fairness and clearness.
It is suitable for normal skin. It is especially recommended for dry skin and combination skin that tends towards dryness.

how to use it

  1. After cleansing and toning steps, tear off the package of the mask and gently place it on the face.
  2. Leave on for about 20 – 30 minutes. Then remove the mask.
  3. Massage the remains, if any, into the skin. Follow with normal skin care procedure.

suitable for
dry and delicate skin / combination skin

I was quite surprised with the mask sheet.. It contains two masks! The one is the mask itself, and the rest is plastic cover for the mask sheet. I thrown the plastic cover to garbage bin, it's only for protection to the essence of mask, isn't? o_O (help me if i'm wrong).

And, I was quite shock when read the back side of the package.. 2010.10.05? What the meaning of this? o.O 
UPDATE: I already know the meaning XD 2010.10.05 is the manufactured date and 2013.10.05 is the expired date ^^

 Annnnddd... it's time to try this mask :p
cam whoring :P
after 20 minutes, I peeled of the mask and my skin feel so refresh, and quite moisturized!
my skin after used the MBD mask sheet
My verdict = my skin didn't feel any significant progress after used the mask sheet.. only feel hydrated and refresh.. but it's only temporary..

What I love <3
+ it's hydrated my skin
+ didn't break out my skin
+ soften my skin
+ refreshed my skin

What I hate </3
- the effect was only temporary

Rating: 3.5/5

Re-purchase? Maybe.. I want to try other series of MBD :)


  1. MBD mask emang manyuus, apalagi variannya banyak en tersedia buat berbagai macem jenis kulit juga. Eniwei, biasanya kalo beauty product tuh pake nya tanggal pembuatan aka manufactured date, kecuali di kemasan emang ditulis expired date nya. CMIIW

    1. pengen coba yg lainnya jg ^^ hehe
      nah itu sis.. kalo manufactured date nya 2010.. trs baru kupakai thn 2012.. kira2 udh kadaluarsa belum ya? >,<

  2. itu tanggal pembuatannya say..yang sebelahnya tanggal expirednya (kalau setauku begitu :p)
    You still look so cute even when you use a mask *envy you* :p

    1. ooohh expirednya thn 2013 >,< *lega*
      huahaha.. masa sih c? ='-'= thankss
      cc jg slalu cute loh ^^ hehe

  3. itu soflens apa sai??
    *salah fokus*

  4. I know some Asian (especially Korean) cosmetics tend to print the manafacturing date on their products so I think this is the same. The other numbers on it is probably the production batch code.

  5. My beauty diary mask become a hit on beauty world rite now. wanna get this too :)

    anw, i give u award :)

    1. yeeah :D i wanna get other series too ^^

      aww thank you >___< <3


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