
Friday, April 20, 2012

L.A Colors Artist's Eye Palette 50 eyeshadows [Review]

Hellooooo pretties ^^
Today i would like to share my thoughts about La Colors Artist Eye Palette 50 eyeshadow in Inspiration!

If i'm not mistaken, this series has 2 various of palette.. Inspiration and Abstract :)
Mine is in Inspiration.. I bought it for around $14 from local online shop. $14 for 50 eyeshadows?? I was so tempted and finally bought this >_<

This palette include eyeshadow matte colors and glitters colors.. mostly in glitters..
(honestly, i was shocked when look at their glitters eyeshadows.. i was thinking they're shimmer eyeshadows T-T not glitters.. OTL)
I will swatch them one by one, start from right side ^^ I have numbered every row so it won't confuse you :D

every eyeshadow has bubble pattern on their surface.. cute ^^
Ok.. let's start!! =)
1st and 2nd row.. glitter eyeshadows

3rd and 4th row.. matte eyeshadows

5th and 6th row.. glitter eyeshadows

7th and 8th eyeshadow.. glitter eyeshadow

9th row.. glitter eyeshadow; 10th row is matte eyeshadow
swatches on a piece of tissue ^^

chalky T_T
behind the scene.. LOL :P
as you can see.. the glitters on the cotton.. 
Verdict = the colors are mostly pigmented.. no need eye base or primer to makes their colors pop up! You just need to swipe more than once to make the colors more visible! 
I admit that their colors are pretty.. and I just hoping there is eyeshadow palette in matte colors.. T-T (I don't have enough courage to use glitter colors in public area).

What I love <3
+ the colors are mostly pigmented
+ has 50 eyeshadows in one package
+ affordable!
+ light weighted (easy to carry)

What I hate </3
- chalky
- lack of matte colors (it's the matter of preference, lol)

Rating: 4/5

Re-purchase? I don't think so.. I'm not sure can finish this one :p
Maybe someday i will buy other palette..

Have you tried La Colors' eyeshadow palette? Let me know what you think ^^
Thanks for reading <3


  1. ini belinya dimana sist?
    di fb atau langsung ke tokonya.
    kalau ada fb nya bisa minta linknya?
    kena racun kayanya nih, jadi pengen beli juga :D

    km aku tag yah di post yg ini ^^

    1. aku beli di FB: D'beauty core sis :D

      ooo thx yaa ^^

  2. wogh warnannya banyak banget >:D

  3. Made in mana beb? *ngiler pengen beli* lol :P

    1. brand US, made in china ^^
      sama seperti E.L.F say xD makanya bs murmer..

  4. coba pas mau apply eyeshadownya, habis brushnya dicolek ke eyeshadownya trus kamu ketok2 dlu biar glitternya rontok.. bisa ngurangin kehebohan glitternya kok.. :)

    1. oooohhh gitu ya sis :O
      thx buat infonya yaa ^-^

  5. waa...pigmentasinya oke juga, murce pula $14 dapet 50 warna. jauh lebih mending ini daripada f21 palet ku yang parh bgt kalo ga pake primer >.<

    1. f21 itu apa sis?
      hahaha iya menurutku jg worthed banget ini ^_^ harganya jg murce..hehehe

  6. ih iyaa yaa ini kok glittery gitu ya mnding kalo shimmery atau satin finish .. coba dong review di apply di matta aku pngen tau dy ngeblendnya gmn .. *keracunan*

    1. XD i'll try it soon and make update ^_^ hehe

  7. Huwaaaa,, aku baru baca review iniiii..

    Btw, aku pakai LA Colors 10 colors eyeshadow (Warm)
    ini juga belom abis2... hahahaha..
    Jadi pengen nyoba yang kamuuu loh.. XD
    Banyak banget warnanyaaa >.< *MUPENG*

  8. wahhh jd pnasaran sama yg warm jg xD
    iyaa ini warnanya banyaakk ^^


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