
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ellips Hair Vitamin Hair Treatment [review]

Hello girls ^^ today i would like to share about my favorite hair treatment :D
Maybe most of you already know this product..
Ellips Hair Vitamin -- Hair Treatment / Perawatan Rambut Rusak --

Description on the package:
the combination of jojoba oil, UV protection, Pro Vitamin B5, and Vitamin A, C, E helps treat damaged hair structure & reduce split end caused by hair blow-drying, curling, coloring, rebonding. Hair looks healthier, manageable and shiny.

I bought this product to give some vitamin to my hair ^^
And give some treatment to my damaged hair..
I'm not a iron curling, or hair straightener girl.. rarely use heat tool for my hair, but i always feel dry on my hair after i wash my hair, beside of that, pollution and sunshine make my hair become dull and have some split-ends :(
so i think i need a "leave-on vitamin" like this one :)

This is my 2nd purchase and only around 10 pcs left inside ^^
(1 bottle contains 50 capsules @ 1 ml)

Direction for use:
1. clean your hair and let it half dry
2. open one / two ellips capsules onto your hand, or as much as needed
3. wipe onto your hair throughly
3. Leave it dry

the texture of the capsule is like fish oil capsule, all you need is just squeeze the capsule to get the essence, then.. apply it on your hair (concentrate to split-ends)

Verdict = I love this product ^^ easy to dry, without any greasy feeling on my hair. Makes my hair healthier, less of split-ends, and shiny :)

What I love <3
+ makes my hair healthier
+ quite cheap (around $3 or IDR 30.000)
+ less frizzy
+ less split-ends
+ easy to find in supermarket / drugstore

What I hate </3
- nothing atm ^^

Rating: 4/5

Repurchase? of course! :D

PS: I think this product is only can be found in Indonesia..

Have you tried this ellips hair vitamin? ^^
thanks for reading! :D


  1. nice review. will prolly try this, later.. ^_^

  2. aku juga suka pake elips, tp dulu hehe ^^

    1. lho skrg knp udh ga sis? :D udh pake produk lain kah?

    2. aku suka males sis :p dulu rambutku bermasalah, alias jabrik2 tapi sejak creambath tiap bulan jadi ga bermasalah lg hehe ^^ kecuali agak rontok aja hehe. blm nemu solusinya ^^

  3. i'd love this product too <3
    i have two bottle of this product, but in yellow color. i just afraid if I run it out too fast

    come and see my blog if you have time <3

    1. yellow itu fungsinya utk apa yah say? ^^
      lol XD mine is running out too..

      okayy ^^

  4. Aku pernah juga dulu pake yg warna kuning, pertama nya cocok tapi lama-lama jadi gak cocok karena greasy bgt di aku, rambut malah jd cepet lepek huhuhu


  5. aku juga dulu pake ellips yang warna kuning, masih banyak dibotolnya tapi aku udah gak pake lagi.

  6. say, menurutmu bagusan ini atau Makarizo Advisor Hair Recovery?

    1. hmmm... aku pake dua2nya sih :D kalo yg ini bagusnya setelah keramas dan rambut 50% kering.. kalo yg makarizo itu aku pake sebelum keluar rumah krn bs ngelindungin dari sinar matahari ^^


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